Statistical data on social and economic status of human populations including age, gender, income, education, type of residence, marital status, etc.
statistics of distribution and density
Characteristics of a group of readers. These could include age, income, gender and household type (for consumer titles); or job title, company size and industry sector (for business-to-business titles)
information regarding such things as birth and death rates of a population.
Statistics. Commonly refers to statistical information required by certain businesses (especially chain stores) regarding a possible new location.
Demographic variables, e.g. sex, age, marital status and social grade, normally comprise a large part of the classification data obtained in market research interviews.
Description of a population, especially with reference to size and density, fertility, mortality, growth, age distribution, gender and race/ethnic makeup, migration, and the interaction of all these with social and economic conditions.
The analysis of data used by advertising agencies to target an audience by sex, age, income level, marital status, geographic location, and occupation.
descriptive characteristics of consumers (p. 163)
A method of segmenting people based on objective and quantifiable characteristics of a population such as age, gender, income, ethnicity, occupation, education level, parental status, or marital status.
Statistical data usually referring to the number, age, income, and socioeconomic status of a population group these statistics help government and private business anticipate what a community will look like and what its needs will be in the future. For example, the knowing number of families with children who live in or may move to an area helps determine if new schools must be built.
Study of total size, sex, regional distribution, age, and other characteristics of human populations.
The characteristics of a population; the information refers to factors such as income level, racial mix, education level, and cultural characteristics
statistical characteristics by census reference; the creation of averages for a population, as a community, in terms of age, income, education, lifestyle, and other statistical measures; analysis and presentation of a geographic area or place as a population, an accounting for its number of households, an accounting for its numbers generated by in/out migration, and a profiling of its groups of people. Sometimes laborforce and/or workforce analysis is a part of the process of creating demographics. Demographics is one of the three areas of information about a community that are usually most-important to economic development prospects during their evaluations for startups, expansions, or relocations all three are listed in the SLA/Tool Box under project specification forms. More about demographics in the EDN demographics file. Demographics is further defined in Economic also. has a definition of demographics defined definition of population analysis defined definition of demographic data defined that includes information about area labor
The characteristics that define a particular group of people
The statistical characteristics of human populations and households (such as age or income.)
Information about the vital statistics of population groups such as age, sex, education, income, ethnicity, etc.
Information about the sample that includes areas such as age, sex, social class, presence of children, etc.
The statistical data of a population (e.g., average age, income, education).
A set of information which defines the category of user. Demographics may include such things as age, race, gender, educational attainment, employment type, or even what disabilities a user may have. It is important that the demographics of users who test the system be similar to the demographics of end users.
Characteristics defining a particular group of people - for example, age, sex, income, education, type of residence, etc.
Statistical analysis of the population by splitting it into groups such as age, sex, education level, etc.
Population groups identified by age, sex and/or ethnicity. There are two types: Discrete Demographics, which do not overlap (e.g., Men and/or Women 18-24, 25-34 and 35-44), and Target Demographics, which are broader and indicate the audience group to which the station's programming is aimed (e.g., Men and/or Women 18+, 18-34 and 25-49).
Specific population characteristics such as age, income, sex, occupation, etc.
Consumer mailing lists - Socioeconomic characteristics, e.g. age, income and home ownership.
A term used to describe audience classification (for a specific population group) by characteristics such as age, sex, education, occupation etc.
Social and economic information about human populations including age, sex, income, education, type of residence, ownership of cars, etc.
statistics based on population related factors eg. age, gender, marital status.
statistical data relating to the population and the groups within it
Information such as income, family size and educational level – usually collected by the US Bureau of Census – on neighborhoods that can be applied, on average, to households. As it depicts the average household, the information is not accurate for particular households.
An audience analysis technique that divides the audience into groups based on such identifiable traits as age, sex, race, income level, political party affiliation, and religious affiliation.
Characteristics of a population. Economists and sociologists use demographics to study patterns of a group within a population that has similar traits. For example, if country X has an increase in the number of women in the labor force, more labor hours are available to produce goods and services. This may boost country X’s productive capacity and consequently its GDP. Another example is income distribution. Some economists argue that countries with a more equal income distribution tend to grow faster than those with large disparities in income. When studying demographics, it is important to consider whether demographics are a cause or result of economic growth.
Objective population characteristics such as geographic areas, sex, age, income level, education, family size, dwelling type, and other vital statistics used for market research, and other types of sociological analyses.
Demographics are the DNA of marketing: age, gender, income, profession, marital status, location, and so on. Advertisers rely on demographics to help decide which sites are most likely to help them reach their specific audience. Knowing your audience demographic not only helps you sell ads, it also lets you know who your users are and what they want.
