Official meeting documents are placed on the website, as they become available. In-session documents are distributed on site and may include CRPs, and nonpapers. Informal documents are often distributed outside the meeting room by Parties or observers.
When you enter Mexico you are given a tourist card, which you must return when you leave. If you lose the card, you will need to go to the Mexican Immigration office at the Maritime Terminal to obtain another (224-7653). You will need proof of how you entered the country–such as a plane ticket–and identification–driver's license, passport, birth certificate or voters registration card. These are the same means of identification needed to cross the border into Mexico.
Printed or written information, legal or official papers, books, etc.
are instruments for the communication of information, regardless of their physical form or characteristics. They may be in the form of an impression on paper, a magnetic impulse, or a beam of light. The word comes from the Latin for official paper or that which teaches. Essentially, documents provide evidence or support of an action, condition, or entity.
Passport: An official government document certifying identity and citizenship and granting permission to travel abroad. Visa: An official authorization appended to a passport permitting travel to and within a particular country. Vouchers: Documents issued by tour operators to be exchanged for accommodations, sightseeing and other services.
Official documents are available to everyone and feature the logos of the United Nations and the Climate Change Convention and a reference number, such as FCCC/CP/1997/1. (See also L docs, Misc. docs, and nonpapers.)
Official documents are available to everyone and feature the logos of the United Nations, UNEP, and the Biodiversity Convention and a reference number (such as UNEP/CBD/COP/4/1). Pre-session documents are available before the meeting in all six UN languages (see In-session documents are distributed on-site and include CRPs, L docs, and nonpapers.