A computer word made up of eight bits of data.
Bytes are a basic measurement of computer memory. A byte is made up of eight bits.
A group of eight adjacent bits operated on as a unit.
(2005-11-03) Chris Limb A digital unit of information comprising eight binary digits (bits). In computer technology usually used to encode an alphanumeric character.
A binary clement string functioning as a unit. Eight-bit bytes are most common. Also called a "character".
a group of bits (usually 8) that represents 1 character of data
(tech) — A sequence or string of eight bits.
A group of 8 bits. Can't find what you're looking for here? Ask us by completing this form
A unit that means 8 bits.
Sequence of adjacent binary digits operated upon as a unit and usually shorter than a computer word. A character is usually considered a byte. A single byte can contain either two numeric characters or one alphabetic or special character.
a sequence of 8 bits (enough to represent one character of alphanumeric data) processed as a single unit of information.
a unit of 8 bits. Bytes can be combined to form larger units of memory such as a kilobyte (K) or 1024 bytes.
A collection of 7 or 8 continous bits that makes up a character or other discrete item of information.
Group of eight binary digits or bits. also see: AKA: Antonym: Source: http://www.twysted-pair.com/dictionary.htm
One byte equals one alpha-numeric character.
a unit of eight bits commonly used to encode textual data; now used to measure the storage requirements of various data objects; represented by the uppercase letter B.
A byte is an 8-bit data word, where a bit is a binary digit that represents a "0" (zero) or a "1" (one). An example of a byte is "10011011". back to the previous page
Eight bits or one octet. See also octet.
Eight consecutive bits often notated by 'B', as in Bps.
8 bits of information - typically holds value from 0 to 255 (). One byte can store one character in English (but some programs use Unicode to store text, which may require more than one byte per character). - The C programming language (successor to BCPL) is widely used outside science, but is useful for scientific programming. Most of UNIX is written in C. - C++ is a development of the C programming language, but with Object-Oriented and Generic Programming features (I won't define those for you). The language is widely used outside science, but not so widely in science. It is famed for its steep learning curve (which doesn't have to be so steep) and its power.
a unit of memory or data consisting of 8 bits which is used to represent one character.
Usually made up of 8 bits for a microcomputer, a byte is the smallest amount of computer memory needed to store one character of data
A unit of information consisting of a fixed number of bits (usually 8) which represents one character.
Contiguous set of eight data bits, represented by an equal or greater number of channel or recorded bits.
A bit quantity, used to store 28, or 256, different possible values. In the MC680x0 bit-numbering scheme, the first bit in a byte is bit number 7, and the last bit is bit number 0 See also: reversed bit-numbering
a unit of storage that holds a single character (an individual letter, number or symbol). 1 byte = 8 bits 1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte(KB) 1,048,576 bytes = 1 megabyte(MB) 1,073,741,824 bytes = 1 gigabyte(GB)
8 bits. A byte can encode 256 unique values and is usually thought of as the smallest quantity of computer storage.
An Octet or 8 bits of data.
Equals one character, which is a letter, number, or punctuation mark; made up of eight bits or two nibbles Cable tensiometer: Device used to measure static strength; cable tension is determined "from the force needed to create offset on a riser in a cable stretched between two points"
a standard unit of computer data, consisting of eight bits. This is the usual amount of data required to store a single character of text.
A byte is made up of 8 bits and can be used to represent a character, or perhaps some "raw" data - maybe part of a number for a program (only part since it has only 256 different values!).
8 bits or 256 discrete items of information such as colour, brightness etc. One full frame of CCIR 601 requires just under 1Mb of storage. One full frame of HD/24p video requires about nine times the storage.
by definition 8 bits. The Centigrade temperature scale
A unit of information made up of 8 bits. The byte is the fundamental unit of computer processing; almost all aspects of a computer's performance and specifications are measured in bytes or multiples thereof (such as kilobytes or megabytes).
A string of binary digits (usually 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits long) operated on as a basic unit by a digital computer.
A set of bits considered as a unit of information in the computer.
a group of eight adjacent binary digits treated as a unit and often represent a single character. - a procedural programming language. (See Procedural Languages). - variation of the C programming language oriented to Object Oriented Programming (see listing).
Eight bit digital number. kilobyte(KB)=1024 bytes, megabyte(MB)=1024 kilobytes and a gigabyte(GB)=1024 megabytes
Eight bit s: the standard "chunk" of digital information. That full stop is represented in most computers by the eight-bit byte 00101110. In other contexts this byte might represent the decimal number 46, or a sort of lime-green colour in a low-resolution graphic.
A set of eight binary bit digits (in smaller computer) representing the decimal values of 0 to 255.
A unit of information that is eight bit s long. In most computers a character, such as a letter, a number, or a typographic symbol is represented by a byte. It can assume a value from 0 (0000 0000) to 255 (1111 1111).
An 8-bit binary word used as a single unit to store and retrieve data. ------------------------------------------------ An efficient and flexible computer programming language, popular throughout the world.
A byte is equal to a single letter of character in a computer file. One kilobyte is roughly 1,000 bytes, about 1,000 characters, or a little less than half a page of text. 1,000 bytes = 1Kb (kilobyte) 1,000 kilobytes = 1 Mb (megabyte) 1,000 megabytes = 1 Gb (gigabyte)
A group of eight consecutive binary digits associated with a single user. A byte is typically the smallest addressable unit of information in a database or memory.
A computer term denoting the number of bits of information representing a character. :: X Y Z : Home : Guide TOC
a unit of data that is eight binary digits long. A byte is the unit most computers use to represent a character such as a letter, number, or typographic symbol (for example, "g", "5", or "?"). A byte is abbreviated with a "B". (A bit is abbreviated with a small "b".) Computer storage is usually measured in byte multiples
Light bits of digital data. Symbol designation for capacitance, and celsius.
The common unit of computer storage from micro to mainframe
1 byte is one character which can be a number, letter or symbol.
a contiguous sequence of a fixed number of bits, the smallest addressable unit in data processing; commonly used as a unit of storage and memory measurement in computing, regardless of the data type; most often abbreviated as B, including larger quantities of bytes, e.g. MB (megabyte). This is incompatible with SI where B is the symbol of the unit named bel. An eight-bit byte or octet is by far the most common; it can hold 256 possible values (2 = 256), enough to store an unsigned integer ranging from 0 to 255, a signed integer from -128 to 127, or a character of a seven-bit (such as ASCII) or eight-bit character encoding. bit SI bel ASCII
A group of binary digits that you/they are stored and operated as if they went an unit.
A data storage unit equal to the amount of space required to hold a single character. A kilobyte ( KB) is about one thousand bytes. A megabyte ( MB) is about one million bytes. A gigabyte ( GB) is about one billion bytes.
This is a set of bits that make up a single character. Eights bits usually make up a byte. KB or kilobyte is 1,000 bytes, an MB or megabyte is a million bytes, a GB or gigabyte is a billion bytes and a terabyte is a trillion bytes.
Any keyboard character such as a letter, number or basic symbol constitutes exactly one byte of memory.
The basic "word" of digital signals. Frequently written as an eight-digit binary number or a two-digit hexadecimal number. One letter of the alphabet in ASCII code takes one byte.
A byte is a set of 0's and 1's that together represent a number, letter, or other character to your computer.
A byte, generally, is an 8-bit quantity of information, used mainly in referring to parallel data transfer, and data storage; also generally referred to in data communications as an octet or character.
The common unit of computer storage from desktop computer to mainframe.
A group of eight binary digits processed as a unit by a computer. It is generally the amount of computer memory needed to hold an alphabetic character.
A unit of memory or disk storage usually used to represent one character. See also Bit.
easure of size of a digital data file: how much "space" a file occupies in the computer memory or on the disk. As applied to a text file, one byte is a space required to store one text character. See also Megabyte, Gigabyte Gigabyte. top of the page
An eight-bit binary word, ie with values between decimal 0 and 255, eg as used in the ASCII representation of alpha-numeric characters. See also American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
A byte is the unit of size for files being stored on a hard drive or elsewhere. The prefixes kilo (meaning 1000 bytes), mega (1,000,000), and giga (1,000,000,000) are commonly used with this term)
bits of data, sometimes called a ‘word' or and ‘octet'
A byte is a unit of measurement for computer data. In terms of ASCII, one character is equivalent to one byte. Each character you're reading is a single byte. Binary data contains special information within it that may make it take up more space than the ASCII version of the same data. Abbreviation used in this glossary
The amount of storage genereally used to store one character of information in languages based on the latin character sets - contrast with Unicode
a byte is equal to one alphanumeric character. Storage capacity on disks are measures in kilobytes or megabytes. when followed by a colon, refers to the C: drive, usually the hard drive in a computer.
An 8- bit word, commonly used to represent a single character.
A standard storage measurement of computer data. One byte equals approximately one ASCII character. Chat A program that connects computers on a network for instantaneous, multi-way communication. People who use chat can type messages for delivery to a server, which displays the messages instantly so that users who are logged on to the chat service can respond immediately. On the Internet, chat is sometimes referred to as Internet Relay Chat (IRC).
