To examine and ascertain, as the boundaries and royalties of a manor, the tenure of the tenants, and the rent and value of the same.
A particular view; an examination, especially an official examination, of all the parts or particulars of a thing, with a design to ascertain the condition, quantity, or quality; as, a survey of the stores of a ship; a survey of roads and bridges; a survey of buildings.
The operation of finding the contour, dimensions, position, or other particulars of, as any part of the earth's surface, whether land or water; also, a measured plan and description of any portion of country, or of a road or line through it.
To map out and measure land. Land is surveyed before the construction of a building or a road, or any other structure.
A map or plat drawn by a licensed surveyor showing the measurements of a piece of land, its location and dimensions, and the location and dimensions of any improvements on the land. Back to the top
To ascertain facts regarding conditions or the condition of a situation usually in connection with the gathering of information.
A document that illustrates a property’s boundaries and measurements and the location of improvements (i.e. buildings), as well as easements and encroachments. (see also “Real Property Reportâ€) Tenancy in Common Condominium unit owners share ownership in the common property as “tenants in commonâ€. Both owners hold an undivided half interest in the property, but without rights of survivorship. (see also “Joint Tenancyâ€)
A drawing or map showing the boundaries of a property, easements, rights of way, encroachments, and other limits. The process of creating or verifying a survey map, usually required by a lender prior to making a loan.
Scaled graphic representation of a single parcel, showing its dimensions and the relative location of all structures on the property.
Official list of the holdings of a manor. (Bennett, Judith M. Women in the Medieval English Countryside, 235)
Land surveys (cadastral surveys). The process by which land boundaries and areas are determined and defined. Surveys are also used for locating and identifying property lines, improvements on the land and easements on the land. Surveys that cover so small a part of the earth's surface that its curvature need not be taken into account are called "plan surveys". Those in which the earth's curvature must be taken into account are called "plane surveys". Those in which the earth's curvature must be taken into account are called "geodesic surveys".
A map executed by a licensed surveyor, which sets down precisely the boundaries of a given property as well as improvements, references to known landmarks, and the property's notable features.
A determination and delineation of the form and position of a tract of land. Surveys are often named after the surveyor who makes them. Many carry the railroad company names when railroads used their own survey.
A measurement of land prepared by a surveyor showing the location and dimensions of the property and of its improvements.
The process by which the precise physical boundaries of a parcel of land are measured. Legal descriptions appear in listing agreements, sales contracts, deeds, mortgages, notes, and other instruments involving rights and interests in real estate. When land is conveyed from one party to another, the instrument of conveyance needs to contain a legally sufficient description of the parcel. Courts have interpreted this to mean that property is sufficiently described if a competent civil engineer or surveyor could locate the subject property given the land description.
a plan that shows the boundaries of a property.
The procedure which establishes the boundaries of land• Land - Rights of Land Owners
A systematic examination of the surface of the land for the purpose of locating and recording archaeological sites.
On most properties (not Condos), a survey is preformed to certify that the metes and bounds (ìlegal descriptionî) of the property agree with the recorded instruments. Easements and flood certifications are also checked.
A survey is mapping, or measurement of land which shows its location and dimensions. It also shows the location and dimensions of any buildings on the land.
This is a report carried out by a surveyor on the physical state of the property you are buying. If you are buying a property you should be aware that the property is "sold as seen". It is for you, as the buyer, to discover any physical defects by means of inspections and surveys. Most houses are bought with the assistance of a mortgage and the bank or building society, will require a mortgage valuation. However, this is not a survey - it merely ensures that they property is of sufficient value to protect the lender's interest. Our advice is that you should at least have an RICS Homebuyer's Report prepared by a qualified surveyor. This will cost more than a mortgage valuation but it is advisable. It is possible to go one step further and have a full structural survey (initially you should not chose this option unless the surveyor who carries out the Homebuyer's Report thinks any matter should be investigated further).
The process of measuring land to deter- mine its size, location and physical description; also, the map or plat showing the results of a survey.
a report carried out by a professional chartered surveyor as to the condition of a property.
