The act of confirming a product or service meets the requirements for which it was intended.
The validation of a Role Model includes syntax checking of Interaction Scenarios and behaviour specifications, checking behaviour specifications in SDL against interaction scenarios and simulation. source: EU-P103 domain: Development Environment usage: EU-P103 ST1.3
a process that determines whether tests are accurate predictors of job success. (659)
Validation is the process of verifying that markup, cascading style sheets, etc. comply with World Wide Web Consortium recommendations. You can use the W3C HTML Validator to verify that your pages meet the standards. It is important to use use structural markup according to published formal grammars. For more information see validation.
The process through which the validity of the proposed interpretation of test scores is investigated. Ibid., p. 184.
Comparing a climate model's predictions with observations of the real climate, in order to test the reliability and accuracy of the model. The most obvious way to test a climate model is to use it to analyze past events, and then see whether its simulated prediction 'came true,' or how close it was to being correct.
the process which the candidate goes through, on completion of the triplet observations, with the validator to confirm the observations recorded during the process, and to further extend the candidates awareness of their professional behaviour; plus set goals, discuss and clarify philosophy and methods.
The formal process of reviewing or examining something (such as a single data element value, a requirements specification, a user interface, an implementation design, plan, schedule, budget, etc.) and certifying or confirming that is acceptable for use. The process of searching for and eliminating errors.
A method of amount verifying batch totals.
documented proof that a procedure reproducibly gives results of acceptable accuracy, precision, sensitivity, etc.
Testing performed to prove that the device meets expectation and requirements of users and regulatory authorities.
The process by which the University permits other institutions to devise and deliver programmes of study leading to awards of the University. The University retains responsibility for approval and quality assurance of such programmes except in the case of accredited institutions (see Accreditation).
Tests to determine whether an implemented system fulfills its requirements. The checking of data for correctness or for compliance with applicable standards, rules, and conventions. process of applying specialized security test and evaluation procedures, tools, and equipment needed to establish acceptance for joint usage of an AIS by one or more departments or agencies and their contractors.
The establishment of documented evidence (for example, data derived from rigorous testing) that provides a high degree of assurance that a specific process or system will consistently yield a product meeting predetermined specifications and quality attributes.
After registration, a student must validate that enrollment. It is the process when a student indicates on APWeb that he/she will be attending APSU. Every student must validate before the assigned deadline for each registration period or he/she will be dropped from his/her schedule of courses. The validation number should be retained by the student as a receipt. The validation process is also known as "confirming your classes."
Validation is the act of checking to make sure that a program does what is expected of it; includes verification, testing, and any other steps taken to insure the correctness of the system. As with verification, this process generally occurs during and after the writing of a program.
Validation is compliance checking of data against defined standards and/or specific trading partner agreements. The validation typically checks
A program series of checks and challenges, repeated periodically to establish the soundness and accuracy of the data
A documented program that provides a high degree of assurance that a specific process, method, or system will consistently produce a result meeting pre-determined acceptance criteria.
The process of assessing the accuracy for a given purpose of a simulation model by comparing the model's predictions with independent results.
checking the tags of a document for HTML accuracy
The process of ascertaining if the output of a model mimics reality to a satisfactory degree.
The process performed by the Certifying Authority or its agent following submission of a Digital Signature Certificate application as a prerequisite to approval of the application and the issuance of a Digital Signature Certificate. (See also authentication; software validation)
An administrative check carried out by a REC co-ordinator to verify that an application is complete and may be accepted for review. Decisions on validation should be made within five working days of receipt. The CI will receive written confirmation of validation.
Validation is testing already obtained decision rules, decision trees or other models on a data, that differs from the training data.
the act of validating; finding or testing the truth of something
the cognitive process of establishing a valid proof
a labour market test designed to protect Canadians' employment opportunities
Validation means the CSS, HTML or XHTML of your Web page is error free and that you have tested your HTML or XHTML and CSS to make certain that it contains only W3C-approved tags and properly authored Cascading Style Sheets. A validator is a computer program that checks the HTML of a Web page to ensure that the syntax of the HTML is correct.
The process of confirming the Victorian Essential Learning Standards as implemented in the first year, to ensure they meet the expressed aim of ensuring that students finish their compulsory years of schooling equipped with the knowledge, skills and personal qualities needed for further education, work and life.
Documented evidence providing a high degree of assurance that a specific process will consistently produce a product meeting its predetermined specifications and quality attributes.
Checking a data entry to confirm that it is within the acceptable range and that it is not incomplete or unreasonable.
The process of evaluating the accuracy of the transportation model.
analysing a system and the courses of its processes
Bringing an HTML-coded page into compliance with established HTML standards. There are a number of validation sites on the Internet that provide the service of checking an HTML page and identifying any problems. The reason for validating an HTML page is to make sure it can be read by the different browsers that are in use.