Usually a group of eight binary digits.
A basic unit of measurement for pieces of information; the space required to store one character. See also Bit, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte.
a group of bits. The number of bits in a byte depends on the processing system being used. Typical byte sizes are 8, 16, and 32.
A byte is a unit of storage capable of storing 1 character. See also Kilobyte, Megabyte and Gigabytes.
a string of binary digits ("bits"), usually eight, that operates as a basic unit in computing. Memory or storage is typically express in megabytes (one million bytes). [Back to Glossary Table of Contents
Bytes, kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB) and gigabytes (GB) are measurements of computer data. One KB (or 1K) is 1,024 bytes, 1MB is 1,024KB and 1GB is 1,024MB. Each byte consists of a number of binary digits or bits (usually eight).
One single character or space. KB=KiloByte (1024 Byte), MB=MegaByte (1024 KiloByte), GB=GigaByte (1024 MegaByte), TB=TerraByte (1024 GigaByte), PB=PetaByte (1024 TerraByte), EB=ExaByte (1024 PetaByte), ZB=ZetaByte (1024 ExaByte) and YB=Yottabyte (1024 ZetaByte).
Each electronic signal is one bit, but to represent more complex numbers or images, computers combine these signals into larger 8-bit groups called bytes. When 1024 (not 1000) bytes are combined, you get a kilobyte, often called K.
A unit of computer memory. One character is equal to one byte.
A unit of measurement used to describe computer memory. One byte is roughly equal to the amount of storage required for one character (for example, one letter of the alphabet).
The number of bits needed to represent one alphanumeric character.
Bits used to represent one data character (a letter, digit or special character). The smallest unit of measurement for disk space and memory.
A single character of computer memory or file space. The word V/BOSS uses 6 bytes.
(pronounced BITE) A group of eight bits. Return to the top
A sequence of eight binary digits (bits). For example, 11111110 (which in the normal decimal system is 254). There are 2^8 (2 to the power of 8 or 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2) different values that a byte can represent, which is equivalent to the 256 numbers in the range 0 to 255 in conventional decimal notation. Computer memory is generally measured in multiples of a byte such as Gigabyte and Megabyte. See also bit, Byte, Gigabyte and Megabyte.
is a group of 8 bits that represents one natural language character.
A unit of 8 contiguous binary digits, or bits. A byte represents one character. A superset of the C programming language. C++ was developed primarily to facilitate the management, programming, and maintenance of extremely large sets of C software. C++ is an object-oriented language; it manipulates data sets, or objects, rather than individual numbers.
A byte is a series of eight bits, each one a 0 (meaning "off") or 1 (meaning on). A byte is the unit of memory required to store one ASCII character.
The number of bits that represents a character to a computer, normally 8 bits.
A byte is a set of 8 bits that represent a single character. CUSTOMER TOOLBOX How to use this section Billing & Account Info International Support CONTROL PANEL ACCESS Unix Hosting Windows/E-commerce Virtual Private Server E-mail Utility
Abbreviated B. Short for binary term. A unit of data, today almost always consisting of 8 bits. A byte can represent a single character, such as a letter, a digit, or a punctuation mark. Because a byte represents only a small amount of information, amounts of computer memory and storage are usually given in kilobytes (1,024 bytes), megabytes (1,048,576 bytes), or gigabytes (1,073,741,824 bytes).
This is a number of bits used to represent a character. Eight bits is equivelant to a byte.
A set of bits representing a single character. Usually there are 8 bits in a byte, sometimes more, depending on how the measurement is being made.
A set of 8 bits, usually representing a single character in English and European languages.
8 bits, a common measure of computer memory or storage.
A common measurement of data. One byte comprises eight (8) bits.
Group (octet) of 8 bits. Such a group as a whole can have a total value between 0 and 255 (so 256 different values).
A set of bits that represent a single character. 8 bits are in 1 byte.
1 byte is constructed by 8 bits. One bit is either 1 or 0. Therefore 1 byte is a string of a combination of 1s and 0s - e.g. 10011100. Canvas Canvas is a term describing for the textile base for a traditional painting. The term is also used in digital photo editors where it represents the working area for the ongoing project.
A byte refers to a sequence of 8 bits. It is the standard unit of measure of data size in the computer world. A single byte can store a single symbol, such as a letter, digit or punctuation mark.
The computer standard of measure for file size, which is made up of 8-bits of information. One megabyte is 1,024 kilobytes. One gigabyte is 1,024 megabytes or about one million bytes. One kilobyte is 1,024 bytes.
noun 8 bits - kilobyte (approx. 1,000 bytes), megabyte (1 million), gigabyte (1 billion)
A sequence of 8 bits (enough to represent one of 256 possible characters in the ASCII set of alphanumeric characters) processed as a single unit of information by a computer.
A compilation of bits, typically 8.
1. adjacent bits within an integer. (The specific number of bits can vary from point to point in the program; see the function byte.) 2. an integer in a specified range. (The specific range can vary from point to point in the program; see the functions open and write-byte.)
eight consecutive bits, which when interpreted in base ten result in a number between 0 and 255. See Also bit.
A compilation of bits usually equal to seven bits in accordance with ASCII standards. See bit and gigabyte.
A byte is made up of two or more bits, which can be either a 0 or a 1. A group of related binary data or a word that can be read, interpreted, and acted on by a microcontroller. See also: Bit.
smallest number of bits that a computer canhandle in one unit. There are eight bits in a byte. The number of bytes in a file can give you a rough idea of how long it will take information to download fromthe internet. Anything over 1MB (a million bytes) is a big file and will take some time to reach you if you'reusing an ordinary 56Kbit/s modem. With broadband, big files are just a click away.
(n.) A sequence of 8 bits. The JavaTM programming language provides a corresponding byte type. See also character.
A group of eight bits. (See "Bit")
A byte is (usually) made up of 8 bits, and is the unit for measuring computer data.
Short for "binary term". A byte is the basic unit of measurement for computer storage, typically the amount needed to store a typed number or letter.
A measuring scale in the computing electronic world. 1 byte consists of 8-bits of information data.
The smallest unit of measure for computer memory and data storage. One byte consists of 8 bits and can store one 8-bit character (a letter, number, punctuation mark, or other symbol). It can represent unsigned values from 0 to 255 or signed values between –128 and +127.
A unit of computer memory (developed by IBM) used to store numeric or character information. Bytes of eight bits normally reflect either one character or two numerals.
Simply put, it's 8 binary (0 or 1) bits. A string of 1s and 0s that represents a number from 0 to 255. 256 combinations represent 2 to the 8th power. For example '01100101' is one byte of information, and represents one of a possible 256 values.
In computers, all data is represented at the lowest level with 0s and 1s. A single 0 or 1 is a bit. A byte consists of 8 bits.
A collection of 8 bits into a package. All computer information is grouped into bytes, rather than just plan bits for easier addressing.
Eight bits make one byte. One byte represents an alphanumeric character.
Consists of eight bits and represents one character of information.
Computer "word" made up of eight Bits. Can represent (using binary numbers) values from 0 to 255. (256 values) One typewritten character or letter is usually represented by one Byte of data. (Usually indicated by an upper-case "B".)
A grouping of eight information bits.
One byte (or eight bits) is the amount of storage space needed to represent one character on a binary computer system. The DOS prompt indicating that the current drive is C (the first hard disk on a hard disk system) and the current directory is the root.
A block of 8 bits of data.
A group of eight bits, the most common unit computers use for internally representing individual characters, digits, or other data.
The unit of measure for stored data information. There are eight (8) bits of information in one BYTE of computer data information.
A byte is a series of 8 bits. Also called a Octet. A byte is able to store one character. Computer storage space is measured in bytes.
Many Bits make up a Byte that is a single character that is kept in your computer. 8 bits = 1 byte. Then you have megabytes and gigabytes that are millions and billions of bytes
A digital word made of 8 bits (zeros and ones).
Eight bits (binary digits) organised in the same kind of way as an 8 digit decimal number. A byte can represent various things, such as a whole number between 1 and 255, or a single text character (like "A"). For data transmission, bytes often carry a 9th bit for error checking, and a good rule of thumb when considering data transmission speeds is to divide the bit rate by 10 to get a rough byte rate. As an example, a 56Kbit/second communication link can provide about 5.6 Kbyte/second.
A group of eight binary digits processed as a unit by a computer and used especially to represent an alphanumeric character. Also, a unit of computer information equivalent to the result of a choice between two alternatives (as "yes" or "no," "on" or "off").
A group of eight sequential bits that represents a letter, number, or symbol (i.e., character). Treated as a unit of data by a computer.
The basic unit of measure of a computer's memory, representing a single alphanumeric character; the equivalent of eight bits.
Eight bits of information, the basic data unit used by your computer.
equal to 8 bits, usually represents a single character
The unit for measuring electronic data and computer storage.
A set of bits representing a single character. Generally, a byte consists of eight bits.[] A computer language frequently used to create operating systems and other professional-level applications. Superset of the C language, which adds object-oriented concepts. For example, the programming language Java is based on a version of C++ that is optimized for the Internet.