A measure of land that shows a property's boundary lines, elevations, improvements, easements, and relationship to surrounding tracts.
To survey means to find the boundaries, area, and elevation of an area by using different ways of measuring. It can also mean to examine the condition, situation or value of something. You can also survey people by asking a group of people the same questions. A survey is a way of gathering information.
a professionally executed process through which the boundaries, the quantity, and the description of a property are determined.The actual document resulting from a survey, which contains the survey's findings, is also call the survey.
Description of a manor consisting of descriptions of boundaries, customs and a rent roll.
This is not a Valuation although it usually includes an estimate of market value. It is an in depth assessment of the condition of the property and is usually carried out by a qualified Surveyor.
A drawing of the boundaries that separate one piece of real estate from another. Map made by a licensed surveyor who measures the land charts its boundaries, improvement, and relationships to the property surrounding it.
Company verifies boundaries of lot and stakes flags indicating property lines.
a report and diagram prepared by a certified surveyor. The diagram will show the lot lines and the location of all improvements. (see improvements)
A print showing the measurements of the boundaries of a parcel of land,, the location of improvements, easements, rights of way encroachments, and other physical features.
In caving, the measurement of directions and distances between survey points and of cave details from them, and the plotting of cave plans and sections from these measurements.
The process of measuring a parcel of land to determine its area and boundaries.
(1) In Archaeology, the process of locating archaeological sites. (2) More generally, the process of mapping and measuring points on the ground surface.
shy; A written description measuring the exact dimensions of a piece of land.
A survey is a blueprint of the boundaries of a property, together with the location of all improvements on the land.
The measurement of the boundaries of a parcel of land, including any improvements, easements or encroachments within the boundaries of the property.
A survey can refer to both a process and the document produced by that process. The process is conducted by a licensed surveyor (and is required by the lender) to confirm that the property boundaries - and features such as buildings, improvements and easements - are true and accurate as described in the deed. The document produced by a survey is a diagram showing legal boundaries, easements, encroachments, rights of way, etc.
A document showing the legal boundaries of a property.
A drawing showing the legal boundaries of the property.
Survey of property if required, shows lot size, easements, any encroachments, locations of improvements, etc.
A phase of archaeological investigation during which surface collection and limited subsurface techniques are employed to identify archaeological sites or their absence. Also referred to as Phase I.
A measurement of land, showing the dimensions, easements, all improvements made by a registered land surveyor; a survey in most cases is required by the lender before closing and becomes a permanent part of the loan file.
Done by a licensed surveyor, it's a map of a plot of land showing it's size, boundaries, improvements and how it relates to adjacent properties.
Provided by a professional surveyor who marks the corner boundaries and researches any easements or encroachments of a property for a fee. Now often required as part of a home or land sale. A surveyor can also provide a topographical survey, which shows trees and changes in elevations on land that is used by an architect for designing a custom home.
A surveyor’s drawing or plan which shows the position of structures and the property boundaries.
Shows boundaries of the land and location of the building. Tenants in common Each tenant (or owner) owns a specified share of the land. Shares can be equal or unequal. Unlike joint tenants, there is no right of survivorship. Each share may be dealt with by sale, bequest, gift etc., as for sole ownership.
A plan that shows the boundaries of, and any buildings' position within, a block of land.
Dimensioning and reporting on drawings and notes the existing conditions of a building.
The process by which the quantity and boundaries of a piece of land are ascertained; the statement of the courses, distances, and quantity of land is also called a survey. A survey may also include grades, contours, structures, or other physical features affecting the land.
The action of measuring and showing the legal boundaries of land through a map, print or drawing. This is performed by a licensed surveyor.
A certificate from a registered surveyor based on a legal description giving dimensions of a parcel of land, the improvements on it and any encroachments affecting the property line.
To collect, in a cave, numbers that claim to describe the cave, but which are usually not even self consistent.
Map created by a licensed surveyor who measures land and charts boundaries, improvements, and relationship to surrounding property.
A surveyor can undertake a basic valuation, usually on behalf of a lender, or a home buyers report undertaken on your behalf and on which you can place reliance.
