Tablets of uniform size, consisting of resins or mixtures of resins with compounding additives which have been prepared for molding operations by shaping in a pelletizing machine or by extrusion and chopping into short segments.
Feeds formed into a cylindrical shape by grinding followed by steaming and compacting while passing through die openings. Improve physical handling and mixing characteristics of many feeds.
Tiny cylinders of virgin or recycled resin ready for melting.
100 percent wood sawdust nuggets with no additives. The sawdust in pellets is a manufacturing byproduct otherwise destined for landfills.
Resins or mixtures of resins with compounding additives in the shape of similar-sized tablets and granules that have been extruded or chopped into short segments to prepare them for molding operations.
are made of 100% wood sawdust with no additives. The sawdust in pellets is a manufacturing by-product otherwise destined for landfills.
Solid fuels made from primarily wood sawdust that is compacted under high pressure to form small (about the size of rabbit feed) pellets for use in a pellet stove.