In the TuneTracker(tm) system, an "interrupt" is a powerful control code event which causes TuneTracker(tm) to start broadcasting a specific item at an exact time. "Interrupt" causes TuneTracker(tm) to skip ahead on the program log, fade whatever is playing, at a fade length you specify, and then start a live or recorded event at an exact time.
one of a small number of fixed addresses on your computer that can send signals to the CPU to interrupt the current processing with some time critical processing relating to the attached device
A state of existence in which automatic and static responses have been temporarily stopped so kinetic responses can take place.
In effect an electronic flag waved by a bit of hardware to catch the attention of a computer's central processor.
A hardware or software signal that indicates to the operating system the occurence of some event such as a keystroke. Interrupt is typically taken care of by an interrupt handler that services the event.
An asynchronous event that suspends the currently scheduled process and temporarily diverts the flow of control through an interrupt handler routine. Interrupts can be caused by both hardware (I/O, timer, machine check) and software (supervisor, system call, or trap instruction).
This is when a process stops temporarily due to an outside event occurrence.
An asynchronous hardware signal that is detected by the processor. An interrupt usually indicates that a peripheral device needs service. An interrupt causes the processor to save the current state, to branch to a fixed location, and to resume execution at that location. See also IDT.
(1) The suspension of a process to handle an event external to the process. (2) A technique to notify the CPU that a peripheral device needs service, i.e., the device has data for the processor or the device is awaiting data from the processor. The device sends a signal, called an interrupt, to the processor. The processor interrupts its current program, stores its current operating conditions, and executes a program to service the device sending the interrupt. After the device is serviced, the processor restores its previous operating conditions and continues executing the interrupted program. A method for handling constantly changing data. Contrast with polling.
A signal which causes the machine's hardware to break the normal program flow and transfer control to a specific interrupt handling routine. Once the interrupt has been processed, the interrupted program is resumed.
An occurrence that changes the normal flow of instruction execution. An interrupt originates from hardware, such as an I/O device. See also maskable interrupt.
A signal indicating an event. An interrupt is sent to the operating system by a hardware device.
a CPU event that is triggered by some external device
a doorbell to the processor to signal that some device needs service
a hardware-generated signal that changes the flow within the system
a hardware signal from a device to a CPU
a hardware signal that tells the processor to jump to a predetermined location (the address of the isr )
a hardware/software device which causes a software function to occur when something happens in hardware
a incoming signal from a peripheral that usually indicates to the processor to read data from the peripheral
a low-level event, typically generated by the computer hardware, which requires that an executing piece of software respond in some manner
a mechanism that causes the normally sequential execution of CPU instructions to branch elsewhere in the computer memory without the knowledge of the execution program
a mechanism used by the peripheral devices to inform the CPU of task completion, error conditions, and other events that require immediate attention from the CPU
an asynchronous event (one that can occur at any time) that is unrelated to what the processor is executing
an asynchronous event that is usually triggered by some I/O device, while an exception is a synchronous event that is generated when the processor detects one or more predefined conditions upon the execution of an instruction
an asyncronous notification posted by the hardware to alert the device driver of some condition
an event that causes an unexpected change in control flow
an event that the hardware generates
an externally caused event, and an exception one of all other events that cause unexpected control flow in a program
an externally generated exception whose origin lies in hardware
an external signal used to synchronize the computer and some asynchronous source
an operation, which stops execution of the user program so that the system can pay attention to the event causing the operation
an unexpected hardware initiated subroutine call or jump that temporarily suspends the running of the current program
a physical signal, sent along a wire to the CPU from another device in a computer system
a request for service from an external device seeking attention
a request from a device (other than the CPU) to the CPU for a service, action, or special action
a request sent to the CPU
a signal from a device attached to a computer or from a program within the computer that causes the main program that operates the computer (the operating system) to stop and figure out what to do next
a signal from a peripheral device or a request from a program to perform a specific service
a signal from one part of your computer to another
a signal generated by a hardware device such as a Gamry potentiostat which tells the computer that the device requires attention
a signal generated by a peripheral or application program to tell the operating system that some type of service is required
a signal inform ing a program that an event has occurred
a signal informing a program that an event has occurred
a signal sent by another device to the CPU
a signal sent from a hardware device or an application to the microprocessor to indicate that attention (a service ) is required
a signal that informs the OS that something has occurred
a signal to suspend an operation temporarily
a signal to the computer to stop doing what it is currently doing and do something with the hardware (or software)
a signal to the operating system that an event has occurred, and it results in changes in the sequence of instructions that is executed by the CPU
a special input to the processor
a special type of signal that is sent to the processor
a temporary suspension of the currently running program, so that the processor can do something else such as deal with an input or output device that is ready for action
A signal sent by a subsystem to the CPU that signifies a process has either completed or could not be completed.
A signal sent to the CPU to request service. Essentially a subroutine outside the normal flow of execution, but with many extra considerations.
A hardware interrupt is a signal on a computer bus requesting that the CPU suspend its current task, perform another task, and then return to the original task or program. Interrupts alleviate the need to continuously poll a device to determine if a task needs to be performed.
an asynchronous request by a circuit asking for the processor's attention. If acknowledged, the processor will temporarily stop what it was doing and interact with the circuit that generated the interrupt.
A signal to the microprocessor indicating that an event has occurred that it needs to attend to. When an interrupt is being occurs, processing is suspended in a way that it can be resumed.
A method used by computers to signal programs about outside events. For example, hardware you install has an IRQ setting that specifies which interrupt it uses when communicating with the processor.