The result of field measurements; as distinguished from a map or chart that results from a compilation.
After ordering a surveyor will come round and take precise measurements for manufacture and make sure that your selection meets planning and building regulations.
The exact measurements and boundaries relating to a particular parcel of land.
A document with all the details about a given property. A survey will include the boundaries, legal description, and any improvements.
A precise measurement of land showing its border location in relation to known points and dimensions.
A drawing indicating the legal boundary lines of a property.
A procedure whereby land is located and measured, and its boundaries are verified by a registered land surveyor.
A print showing the boundaries of a land parcel, together with the location of all improvements on the land and sometimes its area and topography. enants-in-common An undivided interest in property taken by two or more people. The interest need not be equal. Upon death of one of the people, there is no right of survivorship.
Drawing of boundaries of lot, situate of improvements, if any, and easements
A drawing and/or marking of the legal boundaries of a property, the location of improvements, rights of way, encroachments, and other physical features.
A formal establishing of the boundaries of a piece of property, including easements. A survey can only be done by a licensed surveyor. Not to be confused with a mortgage report, which is an informal drawing created by a surveyor to assure a lender that the major improvements on a property (such as a home) are within the boundaries. A survey has legal authority. A mortgage report is for informational purposes only, and carries no legal weight, even though it may be billed as a survey on the settlement papers at closing.
A map prepared by land engineers or surveyors indicating the location and boundaries of the property described in the title.
the process by which a property is examined to determine boundary measurements, land areas, easements, rights of way, position and dimension of any improvements on the land, encroachments and setback requirement compliance.
Plan that details a block of land noting the position of any buildings.
a written description of the boundaries of a Manor and the fields and properties within the Manor. It is not a map Teamland ('land for one plough'): a Norman-French term for the English CARUCATE or HIDE used as a measure of land area of no fixed acreage.
to examine, investigate, and map land surfaces such as when searching for an archaeological or geologic site. survey
A property diagram that indicates legal boundaries, easements, encroachments, rights of way, and improvements.
A map made by a licensed surveyor showing a property's boundary measurements, locations of any improvements to the boundaries, and the location of any encroachments.
A diagram of property that indicates legal boundaries, easements, encroachments, rights of way.
Confirmation of the property boundaries and improvements.
Graphical drawing that locates improvements on the land in relation to the property lines, easements, etc. Click here to learn more.
The accurate mathematical measurement of land and building on there.
This is what a surveyor is instructed to do to ensure that the property has no physical defects. Although a valuation may have been conducted by your lender, this only establishes that the price of the property is reasonable. A RCIS Homebuyer’s Report which is prepared by a qualified surveyor, will highlight any areas of concern and whether a full structural survey is required.
Shows easements, encroachments, locations of improvements, lot size, etc. May be required by a lender, buyer, or a title company.
A measurement of land that shows a property's boundaries, improvements, elevations, and relationship to surrounding tracts.
The process by which a property is measured and its area detailed.
A survey is a document that is required by most lenders (not required for strata properties) and is the responsibility of the lawyer to provide this information to the lender. If you are buying a house, it’s a good idea to have a survey as it provides information of your property’s boundaries, measurements and structures. It will also describe any easements, right-of-way, or encroachments. An alternative to a survey is “title insurance
The process by which the precise boundaries of a parcel are measured. When land is sold a survey conveys a visual representation of the legal description.
the systematic examination of the ground surface in search of archaeological sites.
The physical description of a hereditament, comprising details of the construction, the calculated areas (commonly shown as separate lines for each part of the property) and other matters affecting the value such as the presence of heating, air-conditioning, plant and machinery etc.
A map prepared by an engineer or surveyor charting a particular piece of real estate.
Map or plat made by a licensed surveyor who measures land and charts its boundaries, improvements, and relationship to the property surrounding it. A survey is often required by the lender to assure him that a building is actually sited on the land according to its legal description.