A byte is the smallest addressable unit of storage on a computer. Bytes are the basic building block of information in a computer. In a document, a single byte equals one character or letter. A plain-text document without any formatting would occupy about 2,000 bytes per page (about 2 KB).
One word of binary information (usually eight bits long).
Measurement] Eight bits grouped together. A byte can have 256 different values. see also bit, Kilobyte, Megabyte
This is composed of 8 BITS. Since Bits are either 1 or 0, a byte usually looks like 0010 0110 or 1111 0011 or 1010 1000 or 1111 1111.....you get the idea. A byte cn therefore have 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 possible values, i.e, 256 values. By standardized convention, each of these possibilities is assigned to represent a number or a character.
One of the basic units for measuring digital information, especially relevant to understanding storage capacity on computer disks. 8 bits comprise a byte. Roughly 1000 bytes equals one kilobyte. 1000 kilobytes is one megabyte or meg. 1000 megabytes is a gigabyte.[[ | | | | | | | | | JK | | | | | | | | | | | | | XYZ
A unit of data consisting of eight bits. Typically, each byte stores one alphanumeric character.
unit of information, usually equal to eight bits.
A byte is eight binary digits (bits) strung together. Most computer information is organized into bytes. A byte can hold one character using the ASCII code.
A group of eight bits used to represent a single digit (eg. 7), letter (eg. N), or symbol (eg. +). The unit of memory on a PC. 1 Kilobyte = 1024 Bytes, 1 Megabyte = 1024 Kilobytes, 1 Gigabyte = 1024 Megabytes.
A unit of data, which consists of 8 bits.
a sequence of eight bits, hence a unit of data having 256 possible values. Return to the begining of the glossary.
measurement unit for digital files storage. 1 byte = 8 bits.
A unit of storage in the computer. On many systems, a byte is 8 bits (binary digits), which is the equivalent of one character of text.
Data is stored on a computer in bytes. A byte is equivalent to one character, such as a letter or a number. A byte is made up of 8 consecutive bits. 1,000 bytes=1 kilobyte (K or KB) 1,000 KB=1 megabyte (MB) 1,000 MB=1 gigabyte (GB) 1,000 GB=1 Terabyte (TB)
A binary element string operated upon as a unit and usually shorter than a computer word; usually eight bits.
Eight bits, equivalent to a single alphabetic or numeric character.
A unit which measures the size of data file. A byte usually consists of eight ‘bitsâ€(tm). 1024 bytes make up a kilobyte (KB), while 1024 KB make up 1 megabyte (MB).
A packet of information containing 8 bits.
8 bits of information composed of 0's and 1's. Computer data files size and memory size are usually measured in bytes.
A byte is a unit of measurement of data size. One byte consists of 8 bits. One ASCII character is one byte in size 8-bit system bits byte
A data element containing eight bits, or 256 distinct values. Commonly used to store a single text character. Computer data transfer rates are traditionally measured in bits, as in Mb for Megabits (millions of bits, with a lower-case "b"); whereas computer data storage is traditionally measured in bytes, as in MB, for megabytes (millions of bytes, with an upper-case "B"). See also bit, GB, KB, MB.
A byte is a grouping of bits. It is typically eight bits, but there are those who use non-standard byte sizes. Bytes are usually measured in large groups, and the term "kilobyte" (often abbreviated as K) means one-thousand twenty-four (1024) bytes; the term "megabyte" (often abbreviated as M) means one-thousand twenty-four (1024) K; the term gigabyte (often abbreviated as G) means one-thousand twenty-four (1024) M; and the term "terabyte" (often abbreviated as T) means one-thousand twenty-four (1024) G. Memory is typically measured in kilobytes or megabytes, and disk space is typically measured in megabytes or gigabytes. Note that the multipliers here are 1024 instead of the more common 1000 as would be used in the metric system. This is to make it easier to work with the binary number system. Note also that some hardware manufacturers will use the smaller 1000 multiplier on M & G quantities to make their disk drives seem larger than they really are; buyer beware.
A unit of information consisting of 8 bits. One byte can hold one alphabetical character.
A measure of the binary content it takes to make characters on your computer screen. Generally, 8 bits make 1 byte.
8 bits, or one character from a character set
Technically equal to 8 bits, one Byte of data is the standard unit of measure on the Internet. As Town ISP transfers data to the cable modem via broadband technology, some of the data is lost in what is known as "Overhead". Due to the loss in overhead, every 10 bits of data transferred equates to 1 Byte. So, if your display read "43 bits per second", you would be receiving 4.3 bytes of data per second.
bits of data. In abbreviations, it is represented by a capital "B" to distinguish it from a bit, which is symbolized by a lower-case "b".
Computer term for a string of 8 bits. In practice, a byte is usually used to represent an alphanumeric character.
A single character or instruction of computer language.
A series of (usually) eight bit s. An eight bit byte allows for representations of decimal values between zero and 255. For example, 11010110 is equivalent to the decimal value 214. Conversion from bina ry to decimal is accomplished by, starting from right to left, multiplying the value of the digit by two to the power of its position relative to flush right and summing the results:´ 128+´ 64+´+´ 16+´+´+´+´= 214 One page of typed text is roughly three thousand bytes, or three kilobyte
A group of eight bits that a computer processes as a unit.
a set of bits (often 8 binary digits) used to represent a number or character within a computer; a common measure of main memory size and off-line storage capacity.
The unit of electronic storage that represents one character, such as a letter or number.
Primitive data type representing eight bits of data.
Group of eight bits used to represent a character or number with four bytes representing a word. The binary system is used, so a kilobyte is 1,024 bytes while a megabyte is 1,048,576 bytes (not 1,000,000 bytes). Abbreviated B in data transfer rates, for example, 33MBps (33,000,000 bytes per second).
1. eight bits 2. in Java, an 8-bit signed integer value
The Java primitive representing an 8 bit signed integer.
A single unit of size of a digital object
A byte is equal to either 7 or 8. A byte stores a single character of information such as the letter A.
In most computer systems, one byte = eight bits. A byte is the memory space needed to store one letter of the alphabet. kilobyte (KB) = about a thousand bytes (1,024 bytes) megabyte (MB, or "megs") = about a million bytes (1,048,576 bytes) gigabytes (GB, or "gigs") = 1,000 megabytes
A unit of data or data storage space consisting of eight bits, commonly representing a single character. Digital data storage is usually measured in bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes.
A group of 8 data bits that are processed together.
A bundle of data containing eight bits. This is the common size unit for computer data.
Abbreviation for "binary term." Basic unit of electronic storage, capable of holding a single character. Equal to 8 bits. kilobyte, usually abbreviated K or KB, equals 1,024 bytes. megabyte, usually abbreviated M or MB and pronounced "meg," equals 1,048,576 bytes. gigabyte, usually abbreviated G or GB and pronounced "gig," equals 1,073,741,824 bytes. terabyte, usually abbreviated TB, equals 1,099,511,627,776 bytes. There are larger measures of bytes, but they are not (at least yet) in common use.
A sequence of eight binary digits or bits regarded to be a unit or binary word. The storage capacity of a disk drive is commonly measured in megabytes, which is the total number of storable bits divided by eight million.
A byte is 8 bits; one byte can represent a single character. On most computers, the byte is the basic unit of addressable memory. On IBM Mainframes, a word is 4 bytes (32 bits).
8 bits of data, A high level programming language. Most of the Linux kernel is written in C.
The smallest unit of information that a computer system can locate within its data storage or memory. A byte consists of eight bits and represents an amount of information roughly equivalent to a single printed or typewritten character.
Abbreviation for binary term. A byte is the smallest addressable unit of storage and is capable of holding a single character. On most modern computers, a byte is equal to 8 bits. 1,024 bytes makes up 1 kilobyte (or 1Kb) and 1,024Kb makes up 1 megabyte (or 1Mb).
A group of bits, normally eight, which represent one data character.
Equal to either 7 or 8 bits, depending on whether it requires an extra bit, called a parity bit, for error correction. A byte stores a single character of information such as the letter A.
The basic unit of computer memory. Comprised of eight bits, they are large enough to hold one character of alphanumeric data.
Bytes, kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB) and gigabytes (GB) are used to measure amounts of computer data. One byte is roughly the same as one character (letter). One KB is approximately 1,000 bytes. One MB is approximately 1,000 KB, and one GB is approximately 1,000 MB. Computer files are usually measured in KB and computer memory in MB or GB.
A sequence of eight bits. Java provides a corresponding byte type.
A byte is eight bits grouped together.
A group of binary data digits, a total of 8 bits make a byte.
The number of bits (generally eight) which represent one character. Example: the word "one" seen on a computer screen would represent 3 bytes of information and, at least, 24 bits.
A unit of data storage made up of eight binary digits (bits). An octet. UDI does not use the archaic meaning of "byte" to refer to anything other than 8-bit data units.
Digital or computer measurement of storage, memory, file size or information made of 8 bits of information.