Statistics relating to a group of any given population, such as users of a web site.
The common characteristics of a group of people such as gender, age, postcode, income and so on. It allows you to segment the population and therefore target your advertising.
Statistics about customers that refer to external life patterns - such as age, sex, income level, education, size of family, etc.
Statistics and information on the subscribers/members/buyers such as age, income, presence of children, etc.
Objective characteristics of consumers such as age, income, education, sex or occupation (Assael.)
the study of, or information about, people's lifestyles, habits, population movements, spending, age, social grade, employment, etc., in terms of the consuming and buying public; anyone selling to the consumer sector will do better through understanding relevant demographic information.
population characteristics such as race/ethnicity, age, education level, residence.
measurements of various characteristics of the people and social groups who make up a society.
a breakdown of the population into various groups; tied in with market segmentation
Statistics on such subjects as age, income, marital status, recreational habits, and ethnic customs for people who live within a given geographical area.
The characteristics of the population including age, income, sex, occupation, education ,etc. used in determining a target media.
Objective characteristics used to describe populations, such as age, income, education and geographical location. Demographic variables are commonly used in marketing for the purposes of market segmentation.
A profile of customer's socio-economic characteristics such as age, sex, status etc.
The age and gender make-up of a TV audience, of key importance to advertisers. (also known as Demos)
Audience breakdown baased on various quantifiable characteristics such as age, sex, income, education, etc.
Individual and aggregate statistics about a population, such as sex, age, height, etc. Demographics are founded on relatively unquestionable, objective facts, unlike Psychographics, which are built on attitudes and behaviors.
key characteristics of a group of people, such as age, sex, income, and where they live
Describing an audience by age, gender, ethnicity, location - ie the facts about them
Measurable characteristics of media consumers such as age, gender, race, education and income level.
Audience breakdown based on various characteristics such as age, sex, income, education, etc. (Abbr: Demos)
The data collected on a particular group such as income, education level, sex, race, entertainment interests, age and so forth.
Socio-economic characteristics pertaining to a geographic unit (city, postal codes, group of households, education, ethnicity, income level, etc.)
The physical characteristics of human populations and segments of populations, often used to identify consumer markets. Demographics can include information such as age, gender, marital status, education, and geographic location. See also psychographics.
The description of outward traits that characterize a group of people, such as age, sex, nationality, marital status, education, occupation or income. Decisions on market segmentation are often based on demographic data.
The break-down of the population in terms of age, gender, race, income etc.
Common characteristics used for describing a population. Typical demographic data points include age, gender, marital status, occupation and income.
Statistical population data including age, sex, location, education, occupation, income etc.
description of the vital statistics or objective and quantifiable characteristics of an audience or population. Demographic designators include age, marital status, income, family size, occupation, and personal or household characteristics such as age, sex, income, or educational level.
refers to physical characteristics or attributes of a population such as age, gender, marital status, family size, educational attainment and background, geographic location, occupation and income capability, etc. The information acquired from demographic surveys are used in making profiles of a target audience in relation to a planned marketing effort or proposal.
Objective and quantifiable population data that are easily identifiable and measurable.
Statistics denoting the personal and socioeconomic characteristics of a particular segment of the market. The statistics cover characterstics such as age, gender, income level, nationality, and religion. Contributed by: MarcommWise Staff
common characteristics used for population segmentation including age, gender, post code, and income
those characteristics that define a particular group of people, including HHI, age, education level, family size, etc.
Description of an audience by age, sex, education, etc. Duplication The extent to which two media vehicles have a common audience.
The characteristics of human populations and population segments, especially when used to identify consumer markets.( Back to the top)
Statistical data that describes the makeup of a given user base, and includes information such as age range, gender, education levels, and average household income.
A means of separating customers into groups by factors such as age, gender, income, or education.
the characteristics of a population (e.g., sex, race, age, geographic location).
This is data that contains aggregate information of a specific group of households such as income, house size, buying patterns, education, etc.
The vital statistics of a population group or a derived sample, such as: age, sex, education, ethnic heritage, education, income, housing, etc.
Socio-economic characteristics pertaining to a geographic unit. Can include country, city, postal code, group of households, education, ethnicity, and income level.
Demographics of a Website's visitors are a breakdown of their visitor statistics based upon geographical location, age, sex, income, education etc. You can see the type of visitors that website has and decide for yourself if they are your targeted customers or not.
Characteristics that help create a profile of exhibitors and attendees. May include company location, job function, purchase budget, or purchase intentions.