There are hardware and software interrupts. Software interrupts are used by programmers for disk I/O etc. Hardware interrupts (IRQs) are used by hardware devices. When the processor encounters a hardware interrupt it will stop it's current task and run the interrupt service routine. Harddisks use their hardware interrupt (number 14) when they have completed a command.
A notification from a hardware device about an event that is external to the CPU. Interrupts may be generated for events such as the completion of a transfer of data to or from disk, or a key being pressed.
A signal to the processor to halt its current operation and immediately transfer control to an interrupt handler. Interrupts are triggered either by hardware, as when the keyboard detects a keypress, or by software, as when a program executes the INT instruction. See “interrupt handler.
Typically, caused by hardware to indicate that something has occurred -- that the hardware has completed a request, or that it is now ready to perform a task. It is an important part of hardware-to-software communication. Often, interrupts are asynchronous (i.e., may occur at unpredictable intervals).
A mechanism by which a process can attract the immediate attention of the CPU, usually in order to serve an urgent request from an external device.
An external signal causing the execution of a program to be suspended.
An event (usually caused by hardware) that interrupts whatever the processor was doing and asks it do something else. The hardware will generate an interrupt whenever it has reached some state where software intervention is required.
to stop a process temporarily with the capability of resuming the process at that point
An asynchronous operating condition that disrupts normal execution and transfers control to an interrupt handler. Interrupts are usually initiated by I/O devices requiring service from the processor.
(1.) In data communications, to take an action at a receiving station that causes the sending station to end a transmission. (2.) To stop a process temporarily. (3.) A signal sent by an I/O device to the processor when an error has occurred or when assistance is needed to complete I/O. An interrupt usually suspends the running of the program that is currently running. Contrast with exception and signal.
If the processor gets a signal with higher priority, it interrupts the running program and calls a special interrupt handler. When finished it continues with the interrupted program. On a PC there are different interrupt signals, e.g. when you press a key, when a timer runs off, when data from the serial interface has arrived (e.g. when you move the mouse), when the soundcard just played its last sample and needs more data, ... The Z80 in the CPC is interrupted 300 times a second.
this is the signal which is used to momentarily pause the functioning of the computer's microprocessor. When this happens, the processor temporarily ignores the operations it was performing in order to carry out the actions indicated by the interrupt in question. There is an established interrupt hierarchy so that the computer knows which one to accept first and which ones should interrupt other ones already in process. Once the processor has dealt with the interrupt, it continues with the initial action it was performing.
I/O specific, asynchronous event sent by device driver or operating system to a currently running program.
To stop a process in such a way that it can be resumed.
A hardware signal that causes a CPU to set aside normal processing and begin execution of an interrupt handler. An interrupt is parameterized by the type of bus and the interrupt level, and possibly with an interrupt vector number. The kernel uses this information to select the interrupt handler for that device.
An interrupt breaks into the computers program of instructions to carry out a particular routine. It is a way of controlling input/output activity in which a peripheral device sends a signal to interrupt the programme in order to send or receive data. To signal a process to take a specific action.
A request for attention from the processor. When the processor receives an interrupt, it suspends its current operations, saves the status of its work, and transfers control to a special routine known as an interrupt handler, which contains the instructions for dealing with the particular situation that caused the interrupt.
To stop an execution of a program, then execute another subroutine, in such a way that the first program can be resumed normally after the execution of the interrupt service program. In an IBM-compatible computer there are eight or sixteen levels of hardware interrupts, (IRQ0 to IRQ7, or IRQ 15 in newer models), and 256 levels of software interrupts.
An interrupt is a command sent to the processor to get its attention. The CPU then has to decide whether to continue with what its doing and handle this command later, or set aside what its doing and handle the interrupt immediately. Interrupts are prioritized and can be sent from hardware devices or software.
This is a signal on which the processor stops execution of the current command sequence and transfers control to the program-handler of the interrupt. The address of the program-handler is calculated by the interrupt vector table. An interrupt may be initialized either by user programs, while working with disks, screen, printer etc (program interrupts), or by hardware: keyboard, timer (hardware interrupts).
A special control signal that suspends the normal flow of the processor operations and allows the processor to respond to a logically unrelated or unpredictable event.
A signal to the microprocessor to stop what it is doing and do something else.
A method by which a piece of hardware communicates with the processor. It's called interrupt, because the device (such as a sound card) interrupts the computer to carry out a function (such as playing a sound). See IRQ.
A computer signal indicating that the CPU should suspend its current task to service a designated activity.
A temporary suspension of a process.There are two main sources of interrupts: a signal from outside the computer, such as someone touching the keyboard or mouse (a hardware interrupt); or a machine instruction such as a request for input or output (a software interrupt).When an interrupt occurs, the CPU may temporarily gives control to an interrupt handler routine.The suspended process is resumed after the interrupt has been handled. Sometimes a PC will 'lockup' and become unusable when two devices are usig the same interrupt number.
In OptoControl, a signal sent by an I/O unit that has just registered an event configured within an event/reaction. Only event/reactions configured to enable interrupts will trigger an interrupt. Once an interrupt is registered, the Interrupt chart starts running. The interrupt signal is transmitted from the I/O unit to the controller via a separate communication wire.
A break in the normal flow of a computer routine such that the flow can be resumed from that point at a later time. An interrupt is usually caused by a signal from an external source.
In computing, an interrupt is an asynchronous signal from hardware indicating the need for attention or a synchronous event in software indicating the need for a change in execution. A hardware interrupt causes the processor to save its state of execution via a context switch, and begin execution of an interrupt handler. Software interrupts are usually implemented as instructions in the instruction set, which cause a context switch to an interrupt handler similarly to a hardware interrupt.