8 bits of data. The byte is the most common unit of measure for storage in a computer system. Each character (see ASCII) takes up one byte of storage. Mass storage is usually measured by powers of 2 in KB (KiloBytes, 1KB = 1,024 bytes), MB (MegaBytes, 1MB = 1,048,576 bytes), GB (GigaBytes, 1GB = 1,073,741,824 bytes), TB (TeraBytes, 1TB = 1,099,511,627,776 bytes). These mass storage amounts are typycally rounded to thousands
A unit of information comprised of 8 bits (on microcomputers).
A basic data storage unit used by your computer. A byte is usually equal to 8 bits. [Celsius] A temperature measurement system where 0° is the freezing point and 100° is the boiling point of water.
Unit of digital data comprising eight bits, sometimes referred to as a "character." Computer storage devices such as disk drives and memory usually measure their capacity by the number of bytes they can store. A more easily used unit of measure based on bytes is Megabyte.
A single computer "statement" comprised of eight bits, reading right to left. The rightmost bit is the Least significant Digit, the leftmost the Most Significant Digit. One byte can represent 256 values - from zero to 255.
The number of bits (8) used to represent a character. A group of data bits that are processed together. A single frame of uncompressed video requires about 1 megabyte of storage space.
eight bits together. A byte can be used to represent letters or other characters.
Abbreviation for binary term, a unit of storage capable of holding a single character. On almost all modern computers, a byte is equal to 8 bits. Large amounts of memory are indicated in terms of kilobytes (1,024 bytes), megabytes (1,048,576 bytes), and gigabytes (1,073,741,824 bytes). A disk that can hold 1.44 megabytes, for example, is capable of storing approximately 1.4 million characters, or about 3,000 pages of information.
simply a chunk of 8 ones and zeros. For example: 01000001 is a byte. A computer often works with chunks of bits rather than individual bits and the smallest chunk of bits that a computer usually works with is a byte. A byte is equal to one column in a file written in character format . Most datafiles distributed by ICPSR are in character format. Back to the Top
A unit of storage on your hard drive. Confusingly, a byte comprises eight bits (the smallest measure of information as used in bandwidth) and multiplies into Kilobytes and Megabytes.
The standard unit for measuring electronic data. A byte is roughly equivalent to one character of unformatted text. A kilobyte is 2 to the 10th (1,024) bytes. A megabyte is 2 to the 20th (roughly one million) bytes. A gigabyte is 2 to the 30th (roughly one billion) bytes.
The fundamental data unit of personal computers, a byte is eight contiguous bits. Usually “byte” is the basic unit of measurement for computer storage, storing the equivalent of one character. A kilo-byte is 1,000 bytes of data. A mega-byte is 1 million bytes.
A collection of bits to form a binary number. A byte is the unit most computers use to represent a character such as a letter, number, or typographic symbol.
Eight bits equals one byte. A byte is the standard unit used when describing storage capacity and file size, not data transfer.
Eight bits; the fundamental unit of personal computer data.
The amount of memory needed to store one character such as a letter or a number. Equal to 8 bits of digital information. The standard measurement unit of a file size.
Group of eight binary digits operated on as a unit; also known as a character or octet. back to the top Cable Modem: Device connected to your computer enabling you to connect to the Internet by using your local cable TV line. See also DSL and Dial-up. See Modem Cache: High-speed memory section that holds blocks of data that the CPU is currently working on; designed to minimize the time CPU spends accessing memory.
the basic unit of storage in a computer that is equal to eight bits.
eight bits, can hold 256 different values, in single byte character sets each value is assigned a different character
A unit equal to eight bits.
Binary Term: Single unit of storage that can hold one character.
Mostly a collection of 8 (but not really a must - see older computer systems) bits
A set number of bits (approximately 8 bits)
bits. The amount of memory used to store one character (letter, digit, or punctuation mark).
The number of bits representing a character to a computer, normally 8 bits. See also BIT.
Eight binary digits, the same as eight bits.
a set of 8 bits that represent a single character in the computers memory. Cache: A small, fast memory, holding recently accessed data, designed to speed up subsequent access to the same data, usually located on processors and harddrives.
Generic term used to refer to a series of consecutive binary digits that are operated upon as a unit. Usually, a group of 8 bits. One byte is a commonly used size of binary number for representing characters and numbers in computer systems. Glossary
(BinarY TablE) The common unit of computer storage. It is made up of eight binary digits (bits). A byte holds the equivalent of a single character, such as the letter A, a dollar sign or decimal point.
A single unit of memory in a computer, which consists of 8 bits.
Describes a unit of storage that can contain one letter, number or symbol. Consists of 8 bits.
A sequence of eight consecutive bits operated on as a unit.
A unit of information in the computer. In a plain text file, for example, each character occupies one byte.
A group of 8 bits treated as a whole, with 256 possible combinations of ones and zeros, each combination representing a unique piece of information.
A grouped collection of bits. 1 Byte usually = 8 bits
Most computers use combinations of eight bits, called bytes, to represent one character of data or instructions. For example, the word "cat" has three characters, and it would be represented by three bytes.
An 8-bit value (8 bits equals one byte). A byte is one storage element. A byte generally stores exactly one character when the information is text. C-C-C
Abbreviation for binary term, a unit of storage capable of holding a single character. On almost all modern computers, a byte is equal to 8 bits. Large amounts of memory are indicated in terms of kilobytes (1,024 bytes), megabytes (1,048,576 bytes), and gigabytes (1,073,741,824 bytes). A high-level programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs in the mid 1970s. Although originally designed as a systems programming language, C has proved to be a powerful and flexible language that can be used for a variety of applications, from business programs to engineering. C is a particularly popular language for personal computer programmers because it is relatively small -- it requires less memory than other languages.
8-bit information unit, able to hold information of one character/digit magnitude.
A unit of information comprising eight bits, generally used to signify a letter of the alphabet.
A set of bits (normally 8, but sometimes more) that represent data, such as a single text character.
Binary representaion of a data character, usually consisting of eight bits.
The amount of memory space used to store one character, which is usually 8 bits. A computer that has 8-bit bytes (most large and small computers today) can distinguish 28 = 256 different characters.
An 8-bit memory segment; a 16-bit memory segment is called a half-word; a 32-bit memory segment is called a word.
A group of eight bits. (MIDI bytes consist of ten bits because each byte includes a start bit and a stop bit, with eight bits in the middle to convey information.)
A unit of data consisting of a small number of bits; usually a byte equals a series of eight bits and signifies a character.
One byte represents a single character, usually 8 bits.
A small unit of computer data. Came from the word 'bite'. See also kilobyte, megabyte and gigabyte.
a group of 8 bits – bytes, Kilobytes, megabytes and Gigabytes are common measures of file size, memory and disk capacity.
Eight bits make up one byte. A byte is equivalent to one character (letter or number).
A byte contains 8 bits of data which is 1 and 0's.
8 bits of data. Capital B is used in abbreviations to distinguish it from bits. For example, KBps (thousand bytes per second) is 8 times as great as Kbps...
Group of 8 bits. It represents a single character.
A unit of digital information consisting of 8 bits. Each ASCII text character is referenced by one byte of data. File sizes are typically measured in bytes, kilobytes (thousand bytes) or megabytes (million bytes).
A unit of digital information equivalent to one character (8-32 bits).
A sequence of 8 bits. Each character in the ASCII code is represented by a byte. The size of files, disks, and memory is often expressed in bytes, for example a file may have a size of 58,000 bytes, a hard disk may be capable of holding 1 gigabyte (1,000,000,000 bytes) of information, and a computer's memory may be 8 megabytes (8,000,000).
a group of eight binary digits (bits) which together can represent an alpha symbol or numeric character.
Commonly, a unit of eight Bits, i.e, eight binary computer 'letters' of either 0 or 1.
A bit string that is operated upon as a unit. [Note that this definition permits 7-bit, 8-bit and even 16-bit bytes, although common parlance uses the term exclusively for 8 bits. Character set standards use the term "octet" when a restriction to 8 bits is intended.
A unit of data measurement. A byte consists of 8 bits. Computer storage (or downloading of data) is usually represented in byte multiples. For example, an 820 MB hard drive holds a nominal 820 million bytes - or megabytes - of data. Downloading data from the Internet is done in bytes. A megabyte is a million bytes and a gigabyte is roughly a billion bytes.
A sequence of bits processed as one unit of information. A byte is a digital "word" normally consisting of eight bits.
A unit of space. It is also used to represent a series of seven or eight ascii code digits representing a character. A programming language developed at AT&T.
Eight bits. Bytes are usually counted in kilobytes (1024 bytes), megabytes, and gigabytes. See also: Bit.
A group of consecutive bits forming a unit of storage in a computer and used to represent one alphanumeric character or symbol. A byte usually consists of eight bits but it may contain more or fewer depending on the model of the computer.
Unit of digital data, usually that required to store a single character, typically eight bits.
unit of storage equal to 8 bits -computer language developed by Bell Laboratories
The smallest unit of data moved around in a computer; usually contains eight bits. See Bit.
A group of eight bits of digital data.
A unit for measuring computer memory; one byte equals eight bits.
Also Known As: Definition: Most common unit of data measurement. 1 byte = 8 bits.
A group of adjacent binary digits that a computer processes as a unit to form a character such as the letter "z". A byte consists of eight bits.
