Also called a CPU-Central processing unit, a type of microprocessor. In current Power Mac, iMac, PowerBook, and iBook computers, the CPU is a PowerPC G3 or G4 chip. Earlier models contained PowerPC 601, 603, 604, 604e and Motorola 680x0 chips.
The processor in a computer houses the brains of the computer. Clock speed is used the measure how fast the chip can process information.
Contains the arithmetic and logic, control, and internal memory units that control the storage router.
n. In a computer, a functional unit that interprets and executes instructions. A processor consists of at least an instruction control unit and an arithmetic and logic unit.
The decision-making and data storage sections of a programmable controller or computer.
Consider to be the brain of the computer, this is where most of the computing decisions are being made. Commonly being known as CPU, which stand for Central Processing unit.
The processor (also called central processing unit, or CPU) is the part of the computer that actually works with the data and runs the programs. There are two main processor types in common usage today: CISC and RISC. Some computers have more than one processor and are thus called "multiprocessor". This is distinct from multitasking. Advertisers often use megahertz numbers as a means of showing a processor's speed. This is often extremely misleading; megahertz numbers are more or less meaningless when compared across different types of processors.
The 'engine' of the computer. For example, Pentium III.
The brains of the entire computer. The processor, which is where a computers instructions are decoded and executed, performs all of its logical. operations.
This is the central element of a computer's intelligence and information handling operations. It is also called the CPU -- central processing unit.
silicon chip running software that is used to control electronic equipment, such as a computer or a networking switch.
The logical component of a computer system that interprets and executes program instructions.
A silicon chip that contains a CPU. In the world of personal computers, the terms microprocessor and CPU are used interchangeably. At the heart of all personal computers is a microprocessor. Microprocessors also control the logic of almost all digital devices, from clock radios to fuel-injection systems for automobiles.
the "central processing unit" (CPU); the principal integrated circuit used for doing the "computing" in "personal computing".
The central processing unit (CPU, processor) is the brain of the computer or server. This is where the system makes its calculations and, in terms of speed and power, is the most important component in your system. Processor speed is measured in gigahertz (Ghz).
program within FRAMES-HWIR Technology Software System (that is, Distribution Statistics Processor, Site Layout Processor, Site Definition Processor, Chemical Properties Processor, Computational Optimization Processor, Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor, Risk Visualization Processor, and Exit Level Processors) that results in a series of changes to data or data groups to support HWIR Assessment Strategy.
A microchip containing the logic circuitry that responds to and processes instructions that drive the computer.
The control unit and brains of the computer, where most calculations take place. Clock speed is measured in megahertz or gigahertz. The higher the value, the more powerful the computer.
Processor is also known as CPU or Central Processing Unit. This does all or most of the data processing. The two most popular brands are AMD and Intel
Complex Instruction Set Computer Processor - the x86 and Pentium families use CISC processors that process complex instructions requiring less instructions per operation resulting in faster performance. The performance efficiency of a RISC processor can sometimes, however, be effected by the software installed in the machine as newer, more complex software versions contain more instructions that the processor needs to process.
In the PC field the Processor & Microprocessor are synonymous. Basically it is the brain of the PC that carries out all of the low level "processing" that the PC needs to do - calculating the sum of 2 numbers is a simple example of something that the processor will do. Basically every single task that the PC performs is dependent on the processor doing its stuff.
a chip in the computer that executes program instructions
a chip that handles the most important tasks on the average computer
a device that processes programmed instructions and performs tasks
a hardware or software component that is capable of executing instructions according to the Lleta Instruction Set Architecture specifications
a microcontroller which knows certain instructions and acts upon binary numbers
an important component in your computer
a processing unit that takes an instruction from memory and executes it
a two part chip, it contains a control unit and an ALU or arithmetic logic unit
a unique, patented, electronic architecture that forms the 'brain' of a digital computer
Chip in a computer that executes instructions. Also called the CPU.
Part of a computer that processes data by receiving and interpreting data, and executing instructions.
(n.) the combination of a computing system and the mechanism by which executable programs are transformed for use on that computing system.
The primary computational chip inside the system that controls the interpretation and execution of arithmetic and logic functions. Software written for one processor must usually be revised to run on another processor. CPU is a synonym for processor.
The processor (CPU, for Central Processing Unit) is a microchip that executes machine code stored in the main memory. It is the brain of the computer.
The brain of the computer. Speed is measured in Gigahertz for most newer computers.
A large computer chip that does most of the work in a computer or calculator. The processor in the TI-83 is the Zilog Z80 chip.
Sometimes referred to as the brain of the computer. A microchip that processes the income data into the desired results.
The hardware component of a computer that performs the actual computation by directly executing instructions represented in machine language and stored in main memory.
The processor is the most important part of your computer as it is where all of the "thinking" takes place. The main job of the processor is handling commands and calculations, thus the speed of your processor is a major factor in the speed of your system.
In a Deployment Diagram, this represents a computer or other programmable device where code may be deployed.
The heart of any computer: a silicon chip which executes program instructions at very high speed. It receives input data from keyboard, mouse, disk and memory, processes it, and transmits its results to memory, disk, and screen.
A term used for both the CPU in a system, and as a generic name for a board in a system that calculates and processes, such as a DSP board or a CPU board.
The computer hardware component that performs the actual computations as directed by software commands. In microcomputers, the processor is a single integrated circuit, also known as the Central Processing Unit (CPU). CPU speed is measured in megahertz (Mhz), which refers to the amount of time a processor takes to perform any given computational task.
Processor is short for Microprocessor (MPU). The processor is the part of the CPU that does the work, the brain of the system.
