an important part of marketing strategy development and warrants further consideration
The section in which you identify current and potential competitors and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. This will help you fine-tune your own marketing approach. Be specific, detailed and brutally honest; don't let unrealistic optimism, personal bias or wishful thinking affect your view of the competition. Close Window
The assessment and analysis of the respective strengths and weaknesses of a business against its competitors - this might include their product, staff policy or marketing strategies for example.
Competitive analysis is the process of assessing and analyzing the comparative strengths and weaknesses of competitors; may include their current and potential product and service development and marketing strategies.
A study of competitive forces for a project, considering the size and location, amenities, and other features of a project; the analysis includes identification of the actual competition and does not assume that all properties sharing the same zoning are competitors.
A tool that allows a business to identify its competitors and evaluate their respective strengths and weaknesses.
Competitive analysis is a method invented for analyzing online algorithms, in which the performance of an online algorithm (which must satisfy an unpredictable sequence of requests, completing each request without being able to see the future) is compared to the performance of an optimal offline algorithm that can view the sequence of requests in advance. An algorithm is competitive if its competitive ratio—the ratio between its performance and the offline algorithm's performance—is bounded. Unlike traditional worst-case analysis, where the performance of an algorithm is measured only for "hard" inputs, competitive analysis requires that an algorithm perform well both on hard and easy inputs, where "hard" and "easy" are defined by the performance of the optimal offline algorithm.
The term Competitive Analysis is also used in marketing to describe the process a company or individual uses to assess competition. The following is a representative sample of the types of questions that should be answered in order to effectively analyze the competition: "Questions such as "Who are your competitors? What customer needs and preferences are you competing to meet?