Byte is a computer data character. It is composed of either 7 or 8 bits.
Bytes, Kilobytes (KB), Megabytes (MB), and Gigabytes (GB), are measurements of computer data. One KB is 1024 bytes, one MB is 1024 KB, and one GB is 1024 MB. Each byte consists of a number of binary digits or bits (usually eight)
a series of consecutive binary digits that are operated upon as a unit. There are 8 bits in a byte.
8 bits = 1 Byte of data; a Byte of data is an ordered sequence of bits that represents a single alphanumeric or control (e.g., ESC ENTER, etc.) character.(Upper-case "B")
A byte is made up of (usually) 8 bits. A byte is the smallest addressable unit of data storage.
A set of 8 bits that means something to the computer, like a letter, number, or punctuation mark. For example, the byte 01001000 signifies the character . The three-letter word hat requires 3 bytes.
A byte is eight binary digits. It is the smallest unit a computer works with at once. The bits of a byte can be individually modified, but a computer still works with at least one byte at a time. See also: Binary and my article on Bits and Bytes.
the fundamental data unit for personal computers, comprising 8 contiguous bits.
Name given to a fixed number of bits, from five to eight, that can represent a numeric value, alphabetic character, or other symbol in a particular data coding system.
8 bits. Basically, a unit of measurement that is capable of storing one character.
Equal to eight bits, the number needed to create a single character or letter. A kilobyte is a thousand bytes. A megabyte is a million bytes. A gigabyte is equal to a billion bytes. A floppy disk holds a megabyte or about 530 pages of text.
A generic term developed by IBM to indicate a measurable number of consecutive binary digits which are usually operated upon as a unit. Bytes of eight bits ("by eight") usually represent either one character or two numerals. A computers storage capacity or memory is figured in kilobytes (K or KB): one K is actually 1,024 (2 to the 16th power) bits.
A measurement of digital data capable of holding a single charter. A computer reads a byte as one unit or 8 bits. Larger amounts of memory are found in kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes.
A group of eight bits, usually the smallest addressable unit of information in a data memory storage unit
A string of digital data usually made up of eight data bits and start, stop and parity bits.
A byte (B) is the standard measurement used to define how large a file is. Each character in a simple text file takes up one byte of data, which is composed of eight bits. Additional info on characters, bytes, and why eight bits per byte: Each character you can use each has a unique number from 0 to 255, making up 256 possibilities (that includes special characters that can be used but don't appear on your keyboard such as ñ or ê). The number 255 in binary numbers is represented as 11111111 (eight ones), which is why each byte of data requires eight bits for computers to understand. Got all that? There will be a test at the end of the semester. The word "byte" can be prefixed with different terms to signify larger amounts of information: kilobyte (KB) - 1024 bytes megabyte (MB) - 1024 kilobytes (similar to one million bytes) gigabyte (GB) - 1024 megabytes (similar to one billion bytes) terrabyte (TB) - 1024 gigabytes (similar to one trillion bytes) and so forth...
A byte is made up of 8 bits and is the amount of space needed to store a single character on a computer.
A group of eight binary digits, or bits.
A string of 8 bits that represents one EBCDIC character. The IBM mainframe architecture is organized around the concept of the byte.
Originally meant enough bits to represent a character (code dependent in size); by default a byte is now usually taken as 8 bits. In 16-bit architectures, it is half a word.
Eight bits. Memory storage is measured in bytes. Bytes are uppercase (B) when used in abbreviations.
A unit of information that is eight bits long. A byte is the unit most computers use to represent a character such as a letter, number or symbol. A byte is abbreviated with a "B". Kilobyte: A measure of computer memory or storage abbreviated KB or Kbyte. A kilobyte is approximately one thousand bytes. Megabyte: A measure of computer processor storage and real and virtual memory abbreviated MB. A megabyte is approximately one million bytes. Gigabyte: A measure of data storage capacity, abbreviated GB. A gigabyte is approximately one billion bytes.
A byte consists of 8 bits, both computer storage capacity and the rate of download to your computer is measured in bytes. Most common is MB or a megabyte which is 1 million bytes and GB or gigabytes which is 1 thousand megabytes.
In computers, a unit of digital information, equivalent to one character or eight bits. ()
eight bits, which can store a number between 0 and 255. More typically seen as kilobyte (KB), megabyte (MB), or gigabyte (GB), corresponding to 210, 220, and 230 bytes, respectively.
A single computer character, generally eight bits. For example, the letter "G" in binary code is 01000111.
A measurement unit equal to 8 bits of digital information. The standard measurement unit of file size.
A group of 8 bits which represent one data character.
A single computer word, generally eight bits.
Eight related bits of data. An eight-bit binary number. Also used to denote the amount of memory required to store one byte of data.
A unit of information, used mainly in referring to parallel data transfer, semiconductor capacity, and data storage; also referred to as a "character", usually shorter than a computer 'word'; a group of eight (sometimes seven) bits used to represent a character.
8 bits. The combination of 8 bits into 1 byte allows each byte to represent 256 possible values. (see Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte)
Eight bits. It takes one byte to represent one letter of the alphabet.
A group of binary digits that combine to make a word. Generally 8 bits. Half byte is called a nibble. Large computers use 16 bits and 32 bits.
The smallest unit of storage recognized by most computer systems. A byte typically holds one character. On almost all modern computers, one byte is equal to 8 bits. 1024 bytes are equal to one Kilobyte.
An element of data which is composed of eight data bits plus a parity bit, and represents either one alphabetic or special character, two decimal digits, or eight binary bits. Byte is also used to refer to a sequence of eight binary digits handled as a unit. It is usually encoded in the ASCII format.
A unit of information consisting of 8 bits, the equivalent of a single character, such as a letter. Notice, 8-bits equals {0-255}, and there are 256 letters in the extended-ASCII character set. Standard ASCII uses a 7-bit value (0-127), thus there are 128 characters.
A group of eight digital bits.
A unit of data, generally formed from 8 bits. Example: 01101010
the number of bits needed to represent a letter (a, b, c) or number (1, 2, 3). A byte is eight bits.
A grouping of 8 binary bits is called a byte.
Eight bits of data, representing an eight-bit binary number. A byte has a value from 0 to 255 (decimal).
A standard unit measure of computer file size. There are eight bits in a byte. See gigabyte (GB), kilobyte (KB), megabyte (MB), terabyte (TB) and petrabyte (PB).
In computer processing, the equivalent of one letter, punctuation mark, or space.
(1) a grouping of adjacent binary digits operated on by the computer as a data element. The most common size byte contains 8 binary digits. (2) a group of binary digits used to encode a single symbol.
A unit of data measure, consisting of eight bits.
Unit of memory or disk storage containing eight bits. A byte can represent a binary number between 0 and 255, and is the smallest unit of memory that can be addressed directly in 8-bit CPUs such as the Intel 8080 or Zilog Z80.
Eight bits. A byte can represent whole numbers from 0 to 255. Typically, one byte holds a single character.
In most computer systems, a byte is a unit of information that is eight bits long (see Word Length). A byte is the unit most computers use to represent a character such as a letter, number, or typographic symbol (for example, "g", "5", or "?"). A byte can also hold a string of bits that need to be used in some larger unit for application purposes
Simply put, it's 8 bits. Think of it as a string of 1s and 0s that represents a number from 0 to 255. For example '01100101' is one byte of information. Bytes per second (Bps) - This is generally a measure of how fast some device communicates, usually in thousands of bytes per second (KBps) or millions of bytes per second (MBps). See also bits per second. If you've got a capital B, you are talking Bytes, which is equal to bits * 8.
Abbreviated as "B" (upper case B). A set of bits (ones and zeros) of a specific length that represents a value in a computer coding scheme, usually 8 bits. A byte is to a bit what a word is to a character. The programming language that Lucent uses for several of its central office switches. It is also the programming language of choice for interactive voice response systems. C operates under UNIX, MS DOS, Windows, and other operating systems. It is a standard for programming telecom switches. A high-level programming language that was developed by Bjarne Stoustrup at AT&T's Bell laboratories. Combining all the advantages of the C language with those of object-oriented programming, C++ has been adopted as the standard house programming language by several major software vendors.
Group of eight bits. Computer memory is measured in bytes.
the amount of memory space needed to store one number, letter or symbol in a computer.
Digital word containing eight information bits (1's or 0's).
Eight bits forming a unit of data. Usually each byte stores one character.
A string of 8 bits, operated upon as a unit. Bytes are typically used as a measure of file size or storage capacity.
Eight bits of data representing a number between 0 and 255 (in the base-2 numbering system, a number between 0 and 11111111). Each byte often represents a single character in texts. A popular software programming language that is highly portable. The object-oriented version of the C programming language. It is more complicated but still portable.
It usually takes 8 or 10 bits to make a byte, so a byte is bigger than a bit
Eight bits treated as a unit; sufficient data to represent 1 character.
A byte is a unit of storage equivalent to 8 bits, or enough for one character (letter or number). Typically, computer storage is measured in larger units like kilobytes (1,024 bytes), megabytes (1,048,576 bytes), or Gigabytes (1,073,741,824 bytes.)