Work done by a licensed surveyor showing the results of measuring the land with its elevations, improvements, boundaries, and its relationship to surrounding tracts of land. It is often required by the lender, termed "as-built" to assure a building is actually sited on the land according to its legal description and refinancing set backs. enancy in Common - A joint ownership of property by two or more persons with no right of survivorship.
A drawing or map that shows the precise legal boundaries of a property and physical features, such as improvements to the property (buldings, fences, etc.). Tenancy by entirety A type of joint ownership that provides rights of survivorship and is available only to a husband and wife.
The map or plot drawing of a property.
The accurate mathematical measurement of land and building there on.
The process by which boundaries are measured and land areas are determined; the on-site measurement of lot lines, dimensions and position of a house on a lot, including the determination of any existing encroachments or easements. Surveys prepared from public records are called location surveys. Surveys prepared on-site by a professional surveyor are called stake surveys.
Map made by a licensed surveyor who measures that land and charts its boundaries, improvements and relationship to the property surrounding it.^Back to the top
The process by which boundaries are measured and land areas are determined; usually performed by a land surveyor.
A map that indicates the boundaries, measurements, and improvements of the property being purchased.
the structure of subsurface is mapped by making use of the times required for a seismic wave (or pulse), generated in the earth by a near surface explosion of dynamite, to return to the surface after reflection from the formations themselves.
map made by a surveyor with the purpose of measuring land with elevations, boundaries, improvements, and its relationship to surrounding tracts of land.
The measurement and description of land by a registered surveyor.
A precise measurement of a property by a licensed surveyor, showing legal boundaries of a property and the dimensions and location of improvements.
A drawing indicating the legal boundaries of a property.()
The act of measuring and specifying the legal boundaries of a property.
measurement of land, prepared by a registers land surveyor, showing the location of the land with reference to known points, its dimensions, and the location and dimensions of any building.
(noun) third step in land patenting. Consists of a plat drawing, metes & bounds description & identification of survey team.
A drawing showing the precise legal boundaries of real estate, the location of improvements, easements, rights of way, encroachments.
The measurement by a surveyor of real property, which delineates the boundaries of a parcel of land. An ALTA survey additionally delineates the exact location of all improvements, encroachments, easements and other matters affecting the title to the property in question. In certain areas, a title insurance company as part of the real estate transaction may require a survey.
A drawing or map showing the precise legal boundaries of a San Jose home, the location of improvements, easements, rights of way, encroachment and other physical features.
A print showing the measurements of the boundaries of a parcel of land, together with the location of all improvements on the land and sometimes its area and topography.
The process of measuring land to determine its size, location and physical description and the resulting drawing or map.
A measurement of land prepared by a surveyor showing the location of the property and its dimensions and the location and dimensions of any improvements.
A survey is basically a map of the property that outlines the size of the lot and where the structures are located on the lot.
Sketch of a subject property, made on the ground by a registered professional land surveyor. It certifies as to the improvement shown, easements, encroachments, etc., on the property. A survey is normally required by all lenders and unless otherwise stipulated. it is paid by the purchaser.
A measurement of land, prepared by a registered land surveyor, showing the location of the land with reference to know points, its dimensions, and the location and dimensions of any buildings.
The measurement of the boundaries of a parcel of land, showing easements or rights-of-way, access to the property, and whether or not the property is located in a flood hazard area.
document listing the holding and tenants of a manor with their obligations, in later periods accompanied by detailed topographical descriptions and maps
A physical measurement of property done by a registered professional showing the dimensions and location of any buildings as well as easements, rights of way, roads, etc. Go to Top
The process by which a parcel of land is measured and its boundaries ascertained. It will also show any encroachments or easements.
A document prepared by a licensed surveyor that verifies the accuracy of a property's legal description, plat maps, easements or other information found in a title search.
() A document that verifies a property's boundaries, measurements, the location of any buildings on the property, and confirms the existence of any easements or encroachments.
Confirms lot size and identifies any encroachments or restriction violations.
A document assembling information relating to specified subject(s) or problem(s) as a basis for planning and decision-making. A document resulting from the formal inspection of landed property giving details of its nature, extent, and location, and sometimes used as the basis for tax assessment. Top of the page
A document that shows the boundaries of the property and specifies encroachments, easements, and the placement of buildings on the property.
