Board made by gluing together and compressing thin wood chippings; used for making furniture, shelves, doors, flooring and partition walls
A composition board made of very small pieces of wood bonded together with a synthetic glue.
A formed panel consisting of particles of wood flakes, shavings, slivers, etc., bonded together with a synthetic resin or other added binder; the particles are classified by size, dried to a uniform moisture content, mixed with binder, mat-formed, compressed to density and then cured under controlled heat and pressure.
A board of bonded wood chips.
Particleboard is a wood panel product made of wood particles bonded together with a synthetic resin under heat and pressure. It is recognized as an excellent substrate for laminated panel constructions. It is usually laminated with wood veneers, high pressure laminates, or vinyl films.
A term used to describe panel products made from particles of wood larger than fiber.
A core material primarily composed of cellulosic materials (usually wood), generally in the form of discrete pieces or particles, as distinguished from fibers. The cellulosic material is combined with a synthetic resin or other suitable bonding system by a process in which the interparticle bond is created by the bonding system under heat and pressure.
A generic term used to describe panel wood products made from discrete particles (sawdust, chips) of wood rather than fibers.
Engineered board made from wood.
An engineered wood product made from a combination of wood particles and fibers bonded together with a synthetic resin under heat and pressure. Particleboard is available in a variety of thickness', sizes and densities and is used in wide range of products where dimensional stability and strength are critical. Particleboard's machinability and face integrity make it especially well-suited for laminating applications.
A board composed of wood chips glued together under pressure. It is similar to chipboard, but has a higher density.
An engineered material made of particles of wood compressed together in various degrees of density.
Boards manufactured from reconstituted wood particles as opposed to wafers or strands. Commonly referred to as flakeboard or chipboard, these panels are comprised of small particles usually arranged in layers by size.
Panel material manufactured under pressure and heat from particles of wood (wood (also chipboard) flakes, chips, shavings, sawdust) in particle form, with the addition of an adhesive
An inexpensive, strong composite material formed by gluing wood chips and sawdust together under high pressure. Usually produced with non-waterproof glues and therefore easily damaged by dampness or direct contact with water. Readily available in thicknesses and sizes comparable to plywood.
Reconstituted wood particles that are bonded with resin under heat and pressure and made into panels. Particleboard has a tendency to swell when exposed to moisture.
A composite board or panel made of wood chips bonded with adhesive.
A type of manufactured plywood that is made from ground up and glued scrap wood. Particle board is very dense, heavy, and flat.
A generic term for a material manufactured from wood particles or other lignocellulosic material and a synthetic resin or other suitable binder.
A panel composed of small particles of wood and wood fiber that are bonded together with synthetic resin adhesives in the presence of heat and pressure.
Panels made from compressed wood chips and glue. Home Improvement Encyclopedia