The logic circuitry or "brain" that processes and responds to the basic instructions received from both the operating system and software applications on a Palm device. QWERTY The standard layout for letter keys on computer, handheld and smartphone keyboards used to type in English, modeled after the typewriter and named for the order of the first six keys on the top row. Reminder
A regulating device inside a computer that interprets and executes instructions. The processor controls most major functions of any computer, and also performs computations.
The central processing chip inside a computer.
Either: a device for changing a sound in some way (as in 'effects processor'), or the calculating device at the heart of a computer (Central Processing Unit).
The chip that performs the majority of calculations and instructions needed to make your computer run. The processor is attached to the motherboard.
This component of the computer does all the work, the higher your processor speed, the faster programs, and other applications will run on your computer. Measured in Gigahertz.
Component of a computer system which manipulates data.
In system documentation, the computer on which UnixWare and the system software runs. In general, the part of the computer system that processes the data. Also known as the central processing unit.
See central processing unit.
Short for Microprocessor, equivalent to CPU.
Short for microprocessor, the central processing unit in a computer. The processor is the logic of a computer and functions comparably to a human central nervous system, directing signals from one component to another and enabling everything to happen.
The logic circuitry that processes and responds to basic instructions that operate a computer.
type of node which possesses the capability to run one or more process es. Generally this requires a computational capability, memory, input- output devices, and so on. See also node, process, and device. [D04870] RUP
A microprocessor chip that does most of the data processing inside a computer.
Also called a CPU (Central Processing Unit), it's the computing part of the computer. A personal computer CPU is a single microprocessor chip. A minicomputer CPU is contained on one or more printed circuit boards. A mainframe CPU is made up of several boards.
Same meaning as CPU. The chip that drives the computer.
The processor or CPU is the heart of a computing device. It performs all the calculations and operations on data. Processors are commonly rated in MHz or GHz, a measurement which refers to their speed - the higher the MHz/GHz the faster the speed.
Short for microprocessor or CPU. of, and pronounced as separate letters. The CPU (or central processing unit) is the brains of the computer. It is where most calculations take place. In terms of computing power, the CPU is the most important element of a computer system.
The processor, also known as the Central Processing Unit, or CPU, is the"brains" of the computer.
the core of your computer, it handles logic and instructions, running your computer
the processor of payments, a computer center, which generates master operations of payments.
The nerve centre of the computer : everything flows through it. Also called the CPU. The best known are Intel's Pentium and AMD's Athlon. The most important single specification on any PC is the speed of its processor, usually measured in megahertz (MHz), or gigahertz (GHz).
the part of the computer that does all its actual work.
The computer's "brain." The processor and the computer's software-based operating system regulate the flow of data between the computer's internal components.
The processor is the brain behind your computer. It is responsible for performing calculations and tasks that make programs work. The faster the processor, the quicker programs can process computations. Processor speed is measured in Megahertz. “Processor,†“Chip†and “CPU†are sometimes used interchangeably. Source:
The chip that is the brain of a computer. The faster the processor, the better a computer will perform. Many computers can used more than one processor.
Defined by their key role in the heart of a computing system, processors simply process carefully defined instructions. Designers of processors also design the instruction sets that those processors are able to process and therefore dictate what software they will be able to run.
A processor—which is short for microprocessor—does exactly what it sounds like: it's the main microchip that performs (processes) your computer's computations. The faster the processor, the faster the computer.
Highly complex arithmetic unit built into a chip - the brain of a computer, so to speak.
Short for microprocessor or Central Processing Unit (CPU). The processor is the brains of the computer, where most calculations and computing takes place.
Central Processing Unit, or just processor. The device that executes program code on a computer. There may be more than one CPU in a computer. See also Program.
The "heart" of a computer. All programs and user commands are executed here.
Speed/CPU the measure of the speed of the microprocessor of the handheld/PDA in megahertz (MHZ). In general, the higher this number gets the faster the handheld/PDA will execute tasks.
This term is commonly used to describe the CPU. More specifically, it refers to the part of the CPU that actually does the work.
The "engine" of your computer. If you're getting a Mac, you generally don't get a choice - you'll get a PowerPC (these days identified with a letter/number pair, like G3). If you're buying a Windows machine, you can choose from Intel, AMD, Cyrix, or other processors. I've named the current top 3 vendors - Cyrix processors (MxII) are usually in "low-end" (inexpensive) machines, while Intel (Celeron, Pentium-II and Pentium-III) and AMD (K6-2, K6-III, and Athlon) cover the map. Unless you have a strong preference, allow your consultant to help you choose the processor.
The chip or chip set that performs the operations central to a computer's functioning.
The part of the computer that actually executes your instructions. Also known as central processing unit or CPU.
Also known as the CPU (Central Processing Unit). The processor is the "brain" of the computer responsible for running all the devices and programs. The higher the megahertz (MHz) number, the faster the processor performs.
The part of a computer that performs logical operations.
This is the chip in your computer that does all the calculations - for Windows95 users, it's based upon Intel's x86 architecture, which includes the 386, 486, and Pentium series. This is also referred to as the CPU.
processor is the logic circuitry that responds to and processes the basic instruction that drive a computer.
the part of a computer that executes instructions to operate on data
The primary chip of the system that oversees all the other components of the system.
the microprocessor which runs a computer, such as the Motorola 680x0 Family, or the Intel 80x86 Family.
The processor is the task master and brains of the entire computer system. Telling everything what to do. How to do it. When to do it.
The printed circuit board or silicon chip that contains the central processing unit for a computer - in other words, the "brains" of the computer.
The electronic brain of a computer, that reads the instructions in a software program and tells the other parts of the hardware what to do. Also referred to as a CPU or central processing unit.
Short for Central Processing Unit or CPU, the brains of any computer. The Intel Pentium line of processors and the AMD Duron and Athlon processors are classed as CPU's.