A term loosely applied to any clay-like dispersion. It may be use to wash ladles or other refractory linings to impart a smooth surface; as a bonding addition to molding sand; as a thin loam over specially made molds or as a mixture to fine joints or cracks of a core, etc.
A slurry is a mixture of magnetic particles along with solvents, diluents, dispersants, binders etc. The slurry is coated onto a base film and oven dried.
A watery mixture or suspension of insoluble (not dissolved) matter; a thin watery mud or any substance resembling it (such as a grit slurry or a lime slurry).
Dry commodities that are made into a liquid form by the addition of water or other fluids to permit movement by pipeline.
A liquid mixture consisting of suspended fibers, fillers, coating pigments and other solid material in water or adhesive, used in papermaking process.
A mixture of fine solids and liquid (usually water).
Animal dung mixed with water or urine. It can be stored in a slurry lagoon before being spread on fields as a fertiliser.
A mixture of cement and water that is pumped into a well to harden. A mixture of frac fluid and proppant pumped into a well to increase permeability.
A water suspension of fibers. Also, the suspension of pigment and adhesive used to coat papers.
A mixture of water and any finely divided insoluble material, such as Portland cement, slag, or clay in suspension. See Portland cement.
A thin mixture of water and fine substances such as clay. In a landfill, a slurry wall prevents the movement of slurry beyond the landfill boundaries.
A thick mixture of water and fine wafer particles produced during the wafer sawing process. If wafer is not cleaned properly, slurry can be seen as a very fine particle deposit over the surface of individual die, sometimes forming patterns from the spray of the mixture.
a fluid comprising fine solids suspended in a solution (generally water containing additives).
animal wastes in a semi-liquid form.
Paste made with portland cement and water.
A milkshake-like mixture of water, dirt, crushed rocks, and chemicals from which gold can be chemically extracted. See Fort Knox Gold Mine.
material left after washing the coal prior to shipment. It is a fine coal refuse with the consistency of wet sand.
A thin mixture of a liquid, especially water, and any of several finely divided substances, such as cement, plaster of Paris, or clay particles. The mixture is used for pumping or for wash over a surface.
a suspension of insoluble particles (as plaster of paris or lime or clay etc.) usually in water
a liquid mixture (especially involving water) composed of a mixture of various insoluble matter, such as mud or plaster of paris
a mixture of a starch and cold water
a mixture of flour and liquid (water and vinegar in this recipe)
a mixture of ore and water
a semi-fluid substance such as slush, thin mud, mortar or cement that is prepared with a high percentage of water
a thin paste of water and flour that is stirred into hot preparations as a thickener
a very thick sugar mixture made by dissolving sugar in hot water until it is solid
Cornflour and water mix used as a thickening agent.
a recipe consisting of clays, water, and other additives that have been filtered, mixed, and poured into backs, or settling tanks.
Thick suspension of pesticide such as used in treating seeds; paste-like preparation resulting from mixing pesticides with water.
(Purin) Liquid that flows from manure when piled in heaps. It mostly consists of farm animal urine and at times is diluted by rain and/or wash water.
A fluid mixture of insoluble matter.
a liquid containing suspended abrasive component; used for lapping, polishing and grinding of solid surfaces; can be chemically active; key element of CMP processes.
A liquid that has a very high level of suspended solids (usually from 2 - 30% by weight).
A thin watery suspension of ground head ore. (weight of water to weight of ore) Required head feed for shaker tables.
A pumpable mixture consisting of waste particles and liquid.
describes a high concentration of suspended solids in water typically over 5g/1.
A mixture of a solid and a liquid that facilitates the transfer of the solid into a treatment solution.
paste or mixture of a liquid and a solid substance.
A mixture of liquid, typically water, and solid materials to create a material similar in consistency to mud or plaster of Paris.
Compare? A pumpable mixture of solids and fluid.
Exclusively used to describe coarse, or very coarse, suspensions of powders.
a solid-liquid suspension, such as that produced when a caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) solution is mixed with finely ground bauxite ore.
Water or a liquid containing a high concentration of suspended solids. Diatomaceous earth (D.E.) is usually added to the filter as a slurry by mixing a small amount of D.E. in a bucket of water and then pouring the slurry into the skimmer with the filter on.
