The study of dynamical changes in the sizes, densities, and distributions of populations.
Statistical study of human populations. Term demographics refers to data collected or produced.
The study of a group of people, including its size, how old different members are, what sex and race different members belong to, how many people are married, how many years they went to school, etc.
Statistical science dealing with the distribution, density, etc. of populations
The study of populations from the standpoint of their vital statistics.
The study of human populations, including size and age/sex composition. Also involves studies of factors such as fertility, mortality, migration, nuptiality, etc.
A subfield of sociology that examines population size, composition, and distribution.
The studies of population trends (growth, movement, development, and so on). People who perform such studies and make projections from them.
the science of vital and social statistics
The size and composition of groups or populations, as determined by the births, deaths, immigrations, and emigrations of individuals.
The systematic analysis of population.
the branch of sociology that studies the characteristics of human populations
The study of populations including their size, age-sex composition, distribution, density, growth, natality, mortality, nuptiality, migration, and any other characteristics which may affect these factors.
The rate of growth and the age structure of populations, and the processes that determine these properties.
The study of populations, especially with reference to population size, density, fertility, mortality, growth, age distribution, migration, and vital statistics, and the interaction of all these with social and economic conditions See also: Epidemiology
the study of populations, especially their age structure and growth rates
the study of population and its characteristics, including its age structure, spatial distribution, growth patterns, social and economic characteristics, and ethnic composition.
Demography is a broad social science discipline concerned with the study of human populations. Demographers deal with the collection, presentation and analysis of data relating to the basic life-cycle events and experiences of people such as birth, marriage, ageing and migration.
The study of human populations, their sizes, compositions, distributions, densities, growth, and other characteristics. Also the study of change in these characteristics, and the causes and effects of such change.
The statistical science dealing with the distribution, density, vital statistics and so forth of a population.
the study of population trends; their size, distribution, structure and growth
The scientific study of human populations, including their size, composition, distribution, density, and growth as well as the causes and socioeconomic consequences of changes in these factors.
The scientific study of human populations. The field covers three main areas: (1) the size, growth, distribution and composition of populations; (2) the demographic processes (fertility, mortality and migration) which directly influence population size, growth, distribution and composition; (3) the relationships between these elements and processes and the environments (e.g. social, economic, political, cultural, technological, biophysical) within which they exist.
the study of population patterns which provides information such as statistics on birth, death and disease in a community.
is the study of the nature and structure of human populations including their distribution, age structure, composition, life styles, and change.
the study of population patterns which provides information such as statistics on birth, death, age, sex, marital status, family size, education, geographic location, occupation and disease.
A study of the population.
The study of the distribution, density, and vital statistics of populations.
The statistical study of population.
The study of the characteristics of human populations such as size, growth, density, distribution, and vital statistics.
the study of the processes which contribute to population structure and their temporal and spatial dynamics..
the study of human populations, in particular their size, composition, and distribution
The scientific study of human populations, including their sizes, compositions, distributions, densities, growth, and other characteristics, as well as the causes and consequences of changes in these factors.
The study of population. (p. 344)
the study of the characteristics of population groups ( demographics the characteristics of such groups usually expressed in statistical fashion).
The study of human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, sex, race, and nationality.
the study of birth rates, death rates, age distributions, and size of populations. It is a fundamental discipline within the larger field of population biology and ecology.
Demography is the scientific study of biological populations. It is a general science that can be applied to any kind of dynamic population, that is, one that changes over time or space (see population dynamics). It encompasses the study of the size, structure and distribution of populations, and spatial and/or temporal changes in them in response to birth, death, migration and ageing.