Research that examines phenomenon through the numerical representation of observations and statistical analysis.
research in which information is collected from respondents and converted into numbers.
Research focused on statistical analysis of objective data, generally gathered through the use of surveys to large groups.
Research which seeks to make measurements as distinct from qualitative research.
Market research that concentrates on statistics and other numerical data, gathered through opinion polls, customer satisfaction surveys and so on. Compare 'qualitative research'
Quantitative research generally converts observations into discrete units that can be compared to other units by statistical analysis, it focuses on explanation, prediction and proof.
Research that measures (quantifies) responses to a structured questionnaire, conducted either through telephone, face-to-face structured interviews, on the Internet or through self completion surveys.
controls possible answers and allows for statistical analysis of data (p. 143)
A research technique in which scientific, concrete, and projectable numerical data that can be statistically analyzed is gathered, often from large samples; also called hard data.
Collection of numerical data in order to describe, explain, predict, and/or control phenomena of interest.
Methods for collecting data that can be used for statistical analysis. Respondents complete a questionnaire designed to gather numerical information— how many units have been bought, which brands have been used, how strongly are certain attitudes or perceptions held. With sample sizes of 100 or more, data is statistically valid and, therefore, representative of a specific population (see Sample). With larger samples, data can be analyzed across customer groups (see Cross-tabulation). Additional statistical techniques can determine behavioral or attitudinal drivers or identify target customer groups (see AnswerTree and Cluster Analysis).
Types of research which deal primarily with quantifiable numbers. For example, users may use a system and then be presented with a scale to rate some aspect of what they accomplished. These ratings can be averaged over many users. The "score" is able to tell the developer how users feel about a particular feature, or about the system in general. Rapid Prototyping Prototypes developed rapidly, either as paper prototypes, or by using a variety of prototyping software.
produces data that can be statistically analysed and results that can be expressed numerically (166)
Empirical research in which the researcher explores relationships using numeric data. Survey is generally considered a form of quantitative research. Results can often be generalized, though this is not always the case.
research described in numerical terms
research which measures people's reaction to products, attitudes, buying behaviour, etc. Results are primarily in the form of figures or percentages.
A study that aims to quantify attitudes or behaviours, measure variables on which they hinge, compare, and point out correlations. It is most often conducted via a survey on a sampling that must be representative so that the results can be extrapolated to the entire population studied. It requires the development of standardised and codifiable measurement instruments (structured questionnaires).
Research which sets out to collect data which can be quantified, and then analysed statistically.
Said of variables or research that can be handled numerically. Usually (too sharply) contrasted with qualitative variables and research.
Research designed to gather objective information from representative, random samples of respondents; results are expressed in numerical terms (e.g., 35 percent are aware of X and 65 percent are not). Quantitative data are used to draw conclusions about the target audience.
Quantitative research seeks to establish objective information about consumer preferences and is designed to generate projectable numerical data about a subject. When quantitative research is designed, consideration is given to the sample size required to generate robust measurable data.
Research that uses mathematical analysis to statistically estimate the viewpoints of the population by providing percentages and averages. Quantitative research is typically conducted through telephone interviews, mail surveys, web surveys and intercepts.
Research that focuses on measuring and counting facts and the relationships among variables, and that seeks to describe observations through statistical analysis of data. It includes experimental and non-experimental research and descriptive research (research that attempts to describe the characteristics of a sample or population).
derived from the word quantity, this form of research focuses on evaluating a human or social problem, and is based on testing a theory that is composed of variables, measured with numbers, and analyzed with statistical processes to determine whether the predictive generalizations of the theory hold true. See: qualitative research.
Is concerned with the tabulation or numeric relevance of various kinds of behaviour. "Quantitative" is primary concerned with " Why"
A methodology by which data is expressed in terms of the percentage or raw numbers of respondents who gave a particular response. Quantitative research generally allows for a larger sample size than qualitative research and tends to be based on 'closed' questions where respondents select from a range of pre-defined answers.
The gathering and analysing of measurable data.
Research that aims to measure opinion in a statistically valid way, where the limits to the reliability of the measures can be accurately specified. Used at the main survey stage in CSM.
Research that is objective and relies on statistical analysis, such as surveys.
Information from all (or a sub-sample) of individuals within a target population through structured procedures, with the intent of generalizing the findings to the larger population.
A research method based on collecting statistical data through questionnaires or surveys to help researchers determine the public opinion.
quantitative research seeks to measure or count particular things. Much of social science uses quantitative methods, social surveys, for example. News reports that tell us 70% of people do, or think, this and that, are based on quantitative methods. Although often seen as conceptually incompatible with qualitative approaches, it is perhaps more useful to think of a continuum between qualitative and quantitative methods.
Research aimed at producing data that can be statistically analysed and whose results can be expressed numerically. p. 169
type of research which uses numbers for data and statistics to analyze results
Research that tests a hypothesis. It tests relationships between variables, often with statistical data.
Research used to statistically estimate the viewpoint of a population providing estimates of percentages or averages. This research usually employs larger samples and takes less of the respondent's time. Telephone surveys, mail surveys, intercept surveys, central location studies, in-home use studies, and door-to-door studies are all used in quantitative research.
Research conducted for the purpose of obtaining empirical evaluations.
Sociological research methods that are based on the goal of scientific objectivity and focus on data that can be measured numerically.
Quantitative research is the systematic scientific investigation of quantitative properties and phenomena and their relationships. Quantitative research is widely used in both the natural and social sciences, from physics and biology to sociology and journalism.