This may be required by the title company to insure that the house is properly situated on the property. It reveals whether the house, fence, pool, etc., are built on or too near adjoining property or utility easements.
When guys in orange vests - registered land surveyors - go to the property and take measurements with which to draw an accurate map.
A document that illustrates the property boundaries and measurements, specifies the location of buildings on the property, and indicates any easements or encroachments.
A certificate showing the home and other buildings relative to the property boundary.
A survey is a drawing showing the boundary lines of a piece of property, and the location of all buildings and other improvements on the property in relation to the property lines. A survey will show whether your home encroaches upon any setback lines or easements. Contact Marks & Williams to obtain a survey for your closing with us. See our example for more information.
An on-the-ground drawing of the lot and all improvements located on the lot, which determines if there are any encroachments from adjoining lots and locates easements and building lines.
A pictorial depiction of land and the improvements on it. Shows boundary lines (with measurements and bearings), buildings, sheds, easements, etc.
The process by which a parcel of land is measured and its boundaries and contents ascertained.
A plan that shows the boundaries of a block of land and the positioning of any building/s on that land.
To map a cave system A map of a cave system
A professionally prepared document that provides accurate details about a property's location, boundaries, size and legal description, as well as any improvements to the property.
Process of precisely measuring the boundaries and determining the area of a parcel of land.
The accurate mathematical measurement of land and buildings with the aid of instruments prepared by someone licensed to do so (an Ontario Land Surveyor).
A diagram showing legal boundaries, easements and the like of a specific property
The process by which a parcel of land is located on the ground and measured. Back to the Top
examine the shape of the land and position of defensive obstacles and forces
A drawing showing the measurements of the boundaries and dimensions of a parcel of land, including the location of all improvements on the land.
The description of a subject of insurance made for the information of the insurer by an inspector or surveyor.
Legal document outlining property boundaries of your project and locating all structures and improvements to your property.
A report prepared by a registered land survey professional that shows the precise location of the property.
In archaeology, the identification and mapping of archaeological sites.
A map or plat made by a licensed surveyor showing the results of measuring the land with its elevations, improvements, boundaries, and its relationship to surrounding tracts of land. A survey is often required by the lender to assure a building is actually sited on the land according to its legal description.
A specific map of a piece of property which includes the legal boundaries and any improvements or features of the land. Surveys also depict any rights-of-way, encroachments or easements.
A measurement of land, prepared by a registered land surveyor, showing the location of the land with reference to the boundaries of land and also the location of any improvements.
A plan of a property, showing the precise positioning of the property boundaries and any building on the land. A surveyor can use the plan to check the boundaries of a property prior to purchase.
The legal written and/ or mapped description of the location and dimensions of your land. The survey should also show the dimensions and placement on the lot of any structure, including additions such as pools, sheds and fences. An up-to-date survey is often required by a lender as part of the mortgage transaction.
The measurement of the boundaries of a parcel of land documented by a registered surveyor.
A map or plat containing a statement of courses, distances and quantity of land and showing lines of possession.
A precise measurement of a piece of property by a licensed surveyor.
The measurement of the boundaries of a parcel of land, its area and sometimes its topography. Tax Base: Assessed valuation of real property, which is multiplied by the tax rate to determine the amount of tax due.
A drawing or map of a property that shows the precise legal boundaries, location of improvements, rights of way, easements and other physical features.
determines the official boundaries of the property. It's typically ordered to make sure that any adjoining property has not inadvertently encroached on the borrower's property.
A detailed measurement of a property, including the location of the land in reference to known points, its dimensions, and the location and dimensions of any structures on the land. Prepared by a registered land surveyor.
A measurement and mapping of the exact location of your land and improvements. It is often called a plat. A licensed surveyor provides this service.
The precise description of the dimensions and location of a parcel of real estate
The measurement of a specific parcel of land to ascertain area, corners, boundaries and divisions with distances and directions to other parcels.
