In the MOF risk model, a measurement threshold that indicates that the condition is about to occur. It is a value that is either true or false. When it shifts from false to true, the team executes the contingency plan.
an event that causes an action to occur.
Stored database procedure automatically invoked whenever a table or view is modified, for example by INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations.
(Generic) The activation of an event-driven process. (Database) An application-specific process invoked by a database management system as a result of a request to add, change, delete, or retrieve a data element.
A remote operation, associated with an attribute type, that is executed when attributes of that type are either queried or updated. See Attribute Triggers .
A trigger is a stored block of SQL or PL/SQL statements that is associated with a table, runs in response to an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operation, and runs only under certain specified conditions.
A stored program associated with a table that Oracle automatically executes when the event on which it is based occurs.
An agent or event that causes a response.
(factor) -- Any biologic or behavioral event that influences latent HSV to reactivate.
An actor that can be activate an event during game play.
An event that signals a change in condition, as when a disk reaches a preset capacity.
In DB2, an object in a database that is invoked indirectly by the database manager when a particular SQL statement is run.
A map component that activates events in the game world under the right conditions.
popupid: trigger](Mapping) The process of directly targeting another entity. See Also: Concepts: Triggers and Targets.(Mapping) A set of conditions that when met, catalyses another event. eg. When a player steps into the area of a trigger_once (meets the condition), the entity triggers whatever entity name is in its Target keyvalue (catalyses the other event). See Also: Half-Life trigger entities.
A trigger is used to start an event
1. a processor that selects which events to store for analysis. 2. the criteria used for the selection of which events to store.
A stored procedure that is automatically invoked on the basis of data-related events.
(TRG) Detector system responsible for selecting events for logging. BaBar trigger is multilayered consisting of hardware level 1 (L1) trigger and software level 3 (L3) trigger. Reference Link (
some viruses activate or de-activate according a trigger date or time or other event.
To signal the start of an event, such as a recording, by activating a control signal or switch.
A trigger is an event whose occurrence makes a transition eligible to fire.
An event that causes another event to occur. Some people can identify triggers to their outbreaks of genital herpes, like sunlight, stress, sexual intercourse or menstruation. U - Z
A force or event which initiates an avalanche.
an act that sets in motion some course of events
a block of code that executes in response to a certain action, such as when the user clicks a button
a block of code (whether in PL/SQL, Java
a block of PL/SQL code that executes in response to a specific runtime event
a block of procedural code executed when a certain event that modifies data in a table is performed (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE)
a block of procedural code which is executed before, after or instead of an INSERT INTO or UPDATE statement
a block of SQL statements that are executed based on the fact that there has been an alteration (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE) to a table or on a view
a block of statements executed when an insert, update, or delete ocurrs on the table
a brief pulse denoting the start of an event (in this case a key push)
a command that gets executed as the result of a commit (checkin)
a Condition or Event in Windows that tells AutoMate to Execute a Task
a condition or event which tells Macro Angel to execute a Task
a defined set of actions that are executed when a delete, insert, or update operation is carried out against a specified table
a fragment of code that you tell Oracle to run before or after a table is
a kind of procedure that executes implicitly when a table or view is modified or some user actions or database system actions occur
a little program that executes when somebody adds or updates data in a table
a method attached to a table
an automatic action taken in response to a message event
an event at the beginning of a process that starts the process
an event or sequence of events which is a reliable predictor of the subsequent occurrence of a specific repeated disk-intensive interval
an event or thought which reminds you of the traumatic incident
an event that fires when table data is modified
an event that occurs before a person uses cocaine and increases the likelihood of using
an event, which is not directed to one or more specific receivers, whereas a Message is an event, which is directed to one or more specific receivers
an important system-level component that allows you to associate a "piece of code" (usually PL/SQL or Java) with a specific system event, namely DML (SQL insert, update and delete) statements
an object contained within an SQL Server database that is used to execute a batch of SQL code whenever a specific event occurs
an object contained within a SQL Server database that gets called each time a row in a table is INSERTED, DELETED, or UPDATED
an object that initiates an action when an UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT operation is run against a table