A set of Bits that make a single digit, 1 digit is normally comprised of 8 Bits.
A set of bits that represent a single character. Usually, there are 8 bits in a byte.
The representation of a character in binary. Eight bits.
Eight bits combine into a byte, sometimes more, depending on how the measurement is being made.
8 bits. One character of text is one byte, so the alphabet is 26 bytes.
Computer terminology for a binary number with 8 digits, that is a string of 8 bits next to each other. As each bit has two states, the total possible combinations are 2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2 = 2^8 = 256. So one byte can express 256 different numbers, actually the numbers from 0-255.
Abbreviation for Binary Term, a combination of bits representing one character. On most computers, a byte is equal to 8 bits.
A byte is equal to eight bits. For more information, please refer to our bits/bytes FAQ.
standard unit of binary data storage in memory or disc files. Each Byte contains 8 Bits, each Byte has 256 possible values (28).
A small unit of memory. A byte is composed of eight bits. One bit can store two different combinations (0 or 1); two bits can store four different combinations (00, 01, 10, 11); three bits can store eight different combinations (000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111); following this pattern, eight bits, or one byte, can store 256 different values. A kilobyte (KB) contains 1,024 bytes. A megabyte (MB) contains 1,024 x 1 KB = 1,048,586 bytes. A gigabyte (GB) contains 1,024 x 1MB = 1,073,741,824 bytes, and a terabyte (TB) contains 1,024 x 1 GB = 1,099,511,627,776 bytes.
The main unit of measurement for computer storage. A byte is made up of eight bits.
A byte is eight bits. Glossary C
Eight bits make up one byte. A byte is the equivalent of one alphanumeric character. Storage capacities such as hard drives, random-access memory, and diskettes usually are measured in kilobyte (one-thousand bytes) or megabytes (one million bytes).
A storage unit of 8 bits. Can hold one character or two digits. The C programming language. A programming language used for developing object oriented programs.
The standard unit of stored binary data, equal to eight bits. Return to
A group of 8 binary digits (bits).
A bit (see above) is the smallest unit of computer data, represented by "1" or "0", whereas a byte is a combination of bits, usually 8, that represents a single character. Frequently seen variations of byte include kilobyte, or one thousand bytes, and megabyte, which is one million bytes or one thousand kilobytes. Phew
a measurement of computer data; eight bits (the smallest unit of computer data) make up one byte which is generally one character (letter, punctuation mark or number); a megabyte is one million bytes
A string of bits that a computer can address individually as a group is a byte. It is a set of eight bits.
The number of bits used to represent a character. Eight bits equal a byte.
A byte is eight bits of binary information - see Bits.
A collection of bits that make up a character. A byte is seven bits data plus one bit parity (error checking).
Eight bits - the basic unit of information in a binary numbering system.
Eight bits of data. Memory space on computer discs and chips is expressed in bytes. 1 byte is needed to store 1 character.
A byte is equal to either seven or eight bits, depending upon whether it requires an extra bit used for error correction, called a parity bit. A byte is equivalent to one alphanumeric character. Storage capacities of items such as hard drives, random-access memory, and diskettes usually are measured in kilobytes or megabytes. Back to the Top When followed by a colon, refers to the C: drive, usually the hard drive inside a computer. However, this designation can be changed by the user.
A number of binary bits, usually eight, that represent one numeric or alphabetic character.
A group of eight bits. This is the standard size unit for computer information.
A group of data bits that are processed together. Typically, a byte consists of 8 bits. There are kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes, Terabytes, etc. 1 Byte = 8 bits 1 kilobyte = about 1,000 bytes 1 Megabyte = about 1,000,000 bytes 1 Gigabyte = 1,000,000,000 bytes 1 Terabyte = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes
A unit of storage within a computer. The smallest unit of storage is a bit. A byte contains 8 bits. One character of text is usually stored in one byte.
Abbreviation for binary term a unit of storage capable of holding a single character. A byte is equal to 8 bits. Large amounts of memory are indicated in these terms: A kilobyte is 1024 bytes but it is often used loosely as a synonym for 1000 bytes. For example, a computer that has 256K main memory can store approximately 256,000 bytes (or characters) in memory at one time. Kilobyte is usually abbreviated as K or Kb. A megabyte is 1,048, 576 bytes, but it is often used loosely as a synonym for one million bytes. Megabyte is frequently abbreviated as M or MB. A gigabyte is approximately equal to 1, 074 megabytes. Gigabyte is often abbreviated as G or GB.
A basic unit of measurement for file sizes. A byte is made up of 8 bits of data.
Eight bits (see above.) What it takes to create one single character on your computer.
A measurement of memory on a computer, used to represent a single character. A Kilobyte (KB) is 1024 bytes. A Megabyte (MB) is 1024 kilobytes.
Small unit of data storage; 8 bits; usually holds one character
A standard unit of data (8 bits). One character (for example, the letter "Z") can be stored in one byte of data.
A series of eight bits that represent a specific character.
A set of bits that represent a single character. There are 8 bits in one byte. See Also: Bit
a unit of computer memory that contains 8 bits. A bit is the smallest unit of digital information and can have a value of either 1 (on) or 0 (off).
A unit of computer storage that is capable of encoding a single character. One byte is equal to 8 bits, the lowest unit of storage. See also: kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte.
A Byte is a unit of Computer Memory equivalent to 8 bits.
eight consecutive bits, interpreted in base two as a number between 0 and 255. See bits. [] COMMAND LINE - What is provided by a shell and allows the user to type commands directly. Also subject of an eternal "flame war" between its adepts and its detractors :).
A byte is made up of 8 bits, which is large enough to contain a single character.
A data unit of eight bits.
The amount of memory needed to store one character, such as a letter or number - see also kilobyte and megabyte.
A complete set of quantized levels containing all the bits. Bytes consisting of 8 to 10 bits per sample are typical in digital video systems
Eight bits. A megabyte (MB) equals a million bytes. A gigabyte (GB) equals a billion bytes. Each byte represents one character, digit or other value.
A computer's memory capacity is measured using a unit of measurement called a byte just as time is measured in seconds and distance in inches. When text is being stored, one byte holds one character such as a letter or a dollar sign. A byte is generally made up of eight bits.
A number that can store 256 integer values--either 0 to 255 or, in the case of Java, -127 to 128. A byte consists of 8 bits.
a unit of measure (8 bits) specifying file size, quota, and disk space.
A group of eight bits that usually represents a character or a digit. For example, the byte 01000001 represents the letter A.
A sequence of adjacent bits, usually eight, operated on as a unit by a computer.
The amount of memory space needed to store one character, which is normally 8 bits.
A symbol or character, consisting of 8 bits.
A term used for a group of 8 adjacent bits which represents a character, e.g. a letter or a number.
A signed 8-bit integer in the range [-256, 255]. Derived from the short datatype.
A unit of measure equal to 8 bits of digital information. The standard unit of measurement for file size. Top of this page
A group of eight bits -that's eight binary digits-which is the usual form in which data is manipulated within a computer. One byte can hold numbers between 0 and 255. For example, each different letter of the alphabet, numeral and punctuation mark has a special code that describes it (see ASCII) code. This code is stored within one byte, and so your computer can identify 256 different characters
Some set of contiguous bits that make up a discrete item of information. Bytes are usually 8 bits long.
A unit of digital information typically used as a measurement of storage capacity. Often represented in thousands ( kilobytes, KB), millions ( megabytes, MB) and billions ( gigabytes, GB).
The smallest unit of information processed by a computer, usually 8 bits in length. Also, the amount of space most often used to store an alphanumeric character.
Generally 8 bits consecutively lined together as a unit.
a string of 8 bits (e.g. 10001101), equivalent to a single keyboard char.
A unit of digital data consisting of eight bits.
A sequence of eight adjacent binary digits usually treated as a unit. 1 byte = 8 bits; 1 Kbyte = 1,024 bytes; 1Mbyte = 1,024 Kbytes; 1Gbyte = 1,024 Mbytes.
The smallest unit of storage that can be addressed directly. A group of 8 adjacent bits. In the EBCDIC coding system, 1 byte can represent a character. In the double-byte coding system, 2 bytes represent a character.
Short for “binary term”, a byte is a unit of memory made of eight bits, about the amount needed by a computer to store a typed number or letter.
A unit of memory in the computer consisting of eight consecutive bits, often used to store one character of data or information.
A group of binary digits stored and operated upon as a unit. A byte may have a coded value equal to a character in the ASCII code (letters, numbers) or have some other value meaningful to the computer. In user documentation, the term usually refers to 8-bit units or characters. 1 kilobyte (K) is equal to 1,024 bytes or characters; 64K indicates 65,536 bytes or characters.
n. A unit of storage suitable for holding one character. Compare octet. See question 8.10. See ANSI Sec. 1.6 or ISO Sec. 3.4.
A group of eight adjacent binary digits (8 bits).
In most computer systems, a byte is a unit of data that is eight binary digits long.
8 bits together. Commonly used to describe one character.
A primitive Java data type that's an 8-bit two's-complement signed number (in all implementations).
