A list of right or powers.
( Mens.) The counting, singly or together, of individuals of one or more species in a forest crop and their classification by species, size, condition, etc. ( BCFT modif.). Enumeration may be complete (total) or partial (sample); a partial enumeration may by carried out on separate sample plots or in strips or lines. See Survey, strip. Syn. Forest inventory; Stocktaking. Cf. Cruise; Survey, forest.
the act of counting; "the counting continued for several hours"
a collection of named constants which are backed by an integer value from one of the built in integer types
a distinct type that consists of a set of named constants called the enumetor list
a distinct value type, consisting of a set of named constants (called the enumerator list)
a list of allowable values for a particular text-only element or attribute
a list of possible choices for a property
a list of possible values
a list of values with each represented by a name
an itemization listing of constants in code
a related set of constants
a set of constants, usually representing a fixed set of choices
a set of named constant integers
a special kind of user-defined value type, which represents a type that has a small list of allowable values
a special type integer variable that can only hold a set of values specified by the programmer
a special type of constant that automatically assigns values to its members
a unique type that consists of a set of constants called enumerators
a way of declaring a set of integer constants
a way to create some related constants
a way to define a series of constants
A listing of rights, or steps.
a group of related, named constants
A method of declaring a related group of constants. You declare an enumeration in Visual Basic using the Enum statement.
the process of preparing or updating the List of Electors for an upcoming election. This process includes going door-to-door to ensure every person eligible to vote is on the List.
Listing or counting, such as a census.
Forming a numbered list or listing words that illustrate a situation or an idea.
Listing and counting, such as in a census
list of people, as in a census.
The process of the compilation of the list of all eligible voters.
A list of named values used as the range of a particular attribute type. For example, Color = {Red, Green, Blue}.
A list of named constants. Enumerated values need not be unique. However the name of each value must be unique within the scope where the enumeration is defined. In ADO, enumerations are used for numeric parameter and return values, to add meaning to ADO code and to shield the developer from the numeric values (which may change from version to version). For example, to open a static Recordset, use the adOpenStatic enumerated value: Recordset.Open ,,adOpenStatic Also referred to as enumerated constant. See also constant.
The gathering of a comprehensive list of principals, teachers, students and parents, and their relationship to a particular school. The fall 2003 enumeration also involved the collection of class schedules for teachers and students.
In mathematics and theoretical computer science, an enumeration of a set is a either a procedure for listing all members of the set in some definite sequence, or a count of objects of a specified kind. The two kinds of enumeration often, but not always, overlap.