The Application Modeling activity that produces analyses of the degree to which alternative Application Models satisfy the functional requirements of the customer.
the quality control and testing tasks and techniques used to determine if a work product (either an application or one of its components) conforms to its specified requirements, including operational, quality, interface, and design constraints. Validation determines if the "correct" work product was produced. Contrast with verification. Examples include system tests and launch tests.
Validation is the process you use to ensure that the software product you deliver meets the requirements.
Comparison of predictions of a model to independently estimated or observed values of the quantity or quantities being predicted, and quantification of biases in mean prediction and precision of predictions.
The process of cross-checking to ensure that the data obtained from one monitoring method are confirmed by the data obtained from a different method.
A means of verifying the alleged non-discriminatory effect of pre-employment tests or other selection process.
Supportive evidence or documentation to confirm that the values of the critical limits for each Critical Control Point (CCP) are sufficient to prevent, eliminate or reduce to an acceptable level, food safety hazards in the final product. (6)
The process of ensuring that a piece of data is valid before processing that data.
test to confirm calibration and accuracy of a measurement, usually by comparing to a known standard such as timed collection.
The process of recontacting respondents to confirm that interviews were conducted according to agreed standards.^ to top
A process in which students confirm their enrollment in classes during a semester so that their places in a course are not cancelled during the purge process.
performed against totals or against downloaded tables to ensure accuracy of data (see ‘mainframe’ and also ‘edit checks’).
A process of testing the effectiveness of instruction by administering the criterion test immediately after the instruction. Also, a process through which a course is administered and revised until learners effectively attain the base line objectives.
Proof, confirmation, or evidence to confirm or legally support a claim or contract.... read full article
Verifying that the solution to a problem makes sense and responds to real-world conditions. Verifying that the results of a model are as expected and satisfactorily represent the system or thing being modeled
The process of demonstrating that the system under consideration meets in all respects the specification of that system.
Authorization check of a user?s logon information. When a user logs on to an account on a Windows NT Workstation computer, the authentication is performed by that workstation. When a user logs on to an account on a Windows NT Server domain, that authentication may be performed by any server of that domain. See also trust relationship.
Validation is defined as The process of determining the degree to which a model is an accurate representation of the real world from the perspective of the intended uses of the model. (AIAA G-077-1998) Further discussion of validation can be found at the page entitled Validation Assessment.
A mechanism to ensure that user-entered data lies within specified limits.
Validation is the University approval process for new courses. If the course has been approved previously and there is a further proposal for it to run at a partner institution this is called a Franchise Validation. The two processes of Validation and Franchise Validation are virtually the same except that in a franchise validation the panel will not discuss the content of any prior approved modules to be franchised and will wish to receive outline teaching schedules for franchised modules together with the module descriptors so that the validation panel can discuss the delivery and understanding of the module content with the course team. Validation is conducted in two stages. Stage 1 is a pre-screening process by the Faculty or Partner College. Stage 2 is the final approval process.
A process to check one or more aspects of a submission for schema errors, file format problems, and ingest parameter inconsistencies that might affect its suitability for preservation. Results of a validation may include any combination of structural analysis information, warning messages, or fatal errors that prevent an object from being ingested.
A NAS feature that enables validity checking of some types of form input.
The process of assessing, by independent means, the quality of the data products derived from the system outputs.
The process of verifying metadata definitions and configuration parameters.
A test that checks whether a backup can be restored. RMAN scans the backups and looks at the checksum to verify that the contents can be successfully restored. See Also: crosscheck, media manager, recovery catalog
In X.25 communications, the process by which the receiving DTE accepts the packet size, packet window size, and throughput class sent by the sending DTE, on the conditions that they are valid. Contrast with negotiation.
In terms of a cost model, a process used to determine whether the model selected for a particular estimate is a reliable predictor of costs for the type of system being estimated.
1. The process by which the contractor (or as otherwise directed by the DoD component procuring activity) tests a publication/technical manual (TM) for technical accuracy and adequacy. 2. The procedure of comparing input and output against an edited file and evaluating the result of the comparison by means of a decision table established as a standard.
Validation is the process of controlling that a document obeys the rules of the language used in the document. You can compare it to checking a text for spelling and grammatical errors.
Confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that the particular requirements for a specific intended use can be consistently fulfilled. (1) Process validation means establishing by objective evidence that a process consistently produces a result or product meeting its predetermined specifications. (2) Design validation means establishing by objective evidence that device specifications conform with user needs and intended use(s). [From §820.3(z)
The checking of an HTML file to establish whether it conforms to published standards; a way of detecting HTML errors in Web pages.