An accurate graphic depiction of the boundaries of a property. At the least, a survey will show the metes and bounds of all property lines. It can also show buildings, other improvements, topographic features, utility lines, etc.
A document providing details of a property's boundaries, measurements and structures. It will also describe any easements, rights-of-way, or encroachments made by either your property or by adjoining properties onto your property.
A professional examination of a property. A survey usually will reveal the size of a property, its boundary distances, ground contours and where improvements or alterations have been made.
To traverse a particular linear feature (such as a boundary or a river), or travel in some specific pattern across a particular area, with the purpose of recording the locations of features on the land and details about them for use in making a map. Surveying is often done with a compass and a meter tape: some surveys are done with a GPS receiver. Survey chain: A surveying tool that consists of a nylon rope on which every tenth of a meter is marked by a metal clip. Adapted with permission from: Flavelle, A. 2002. Mapping our Land!-- google_ad_client = "pub-3007928848967026"; google_ad_width = 120; google_ad_height = 600; google_ad_format = "120x600_as"; google_ad_channel ="9047546005"; google_color_border = "FFFFFF"; google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; google_color_link = "0000FF"; google_color_url = "008000"; google_color_text = "000000";
A measurement and definition of the boundaries of a piece of property as determined by a surveyor.
Plot or improvement map showing the legal boundaries of the property. The map must be based on an instrument survey made, dated and certified by a licensed civil engineer or registered surveyor.
The measurement by a surveyor of real property which delineates the boundaries of a parcel of land. An ALTA survey additionally delineates the exact location of all improvements, encroachments, easements and other matters affecting the title to the property in question. A survey may be required by a title insurance company whenever the company is requested to issue an ALTA Extended Coverage Policy.
An exact measurement of a parcel of land to ascertain corners, boundaries and divisions.
The process by which a parcel of land is accurately measured and a drawing produced to establish the existing boundary lines, any setback lines, power, utility or other easements and their specific location. A survey is useful for identifying any encroachments or issues such as an overlapping driveway, retaining walls, boundary disputes or other potential problems.
Measurement of a parcel of land showing boundaries, easements, dwellings and improvements of any type. In Texas surveys must be obtained prior to obtaining title insurance. | Home
A drawing showing the legal boundaries of a property.
A measurement of land, prepared by a registered land surveyor, showing location of the land with reference to known points, dimensions, and the location and dimensions of any building. ________________________________________
The accurate mathematical measurements of land and buildings thereon make with the aid of instruments.
The process by which a parcel of land is measured and its area ascertained; also the blueprint showing the measurements, boundries and area.
Shows boundaries of the land and location of the dwelling to ensure that there are no encroachments onto, or from, adjoining properties.
is a map showing the shape and size of a piece of land in relation to known points of reference.
a drawing that shows the exact legal location of boundaries, easements, rights of ways and other physical features of a property
A process of measuring a parcel of land and ascertaining its area and boundaries.
A drawing or map the shows the precise legal boundaries of a property, the location of improvements, easements, rights of way, encroachments, and other physical features.
A description and mapping of the metes and bounds that define a property's boundaries.
(verb) to determine and delineate the form, extent, and position of (as a tract of land) by taking linear and angular measurements and by applying the principles of geometry and trigonometry
Valuation, Home Buyers and Structural. Inspection of the property by an independent surveyor. The last one is the most comprehensive.
The determination of the exact boundaries and location of a property.
The accurate mathematical measurement of land and building thereon. The vendor will usually provide an existing survey.
map of a property outlining the boundaries of a property, location of improvements, easements, and encroachments.
The process of measuring land to determine its size, location, and physical description. Must be performed by a licensed surveyor.
A measurement of land, prepared by registered land surveyor, showing the location of the land with reference to known points, its dimension, and the location and dimensions of any improvements.
The accurate mathematical measurements of land and buildings, made with the aid of instruments. (Return to the top of the page.)
An examination of the boundaries of real property and the improvements on it: A survey can reveal the quantity of land, boundary distances, the location of improvements on the property such as the house, and other vital information about the property.
A plan that shows the boundaries and the building position on a block of land.