Descriptive audience statistics that reflect consumer qualities like age, sex, race, income, residence, and education level.
Statistics and facts, such as age, sex, marital status, occupation, and income, that describe a human population.
The characteristics of a specific population, such as a set of potential customers.
Physical data on readers of a magazine, such as gender, age, education, household income, geographic location.
Characteristics of human populations as defined by population size and density of regions, population growth rates, migration, vital statistics, and their effect on socio-economic conditions.
statistics representing the range and composition of your target audience, such as total market size and distribution of age, gender, education, income, computer experience, occupation, nationality, and system configurations.
The characteristics of a (student) population, such as name, address, phone, parent/guardian names, and test scores.
The statistical characteristics of human populations such as age, race and gender.
Non-medical characteristics of participants, commonly determined at the beginning of a clinical trial. Demographic characteristics include age, sex, and occupation.
n. the study of the characteristics of human populations, such as size, growth, density, distribution, and vital statistics.
Descriptive information on an audience, usually the vital statistics of age and sex.
Common characteristics used for population segmentation. Typical demographic data points include age, gender, postal code, and income.
The characteristics of the population such as age, income, ethnicity, etc
The study of the statistics of populations, such as births, marriages, and population movements and concentrations.
Objective criteria for classifying consumers, such as age, income, and marital status.
Basic objective descriptive classifications of consumers, such as their age, sex, income, education, size of household, ownership of home, etc.
Data about the size and characteristics of audience.
Socioeconomic characteristics pertaining to a geographic unit (county, city, sectional center, ZIP code, group of households, etc.)
tatistical characteristics of a population analyzed and presented in such terms as head-count, growth, number of households, income, labor force, workforce, etc. Demographic analysis is an activity that distinguishes the location/site selection process from the real estate site selection process because its helps answer critical pre-investment questions about the availability of potential qualified employees or, perhaps, potential customers. Department of Transportation See D.O.T. epreciation Reduction of value of an asset over time by the acknowledgement of such loss through an accounting process. The act of depreciating assets, as is usually done for tax purposes, is property depreciation.
It is an actual statistic that characterizes human populations broken down by age, job, sex, income, lifestyle, etc.
Statistics that profile specific characteristics of a human population, such as age, gender, income level, level of education, and region of the country.
Characteristics of one's readers, including sex, age, income, home ownership, presence of children, industry, job title and others. Controlled business titles often gather extensive demographic information on individuals and their companies for advertising and ancillary marketing purposes. In recent years, consumer titles have also moved toward capturing customer demographics because of shrinking prospect universes, cost efficiency pressures and ancillary marketing goals.
Information about the so-called vital statistics, such as age, gender, marital status, income, education, and location.
Information about the vital data (age, sex, address) for a borrower.
Information about human populations based on statistics such as number, age, sex, occupation, etc.
Socio-economic characteristics of customers, such as age, sex, status,which builds a profile of an individual/ business.
Statistics that describe a population in terms of personal characteristics.
Factual information about a grouping of Internet users, such as income and education levels, age and occupation.
The characteristics of human population segments. These characteristics are often used to identify consumer markets and drive relevant offers to them.
Demographic characteristics or "demos." It is a broad term that refers to the various social and economic characteristics of a group of households or a group of individuals. It refers to characteristics such as the number of members in a household, age, type of employment, occupation, education, and individual and household income.
Macro-economic information around a business; population, income, major traffic generators, etc. See also, economic demand generator.
The characteristics of human populations and population segments that influence the consumption of products and services. They include age, sex, race, family size, education level, occupation, income, and location of residence.
Characteristics of a population including age, sex, income, households, etc.
Demographics pertain to vital statistics, such as age income education and other personal characteristics of the respondent.
Characteristics of the population that influence consumption of products and services. They include age, sex, race, family size, level of education, occupation, income and location of residence.
Breakdown of television viewers by such factors as age, sex, income levels, education and race.
Basic descriptors used to classify respondents - such as age, sex, marital status, occupation, social grade etc
Statistical data that describes the makeup of a given user base, and includes information such as IP Address. Demographic data is one of the tools used to match ad space with an advertising campaign.
Evaluation of housing requirements based on family size, ages, occupations, marital status and other population characteristics.
Refers to the statistical data of a population, such as average age, income, education, etc.
Demographics is a shortened term for 'population characteristics'. Demographics include race, age, income, mobility (in terms of travel time to work or number of vehicles available), educational attainment, home ownership, employment status, and even location. Distributions of values within a demographic variable, and across households, are both of interest, as well as trends over time.