an operation automatically executed as a result of the modification of data in the database, and will usually ensure consistent behavior of the database
a piece of code that is executed by the debugger at specified points
a piece of code that is executed when a specific event happens
a piece of code that is fired whenever an INSERT , UPDATE or DELETE command is executed against a particular table
a piece of SQL that is activitied when a certain event happens
a PL/SQL block that executes whenever a particular event takes place
a pre-compiled piece of PL/SQL code that executes when certain actions take place that meet required conditions
a procedural mechanism attached to a table and made of a section of code accompanied by conditions which involve its execution following the occurrence of an event
a procedure body associated with a table and an event
a procedure that is run either before or after an action (such as a create, update, or delete) is performed on a row in a database table
a procedure you associate with a table
a process that is set off when a specific event occurs
a recognition of a state change (such as create, delete, " "update, or access) of a Class instance, and update or access of a " "Property
a section of SLIC code that is run when specific game events occur
a self-contained program associated with a table or view that automatically performs an action when a row in the table or view is inserted, updated, or deleted
a series of Transact-SQL statements associated with an SQL Server table
a server procedure which is fired automatically by the server for certain events
a set of rules that will cause the task to be executed
a set of SQL commands that are executed when given conditions are met
a special database procedure (a sequence of statements) that the database system executes after a specific event occurs
a special form of stored procedure, bound to a table or to a view, and which fires automatically
a special form of stored procedure that goes into effect when you insert, delete, or update a specified table or column
a special kind of PL/SQL anonymous block
a special kind of stored procedure that is executed automatically when a user attempts the specified data-modification statement on the specified table
a special kind of stored procedure that SQL Server offers
a special kind of stored procedure used to enforce integrity, especially referential integrity
a special type of database procedure that is assigned to a base table
a special type of stored procedure
a specification that the database should automatically execute a particular function whenever a certain type of operation is performed
a stored PL/SQL program unit associated with a specific database table
a stored procedure assigned to a given table
a stored procedure, but it is a special kind of stored procedure
a stored procedure that goes into effect when you insert, delete, or update data in a table
a stored procedure that instructs the system to take one or more actions when a specific change is attempted
a stored procedure that is invoked when a particlar event occurs
a way of telling Oracle "any time anyone touches this table, I want you to execute the following little fragment of code"
a W-Language procedure automatically called by the Hyper File engine each time a Hyper File function is executed
A special form of a stored procedure that is carried out automatically when data in a specified table is modified. Triggers are often created to enforce referential integrity or consistency among logically related data in different tables. unenforced relationship A link between tables that references the primary key in one table to a foreign key in another table, and that doesn't check referential integrity during INSERT and UPDATE transactions. An unenforced relationship is represented in a database diagram by a dashed line.
A metric identified to signal the occurrence of a risk event.
A PL/SQL procedure that is executed, or "fired," upon a specific event.
Situations, thoughts, or feelings that "trigger" the urge to smoke. Common triggers include stressful events, driving in the car, drinking alcohol, watching TV, negative emotions, and breaks from work.
An emotionally-charged incident, verbal or physical, that activates the emotion-processing mind. These events are, with few exceptions, traumatic in nature.
An event that precipitates other events. Some people find certain things may trigger their outbreaks, such as stress, exposure to sunlight, menstruation, poor nutrition, and others.
A stored procedure associated with a table that is automatically executed on one or more specified events affecting the table.
A signal that is used to start or stop an operation. Triggers can be an analog, digital, or software event.
the variable or event which causes the ultrasonic energy to fire or trigger, usually by preset pressure reached or time after cycle is started.
Mechanisms that automatically set off a specified set of SQL statements when a predefined "trigger event" occurs in a table.
A stored procedure associated with a table. It executes before or after one or more specified events.
Is a point, threshold, or event which precipitates an action, exercise, or change in behavior. The occurrence is often viewed as the catalyst of an important condition.
An event that a virus writer has programmed the virus to watch for, such as a date, the number of days since the infection occurred, or a sequence of keystrokes. When the trigger event occurs, it activates the virus, which then dispenses its payload.
1) The signal or the action of sending a signal to control the start of an event. 2) A device, which puts out a signal to control the start of an event, including a device that puts out such a signal when struck.
