The specific population intended as beneficiaries of a program. This will be either all or a subset of potential users, such as adolescents, pregnant women, rural residents, or the residents of a particular geographic area.
The finite population the survey intends to cover.
The intended beneficiaries (individuals, households, groups, firms) of an intervention. An intervention may have more than one target population. This term should be distinguished from "population" in the statistical sense. See also intervention, population, stakeholders.
The intended beneficiaries of a grant-supported service project. Also known as client population.
The group of people a researcher wants to study; also called the universe.
A species or population singled out for attention because of its harvest significance or cultural value, or because it represents a significant group of ecological functions in a particular habitat type.
The population, clients, or subjects intended to be identified and served by the program.
The basic term for the population that is being studied.
The target population is the specific population of people whom a particular program or practice is designed to serve or reach.
The group a researcher wishes to study. Also known as a study population. See Random sample.
The group of people you are trying to reach with a particular strategy or activity.
Those individuals or organizations about which one wishes to make inferences on the basis of the survey results.
(or scope) the group of statistical units we ideally want to collect information from.
The total collection of a population that is scheduled to enter a given instructional program.
the population that is being studied. Ideally, the target population should be fully represented within the sampling frame.
Groups of people with disabilities with attributes considered most in need of services available within the service system. For example, the State Plan, identified adults with severe and persistent mental illness and children with serious emotional disturbance as members of target populations.
The population about which conclusions are to be inferred.
The numerator (cases) and denominator (population sample meeting specified criteria) of the measure.
The group of persons whose health status is expected to be directly improved by the project.
Collection of individuals, items, measurements, etc. about which we want to make inferences: the term is sometimes used to indicate the population from which a sample is drawn and sometimes to denote any reference population about which inferences are required Group of persons for whom an intervention is planned Last, 1988
The audience defined in age, background, ability, and preferences, among other things, for which a given course of instruction is intended.
The population to which the investigator wishes to generalize.