A generic name for a family of binary codes which have the property that a change from one number to the next sequential number can be accomplished by changing only one bit in a code for the original number. This type of code is commonly used in rotary shaft encoders to avoid ambiguous readings when moving from one position to the next.
a code assigning to each of a contiguous set of integers , or to each member of a circular list, a word of symbols such that each two adjacent code words differ by one symbol
an ordering of non-negative integers in which exactly one bit differs between each pair of successive elements
a numeral system where two adjacent values differ in only one digit, designed to prevent spurious output from electromechanical switches
a sequence of binary numbers in which any adjacent numbers are different in only one bit
a sequence of binary numbers such that the numbers differ in exactly one bit
a special binary notational system in which any two adjacent numbers are represented by a code that differs in only one bit place or column position
a way of encoding binary numbers so that only digit changes from one
Unit-distance code system in which only one code signal changes with the transition from one measuring step to the next.
A special binary code that changes only one data bit per measuring srep at a time. It id used with absolute encoders.
One of many special codes. It is known as a unit distance code because the sequence of states involve the change of one bit at a time
A sequence of binary values in which each pair of adjacent values differs by only a single bit; for example, 00, 01, 11, 10.
(n.) A mapping which labels the lattice points on an n-dimensional grid with the integers 0,1,2,...2^d-1, so that the labels at adjacent grid points differ in precisely one bit in their integer representation.
The mirror image of the binary counting code which changes one bit at a time when increasing or decreasing by one.
Code that never has more than one bit changing when going from one step to the next.
The reflected binary code, also known as Gray code after Frank Gray, is a binary numeral system where two successive values differ in only one digit.