In the prevalent computing paradigm, 8 bits compose one byte, whereas bytes represent a single character like the letter ‘a.â€(tm) The size of computer files is often measured in bytes, indicating the total number of characters in that file. Given that file sizes are increasingly large, larger orders of magnitude are often used such as Kilobytes (KB) (1,000 bytes), Megabytes (MB) (1,000,000 bytes), Gigabytes (GB) (1,000,000,000 bytes), and even Terabytes (TB) (1,000,000,000,000 bytes).
The byte is the smallest addressable unit of memory in a computer. A byte consists of eight bits and can thus assume either 28 or 256 different values, which means the character sets of most languages can be encoded in a single byte. The encoding of character sets using two bytes per character (Unicode) is now also playing an increasingly significant role. When combined, two bytes can assume a total of 65,536 (216) different values, enough for all the characters in all of the world's major languages. The capacity of storage media is expressed in multiples of 210 or 1024 bytes: 1 Kbyte = 1024 byte, 1 Mbyte = 1024 Kbyte, 1 Gbyte = 1024 Mbyte etc.
This is an abbreviation for binary term. A byte is a measurement unit of computer data that consists of a single character. A single byte usually consists of 8 bits.
1 byte is the size of 1 numeric or alphabetic character. 1 byte is made up of 8 bits. 1 bit is a single unit of data.
A byte, simply put, is 8 bits. Think of it as a string of 1s and 0s that represents a number from 0 to 255. For example '01100101' is one byte of information, and represents the number 166. Up to top of page
Eight related bits of information processed as a unit. Eight bits equal one byte.
A group of 8 bits stored as a unit. Often equivalent to one alphabetic or numeric character.
eight bits, the smallest unit of data moved about in a computer.
A collection of 8 bits that is equivalent to a single character. When referring to system memory, an additional error-checking bit might be added, making the total 9 bits.
Eight bits that represent one character
An 8-bit data type that can hold numbers in the range of 0-255. The Byte data type uses the prefix byt but doesn't have a type-declaration character. Bytes are the basis for all Visual Basic data types; for example, the Single data type is a 4-byte (32-bit) number.
Group of normally eight bits that are treated as a unit to represent a character in some systems. In an eight-bit byte, the value of the bits can be varied to form 256 permutations. One byte of memory can represent an integer from 0 to 255, or from -127 to +128. Back to CSU/DSU A CSU/DSU (Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit) is a hardware device about the size of an external modem that converts digital data frames from the communications technology used on a local area network (LAN) into frames appropriate to a wide-area network (WAN) and vice versa. Whatis.com
A string of eight bits. (1024 bytes make a kilobyte 1Kb, and 1024Kb a megabyte.)
A series of bits of a particular length, usually eight. Computer storage is usually measured in bytes.
8 bits, reflecting values between 0 to 255; used as a basic method of measurement of memory or disk size; "K" represents 1024 bytes
A unit of data equal to 8 bits, and hence capable of storing any one of 2^8 = 256 distinct values. The yardstick by which file size is measured.
8 bits make up a byte. It is a single unit of data representing a single character such as a letter, numeral, or punctuation; although, a single character could be larger than a single byte.
In most computer systems, a byte is a unit of information that is eight bits long. A byte is the unit most computers use to represent a character such as a letter, number, or typographic symbol. A byte is abbreviated with a "B". (A bit is abbreviated with a small "b".)
A combination of bits that represents a single character (approximately 8 bits equal one byte). Back to the top
A sequence of adjacent binary digits that the computer considers a unit. A byte consists of 8 bits.
Eight bits; also called an octet.
A unit of data containing 8 bits
(1) Representation of a character. (2) Group of eight bits. Typically a 16-bit "word" is itself divided into two bytes for handling. (3) Unit of measurement used to rate storage capacity of disks; usually the smallest addressable unit of information in a data store or memory. One thousand bytes is a kilobyte; one million bytes is a megabyte.
A word made up of eight bits of information. One byte is the amount of information required to represent one character.
Several (usually eight) binary bits of data grouped together to represent a character, digit, or other value.
A unit of computer memory consisting of eight bits. A byte is the amount of storage used to represent a single character.
(Octet) : A group of eight bits handled as a logical unit. The programming language created by Dennis Ritchie of Bell Laboratories in 1972 when he and Ken Thompson worked on the UNIX operating system design. It was based on Thompson's B language. It has found widespread use on personal computers and is one of the languages in which expert system shells are implemented. An extension to the language . As a superset of , it provides additional features for data abstraction and object-oriented programming.
A set of 8 bits that represent a number from 0 to 255.
A series of bits that represents a single character. Usually there are eight bits in a byte.
A group of adjacent bits treated as a unit. Eight bits are typically considered one byte. Also called a character.
A collection of eight BITS.
refers to an ensemble of eight bits of memory in a computer.
A unit in which bits are stored. In most digital systems a byte is 8 bits long. The abbreviation of byte is "B" and bit is "b".
A byte is a series of bits of a particular length, usually 8. Computer storage space is measured in bytes. A Kilobyte (or 1 K) represents 1024 bytes and a Megabyte (1 Mb) represents one thousand "K" bytes, or one million bytes.
A number of bits which as a group encodes a letters, number or part of a word in digital notation.
Eight bits of information. The byte is the fundamental unit of computer processing; almost all specifications and measures of computer performance are in bytes or multiples thereof. See kilobytes and megabytes.
An amount of bits representing a single character. There are 8 bits to 1 byte.
A unit in the binary system. Eight bits equals a byte, and one byte represents a character in our alphabet. CERN - A high energy physics research laboratory located in Geneva, Switzerland that was the origin of the World Wide Web.
The smallest unit for storing information on your computer. There are usually eight bits in each byte. It takes at least one byte to store and generate a single character like a number or a letter on your computer.
A unit of memory capacity; a standard length sequence of bits, usually eight, used to represent a single character.
8 bits. A kilobyte (KB) is approximately 1000 bytes. A megabyte (MB) is approximately 1,000,000 bytes. Bytes are usually used to refer to the size of files stored on a computer's hard drive.
The number of bits used to represent a single character. 1 byte = 8 bits 1 byte = 0.001 kilobytes (KB) 1 byte = 0.000001 megabyte (MB)
A combination of eight consecutive bits treated as a unit. A byte represents one letter or number within the computer. A high-level computer programming language that can do low-level manipulations.
A group of eight (8) bits, enough to represent a character.
A group of eight contiguous bits, that is a memory and data storage unit. For Example, file sizes are measured in bytes or megabytes (one million bytes). Bytes contain values of 0 to 255 and are most often used to represent integers or ASCII characters. A collection of bytes (most often 8 bytes) is used to represent real numbers and integers larger than 255.
A collection of bits used to form a character or some other information.
One byte of digital video information is a packet of bits, usually but not always eight. One thousand bytes is one kilobyte (kb) and one million bytes is one megabyte (MB).
Abbreviated with capital "B". A unit of data that is eight bits long and is used by most computers to represent a character such as a letter, number or symbol.
The amount of memory needed to specify one ASCII character; eight bits. Kilobytes (1000 bytes), Megabytes (1,000,000 bytes), and Gigabytes (1,000,000,000 bytes) are usually used in discussing the amount of memory a computer uses or the capacity of hard disks, etc. A programming language that has become very popular with programmers. An extension of the C programming language.
8 bits of data, also called an octet.
usually represents a single character, or 8 bits.
Grouping of eight bits. One octet is usually used to represent a letter or number.
A group of bits, generally 8.[return to guide] [home page] [specials] [suggest new words for glossary] Immediate price quote - Call 727-398-5252
a sequence of adjacent binary digits (often shorter than a word) that is processed as a unit by a computer.
An eight-bit unit of information, usually representing one character (a letter, punctuation mark, space, or numeral).
A byte is a string of 8 bits.
Common unit of computer storage. A single byte can be used to store a single character or a number from 0 to 255. A byte holds 8 bits of binary data.
Byte is a measurement of digital data capable of holding a single charter. 1 byte=8 bits.
A fundamental unit of computer storage; the smallest addressable unit in a computer's architecture. Usually holds one character of information and usually means eight bits.
A set of buts that represent a single character such as a letter or a number. Usually there are 8 bits in one byte.
A series of 8 bits, which represent a single character.
A byte is the unit most computers use to represent a character (such as a letter, number, or typographic symbol) in memory or on disk. It is composed of 8 bits
A unit of data, consisting of a character or number. A programming language, used in building most programs.
Usually eight bits that represent a single character.
The smallest unit of storage, either on a disk or in memory. For example, in a document created by a word processor, each character takes up at least one byte. See megabyte, kilobyte, and gigabyte.
A string of eight bits (the length usually required to represent an alphanumeric character in a computer system), which is used as a standard unit of storage.
A group of binary digits stored and operated upon as a unit. In user documentation, the term usually refers to 8-bit units or characters. One kilobyte (KB) is equal to 1,024 bytes or characters; 640 KB indicates 655,360 bytes or characters.
Standard unit for transmitting information from one electronic source to another. One byte comprises eight bits.
a collection of 8 bits. (see the technical primer for more information)
Computer representation of a letter, number, space, special symbol (like the question mark or colon or asterisk).