In COSA BPM, if an asynchronous subprocess is called by a trigger, the main process execution can be continued independently of the subprocess. A trigger call can start either a new process instance or an executable work item of an already existing process instance. In COSA DM, you can define triggers that start actions in COSA BPM based on events in COSA DM.
An event that activates insurance coverage.
The ability of a DBMS to invoke a program routine when a defined event occurs in a database.
something that may start an asthma event (such as weather changes or pollen)
A special form of stored procedure executed automatically when a user executes a query that modifies the data. See also: row-level trigger, statement-level trigger, conflict trigger, integrity.
An event in Strandz is called a Trigger, and implements TriggerI. All Strandz code is executed from triggers. Triggers are activated as the user navigates, when validation needs to be called, when a query needs to be performed, when a message is output and at other significant application events.
An event that causes another event or set of events to occur. For example, a motion sensor can trigger a light to go on and an e-mail to be sent.
A mechanism that allows you to write procedures that are automatically executed whenever an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement is executed on a table or view. Triggers can be used to enforce integrity constraints or automate some other custom function.
An action causing the automatic invocation of a procedure. A trigger goes into effect when a user attempts to modify data with an insert, delete, or update command and can instruct the system to take any number of actions when a specified change is attempted.
In a database, a set of Structured Query Language (SQL) statements that automatically initiate an action when a specific operation, such as changing data in a table, occurs. A trigger consists of an event (an INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement issued against an associated table) and an action (the related procedure). Triggers are used to preserve data integrity by checking on or changing data in a consistent manner.
A trigger is a SQL procedure that performs an action when a transaction (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) occurs. You can use triggers to perform validation of input data, to automatically generate a value for a newly inserted row, to read from other tables for cross-referencing purposes, or to support alerts through e-mail messages.
For every action in Time Matters there can be a "reaction". The triggers allow the user to launch a chain of Events, ToDo's, Documents etc. from a single trigger. They can be automatic (i.e. triggered by a change in a field) or manual, where the uses chooses from a trigger list on the Time Matters form the action they want to take.
An event that starts or stops an operation. A trigger can be a specific analog, digital, or software condition. See also ANALOG TRIGGER and DIGITAL TRIGGER.
(TRIH-ger) In medicine, a specific event that starts a process or that causes a particular outcome. For example, chemotherapy, painful treatments, or the smells, sounds, and sights that go with them may trigger anxiety and fear in a patient who has cancer. In allergies, exposure to mold, pollen or dust may trigger sneezing, watery eyes, and coughing.
(1) A PL/SQL procedure that is executed, or "fired," at runtime. (2) A stored procedure that is fired (implicitly executed) when an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement is issued against the associated table. Database triggers can be used to customize a database management system with such features as value-based auditing and the enforcement of complex security checks and integrity rules. For example, a database trigger might be created to allow a table to be modified only during normal business hours. (3) An anonymous PL/SQL block that is executed in response to a SQL*Forms runtime event. (4) In CASE*Method, trigger is used in the sense that an event will trigger one or more functions or that a function may be triggered by the completion of another function (an implied event). See also event. (5) In ORACLE SQL*Forms, trigger is used to denote some computer processing that is carried out under certain conditions. There are, for example, triggers that may be actioned before or after the insertion of a row. These would be called pre-insert and post-insert triggers. The processing for a trigger would typically be written in SQL or PL/SQL.
A mechanism that resides in the database and specifies that when a particular action (insert, delete, or update) occurs on a particular table, the database server should automatically perform one or more additional actions.
Any event which can be used as a timing reference. In a DSA, a trigger can be used to initiate a measurement.
program in a database that gets called each time a row in a table is INSERTED, UPDATED, or DELETED. Triggers allow you to check that any changes are correct, or to fill in missing information before it is commited. Triggers are normally written in PL/SQL or Java.
n. In a database, an action that causes a procedure to be carried out automatically when a user attempts to modify data. A trigger can instruct the database system to take a specific action, depending on the particular change attempted. Incorrect, unwanted, or unauthorized changes can thereby be prevented, helping to maintain the integrity of the database.
A mechanism, usually a photoelectric sensor, that initiates the vision sensor to take action when a prespecified event occurs.