A mixture of crushed and finely ground solids with water.
The fine carbonaceous discharge from a colliery washery.
The amount of spare space in the slurry tank will govern the course of action. Identify where previous loads of slurry have been disposed of and the disease risk. If the slurry tank is almost full, an alternative pit can be dug, if necessary lined with plastic sheeting, into which slurry can be pumped for treatment. Slurry pits may be tanks beneath buildings or tanks in the farmyard. Any covers should be removed. Estimate the capacity of the tank. Use chemicals to modify the pH to 2.00 or 11.00 and test using universal indicators. Mix the slurry and chemicals, using a slurry-tanker pump or agitator, and maintain the required pH for seven days. Neutralize the mixture and spread it on non-grazed agricultural land.
A thin, watery mixture. The mixture of pulp and water that is poured onto the papermaking machine is often referred to as slurry.
Slurry - A fluid mixture of cement or bentonite or other solids and water; may be synonymous with grout.
Solids in liquid. It is impossible to define when the quantity and size of the particles becomes too much for the mechanical seal.
The thick, insoluble liquid made of substances like plaster and silica from which a mold is created by repeatedly covering the patterned wax with the liquid.
A liquid or emulsion that can be used to deliver chemicals and biological agents to a medium; or, a liquid that is injected into the ground and hardens, preventing the flow of water. See technology descriptions of Slurry Walls and Impermeable Barriers and Bio-Slurry.
Thin, watery suspension; a material to be filtered.
A mixture of oil sand and water.
A flowable mixture of water and an insoluble material. MetaMax® is sometimes used in a slurry form to allow it to be pumped.
The name of the mixture of liquid and grinding or polishing compounds used in processing optical materials. Learn more about Slurry...
Watery suspension of pigments, etc…which is used in coating or papermaking.
A liquid based mixture or suspension of solids.
A mixture of liquids and solids
A mixture of water and such finely divided materials, such as portland cement, slag, or soil in suspension.
The mixture of pulp and water that is poured onto the forming wire of the papermaking machine. Slurry is 99% water.
A thin mixture of a liquid, which in casting is often water or gypsum hardener, mixed with a finely divided substance, such as gypsum cement, plaster, or dental stone.
Sediments mixed with water.
Semi-solid animal waste products. Produced during housing stock
A thin, watery mixture of neat cement, or cement and sand.
A mixture of raw starch and cold liquid, used for thickening.
Fine coal and other material washed from marketable coal during the cleaning process.
Animal dung mixed with water and urine which can be handled as a semi-liquid.
A mixture of water and any of several finely crushed solids, especially cement, clay, or coal
A semi fluid mixture of faeces and urine which may also include rain water and yard washings.
1) a fluid mixture of water and fine insoluble particles. 2) a solids-water mixture with sufficient water content to impart fluid handling characteristics to the mixture. b
A pasty liquid mixture containing suspended solids.
A flowable mixture of refractory particles suspended in a liquid.
A watery mixture of insoluble matter that results from some pollution control techniques.
Water suspension of pigments or other substances used in coating or papermaking.
A soupy mix of chemicals in hot tub water, usually in a dedicated plastic bucket or watering can.
A suspension of insoluble material in water
mixture of urine, faeces and wash water from cattle or pig rearing
A thin watery mixture of a fine insoluble material; a mixture of liquid and solid particles so small that they remain in sus-pension instead of sinking
the mixture of manure and water processed in the digester
Slurry is used as glue when joining clay pieces. It is also used as a lubricant for clay on the wheel instead of straight water. Check out the "HOW TO" tutorial below: For more information: TUTORIALS SLURRY TUTORIAL
a highly fluid mixture of water and finely divided material; for example, pulverized coal and water for movement by pipeline, or of cement and water for use in grouting. AGI
A pourable mixture of solid and liquid.
Liquid and solid mixture, such as concrete, in which the solid particles are suspended in the liquid.
A flow able mixture of refractory particles suspended in a liquid. Thin watery mixture such as the gypsum mixture for plaster molding, the molding medium used for investment casting, core dips, and mold washes. See Dip Coat.
Thick suspension of one or more ceramic materials in water.