Shows dimensions and boundaries of land and location of buildings.
A measurement of land, prepared by a licensed surveyor, showing a property's boundaries, elevations, improvements, and relationship to surrounding tracts.
A map made by a licensed surveyor showing the results of measuring land, its elevations, improvements, boundaries, setbacks, and zoning, as well as the property's relationship to surrounding tracts of land.
The process by which a parcel of land is measured and its area ascertained. Title companies study the survey to check for encroachments.
the process by which boundaries are measured and land areas determined; the on-site measurement of lot lines, dimensions and positions of houses in a lot, including the determination of any existing encroachments, easements and compliance with setback requirements.
An assessment of the buildings structural status completed by a chartered surveyor.
a measurement of land (and possibly improvements) showing the location and boundaries in relation to known points. It is prepared by a registered land surveyor. It may be called a "meets and bounds" survey.
To examine the land to locate and record artifacts and sites.
The map or plat drawn by a licensed surveyor which represents the property surveyed and shows the detailed measurements of the property. (Certified Surveys are surveys recorded with the Register of Deeds).
A procedure that determines the boundaries, area, or elevations of land or structures on the earths surface by means of measuring angles and distances, using the techniques of geometry and trigonometry. A map or plat drawn by a registered land surveyor shows the results of the survey.
This may be required by the title company to insure that the house is properly situated on the property. A survey is intended to reveal if the house, fence, pool, or patio are built on or too near adjoining property or utility easements. Fees, if any, are normally paid by the borrower.
The process by which boundaries are measured and land areas are determined; the on-site measurement of lot lines, dimensions and position of a house on a lot, including the determination of any existing encroachments or easements. ime is of the Essence- A phrase in a contract that requires the performance of a certain act within a stated period of time.
A report that showing the measurements and boundaries of a land parcel. erm Describes the number of years, based on set periodic payments, needed to pay off a loan.
A measurement of land depicting it's relationship to known reference points and the location and dimensions of any buildings it may contain.
Accurate measurement of land for the purpose of determining the boundaries of its perimeter, its contours and area. Surveys are generally required by banks and other lending institutions as part of making mortgage secured loans.
The process by which a parcel of land is measured and its area ascertained. The process of measuring land to determine its size, location, and physical description. An Improvement Survey is the drawing done by a registered land surveyor showing the dimensions of a particular piece or real property which shows the improvements located on the property in relationship to the property itself. (See also Improvement Location Certificate) top
A data collection method used to assist organizations with problem identification, measuring employee morale or expectations and determining areas of concern.
A precise measurement of a parcel's dimensions, relation to landmarks and location and dimensions of improvements.
A measurement of land, prepared by a registered land surveyor, showing the boundaries of a parcel of land, with reference to know points, its dimensions, and the location of all improvements.
a property diagram that indicates legal boundaries, easements, encroachments, rights of way, improvement locations, etc.
The process by which the precise physical boundaries of a parcel of land are measured. Legal descriptions appear in title reports, sales contracts, deeds, mortgages, notes, and other instruments involving rights and interests in real estate. When land is conveyed from one party to another, the survey provides a visual representation of the legal description including the precise location of structures, easements, encroachments, rights of ways and other physical features.
A map provided by a licensed surveyor which shows land boundaries, measurements, and charts of property.
The act by which the quantity and boundaries of a piece of land are ascertained; the paper containing a statement of the courses, distance, and quantity of land is also called a survey.
A drawing which depicts a property's boundaries and the location of any improvements and easements upon the property.
A measurement of a parcel of land by a surveyor which is used to obtain the area of the land.
The accurate mathematical measurement of land and buildings thereon, made with the aid of instruments.
A physical measurement and description of the property done by licensed professional showing the boundaries, dimensions and location of any buildings as well as easements, rights of way, roads, etc.
A measure to determine the exact location of the house, lot lines, easements and rights-of-way.
A property survey is a process by which land boundaries and areas are determined and defined and improvements may be plotted thereon. Surveys are also used for locating and identifying property lines, improvements on the land and easements on the land.