A comparative analysis of a company's financial ratios over time.
databases that identify differences and trends among groups of customers over a given period of time (p. 149)
An analysis of an item made over a number of periods in order to ascertain significant patterns of change in that item.
A formal statistical process that is used to determine the presence or absence of changes in measures of water quality over time or a geographic area.
The use of financial measures or ratios over several time periods to evaluate business performance.
The process of looking at homogeneous data over a duration of time, to find recurring and predictable behavior.
A type of financial analysis that involves calculating percentage changes in financial statement items over several successive accounting periods, rather than over just two periods.
Evaluation of financial data over several accounting periods.
is the analysis of the changes in a given item of information over a period of time. (420.01.1h) U-Z
A type of technical analysis used to determine or locate significant trends in a security.
Aprocess by which lenders examine business statements and financial ratios to determine if the financial strength is improving or weakening.
An analysis to determine whether trend (general upward or downward change) exists in data. See: trend forecasting models.
The term "trend analysis" refers to the concept of collecting information and attempting to spot a pattern, or trend, in the information. In some fields of study, the term "trend analysis" has more formally-defined meanings.