A group of contiguous bit s starting on an addressable boundary. In HP machines, a byte is 8 bits in length.
a unit of measurement ( 8 bits ) used to rate storage capacity of disks; For convenience : 1,000 bytes is a kilobyte; a million bytes is a megabyte; 1 billion bytes is a gigabyte, a trillion bytes is a terabyte.
You don't really need to know. Just think of it as a single 'unit' of information, and the more you have of them, the better (and more expensive) your computer will be. About 1000 of them make a Kilobyte (actually 1024 - 2 to the power of 10, because that's how computers work). 1024KB are 1 Megabyte, and 1024MB are 1 Gigabyte.
A computer storage unit containing 8 bits. Each byte can store one text character.
An amount of computer memory that holds a single text character, usually eight bits. Object-oriented C programming language.
a sequence of bits that a computer processes in individual units (e.g. eight bits could be processed as one byte).
A byte is 8 bits. The storage capacity of computers (ROM and RAM) and disks is generally given in kilobytes, (1024 bytes), megabytes or gigabytes. Approximately one byte is required to store one character.
One character of information, usually made up of eight bits.
A group of eight bits that represent a character. Computer memory and disk capacity are measured in bytes. (A bit is the smallest unit of measurement for computer data.)
A byte is a set of 8 bits that represent a single character. See Also: Bit, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte
a unit of the binary code that consists of eight bits. One byte is required to code an alphabetic or numeric character, using an eight-bit character set code
A series of bits of data, usually 8 or 16 bits, that are handled as a unit.
A byte is 8 bits of information which is regarded as one word. A byte can represent 256 different states, for example numbers, processor instructions, or a combination of letters and numbers as in the ASCII code..
One byte comprises eight bits and may represent either one alphanumeric character or numeric information.
A unit of measure of computer memory. A byte generally represents one character, such as a letter from the alphabet, and is made up of eight bits. (See "Bit")
A group of eight bits processed as a unit in a computer
Digital systems normally operate on 8 bits of data at a time, and a group of eight bits is a byte. Even with a system such as MIDI where data is sent one bit at a time, the bits are still grouped into 8 bit bytes.
A collection of bites that makes up a character or other designation. Generally a byte is 8 data bits. When referring to system RAM, an additional parity (error-checking) bit is also stored, making it a total of 9 bits.
A discrete unit used by a digital computer, consisting usually of 8 bits. A byte allows for up to 256 different codes (2 to the power of eight) that can be used to represent numbers and characters of the alphabet, although 1 of the 8 bits is usually used for error-checking. Image and sound data may require more than one byte to store each element of the image or sound, depending upon the quality.
One byte is usually comprised of 8 bits. One byte is required to make up a single alphanumeric character.
"One character that can be a letter, number, or symbol."
Byte (B) Now is commonly 8 bits of data.
A unit of computer storage of binary data usually comprising eight bits, and equivalent to a character.
A set of bits which represents a single character. Usually there are 8 BITS in a BYTE.
A digital storage unit large enough to contain one ASCII character. Compare to bit.
a single character of data 8 bits long.
8 bit data value, from 0 to 255, or 0 to FF in hexadecimal. [ edit
A unit of information consisting of eight bits. A byte can represent a control code or character.
A group of bits (normally 8 bits in length).
Standard computer file size measurement, contains 8 bits. common sizes are:- Kilobyte - Kb,1024bytes. Megabyte - Mb,1024Kb. Gigabyte -Gb, 1024Mb.
A unit of information consisting of 8 bits. A byte is the basic unit of measurement for computer storage. Amount of computer memory required, for example, to store one character.
A set of bits - typically eight - that comprises the smallest accessible unit in computer memory. It is the equivalent of one letter or one digit from 0 to 9. Kilobyte – A unit of storage equal to 1024 bytes. Megabyte – A unit of storage equal to 1024 kilobytes. Used to measure the capacity of hard disks, diskettes, and memory. Gigabyte – A unit of storage equal to 1 billion bytes, or in a more strict sense, 1,024 megabytes. Gigabytes are used to measure the capacity of hard disks. Terrabyte – A unit of storage equal to 1,000 gigabytes (1 trillion bytes)
Consisting of eight BITS, a BYTE is the amount of storage space required to hold one alphanumeric character such as the letter A, the number 5, a comma, question mark, and so on. Back to the Top
The standard unit of measure for computer storage. It is the unit that holds a single character (in Western Alphabets) such as the letter "A" or the dollar sign "$". Languages such as Chinese and Japanese use two or more bytes for each character. Each byte consists of 8 bits to represent the character and one or more bits for internal computer purposes.
A group of 8 bits ; the basic unit of information.
Eight bits of data grouped together to represent a character or some other computing data.
A built-in data type for a simple large object that stores any type of binary data and can be as large as 231 bytes.
A group of eight consecutive bits (8 bits = 1 byte).
A unit of computer memory. One letter or number is a byte. A byte is usually composed of eight bits. A commonly used programming language that is sometimes used for Server Side Scripting. A commonly used programming language that is sometimes used for Server Side Scripting. It is a modified version of C above.
A chunk of data made up of 8 bits.
a byte is a single character that is made up of 8 bits
Combinations of eight bits, called bytes, represent one character of data. If you see 508B in a file size field, this will mean 508 bytes. KB stands for kilobyte (1,024 bytes), and MB stands for megabyte (1,048,576 bytes).
eight bits treated as a unit and representing a character
The smallest addressable unit of digital storage larger than a bit and smaller than a word. A byte now consists of eight bits.
Unit of memory or data needed to represent one character in binary (1s and 0s) form. One byte is usually 8 bits.
A memory and data storage unit composed of contiguous bits, usually eight. For example, file sizes are measured in bytes or megabytes (one million bytes). Bytes contain values of 0 to 255 and most often represent integer numbers or ASCII characters (e.g., a byte with an ASCII value of 77 represents a capital M). A collection of bytes (often 4 or 8 bytes) represents real numbers and integers larger than 255.
An 8-bit computer word. Known as an "octet" in many European languages and especially in the context of characters being sent over a communications channel.
A unit of data storage. 8 bits = 1 byte. A standard 3 & 1/2 inch floppy diskette is 1.44 million bytes (MB).
A byte is a 'phrase' made up of the smallest items in computer language - the 'bits.' Often 8-bits make a byte and that phrase can represent one character or two numerals.
The number of bits used to represent a character. To the Top
The amount of memory space used to store one ASCII character, which is usually 8 bits. A bit is the smallest unit of information a computer can hold; short for binary digit, the value can be either one or zero.
From Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Specification (Second Edition) ( 2003-11-10) 8 bits; also called an octet. The highest bit (value 128) of a byte is numbered bit 7; the lowest bit (value 1) is numbered bit 0. ordering of bytes for multi-byte data values within a PNG file or PNG datastream. PNG uses network byte order.
One byte of digital video information contains a packet of bits, which is usually, but not always, composed of eight bits. In the digital video domain a byte is used to represent the luminance or chrominance level. 1000 bytes = one kilobyte (1 kb). 1,000,000 bytes = one megabyte (1 MB)
Eight-bit word. Prev Page Next Page
byte is the number of bits necessary to encode one character of information in any given computer system, including digital video and audio systems.
Each byte consists of 8 bits and could be shown in binary bits as (for example) 10001000. In numerical terms a byte contains a decimal number in the range 0 to 255. Thus 1 byte can represent the 256 different characters in ASCII although not all of them are printable.
a piece of computer information made up of eight bits.
A group of binary digits or bits (usually eight) operated on as a unit for the purpose of digital size measurement.
Term used to refer to a series of consecutive binary digits that are operated upon as a unit (for example, an 8-bit byte).
A group of bits (usually eight), also known as an octet, derived from BinarY digiT Eight. A byte usually holds a single character, such as a number or letter. Octet is the more precise term, however, because some systems use bytes that are other than eight bits long.
(1.) The amount of storage required to represent 1 character; a byte is 8 bits. (2.) A binary character operated on as a unit and usually shorter than one word. (3.) A string that consists of a certain number of bits (usually 8) treated as a unit, and that represents a character. (4.) A group of 8 adjacent binary digits representing 1 EBCDIC character. (5.) In X.25, a byte is called an octet.
A group of Bits acted upon as a group, which may have a readable ASCII value as a letter or number or some other coded meaning to the computer. It is commonly used to refer to 8-bit groups. 1 kilobyte = 1,024 bytes; 64K = 65,536 bytes or characters. InfoGrid consolidates popular news and information from over 3000 news sources, 12 top internet search engines, 16,000 direct-links, 6.1 million Open Directory links, 35,000 usenet news forums, top internet auctions and vendors without advertising. This Online InfoGrid contains 10% of total links. To upgrade click on UpGrade Now InfoGrid is best viewed with ActivatorDesk, Internet Explorer or Netscape 6.
Simply put, it's 8 bits. Think of it as a string of 1s and 0s that represents a number from 0 to 255. For example "01100101" is one byte of information, whereas "0" or "1" are bits of information.