The process within a merchant terminal, which checks whether or not the card being used for a transaction is valid, according to that card scheme's Functional Specification(s).
Definition 1: this phase of the life cycle deals with testing that the designed system has some properties that were defined in the analysis. Properties to check could be both properties that have to be present and properties to avoid. Definition 2: The process of evaluation of software at the end of the software development process to ensure compliance with requirements The process of evaluation of software at the end of the software development process to ensure compliance with requirements[Hailpern] B. Hailpern, P. Santhanam. Software Debugging, testing and verification. IBM Systems Journal. Vol 41, 1, 2002. Definition Approved Yes Yes
Testing concepts through walk-throughs and prototyping.
Validation is a process whereby documents are verified against the associated DTD, ensuring that the structure, use of elements, and use of attributes are consistent with the definitions in the DTD.
The process of evaluating software to ensure compliance with specified requirements. (ISO 9000-3: 1991, 3.7)
Process of defining academic level of a course, and of setting the syllabus and standards for marking and grading. UK universities validate their own degrees.
The process of checking whether entered data meets certain conditions or limitations. bu'aa qabeessummaa View
The process of checking your XML code to ensure it complies with the XML DTD you declared at the top of your document.
Confirmation through the provision of objective evidence that the requirements for a specific or intended use or application have been fulfilled.
The process of evaluating software at the end of the software development process to ensure compliance with software requirements. The techniques for validation is testing, inspection and reviewing.
The process of testing based on the assumption of some understanding of the internals of the product under test. As opposed to black box testing or verification which is a test for functionality which may be viewed from the exterior of the product under test, such as some user-accessible feature. Validation tests are also known as glass box tests or white box tests.
Process of verifying that a calling card or credit card account is valid and thus it is OK to process a call to be billed to that account.
The process of assessing and recognising a wide range of knowledge, know-how, skills and competences, which people develop throughout their lives within different environments, for example through education, work and leisure activities. [EQF
Confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that the particular requirements for a specific intended use can be consistently fulfilled. The action of proving that any material, process, activity, equipment or mechanism used in manufacture or control can, will, and does achieve the desired or intended result.
The act of ensuring that data is of an appropriate format before it's written to a database.
A processing step verifying that a piece of information is at least superficially valid. Example: a check that a number representing a day of the week is in the range 1 to 7. In SQL*Forms, field-level triggers are often used for validation.
a/k/a Compliance Checking. Process used to ensure that a transmission complies with a given standard's syntax rules. Compare with error checking. Using compliance checking that validates the contents of a transmission file against the standard's data dictionary can result in less complicated maps, because you don't have to build in as much error-handling logic. For example, if the standard says that a data element must be numeric, you don't need to build that check into the map because bad data will be caught by the compliance checker.
Format and data edit checks, bank routing number checks, and comparison with partner's internal negative file (flagged account)
The process of verifying, for a collected object, that other objects referenced by or dependent upon the collected object have also been collected. If other objects referenced by or dependent upon a collected object have not been collected, the collected object is marked as invalid. The international No symbol is used to mark invalid objects on the View/Edit page of the tuning session window.
(1) An evaluation technique to support or corroborate safety requirements to ensure necessary functions are complete and traceable. (2) The process of evaluating software at the end of the software development process to ensure compliance with software requirements.
The process in which the credentials of a member are compared to the permission levels within the database to establish if the user, member or print driver may have access to information about the printer.
The process of independently verifying survey results.
1. (water treatment industry) Determination upon testing that a representative sample of a water treatment equipment model has met the requirements of a specified standard. 2. (pharmaceutical industry) The requirement of certain quality control testing and record keeping procedures to ensure compliance not only with a specific quality but also with a specific means to achieve and ensure that quality.
In research etc., a process for confirming the correctness or soundness of information or findings. In quality assurance, an external process of verifying that an organisation satisfies the criteria for quality endorsement.
Comparing data with known information (patterns, ranges, check digits) to verify that the data is correct.
Confirming that Transformed information is complete and correct before Delivering to a business process or archive. Validation might involve a human operator checking extracted text or data against a scanned image, or keying in additional data, or the system automatically checking extracted text or data against a database, or automatically importing additional data from another system. Validation is part of Transformation. to the top
The act of ensuring data quality.
Demonstration that a process or product does what it is supposed to do, and does so reproducibly, i.e., with safety, efficiency, accuracy, and precision, by challenging the system and providing complete documentation.
The process of testing the models with a data set different from the training data set.
Within the highly regulated environment of Drug manufacture and development there is a requirement within the regulations to prove that each process involved in producing the product can be shown to be both doing the right job, and doing the job right. This is often referred to as Validation.