A code in which each element may be either of two distinct values (eg the presence or absence of a pulse).
a coding scheme that communicates information by using a series of "1s" and "Os" that are represented, respectively, by the digital "ON" and "OFF" states
code using a string of 8 binary digits to represent characters
a code that can be executed by the computer
Information that is presented as ones and zeros. The language of digital media.
A representation (or encoding) of data that makes use of exactly two distinct characters (say 0 and 1). An encoding is a set of rules that specifies a correspondence between one set of symbols and another.
A representation of information using a sequence of zeros and ones that is the basis for calculations for all computers.
A representation of numeric values using only the digits zero and one.
A digital coding system that uses a sequence of only two types of symbols (eg, 0 and 1) to represent data. The two symbols are called bits (an abreviation for inary dig it s). For more information see How bits and bytes work (How Stuff Works, USA).
The most basic language, binary code is made up of a series of 0's and 1's. The computer translates this code into numbers, letters, and symbols.
The most basic language a computer understands, it is composed of a series of 0s and 1s. The computer interprets the code to form numbers, letters, punctuation marks, and symbols. bit (short for “binary digit”). The smallest piece of computer information, either the number 0 or 1.
Binary is the language of modern computing. Binary numbers are the numbers of a base-2 counting system, 0 and 1. (In comparison, we use a base-10 system, so we have 10 digits at our disposal.) Because all computer code is, at its most basic, a series of ones and zeros, all commands can be reduced to a series of on-off instructions carried out by thousands of tiny switches. :: Close
Coding system using the digits 0 and 1 to represent a letter, numeral or other character in a computer. For example: the character "A" in ASCII code becomes 0100 0001 in binary.
A coding system in which each element has one of only two possible values, one or zero.
A code whose representation is limited to 0 and 1
A representation of information using a sequence of zeros and ones. The basis for calculations in all digital computers.
Binary consists of a string of bits, with bits represented by 1s and 0s, e.g., 01010111000000001. The "bi" refers to base 2 mathematical representation...
Binary consists of a string of bits, i.e. 01010111000000001
A code in which every element has only one of two possible values, which may be the presence or absence of a pulse, a one or a zero, or a high or a low condition for a voltage or current.
the basic level of digital electronic records consisting of bits (individual binary digits recorded as ones and zeros) making up bytes (a set of eight binary digits).
A code that uses two distinct characters, usually 0 and 1.
An assignment of symbols or other meanings to a set of bitstrings.
The representation of data by groups of binary digits or, more generally, by any two symbols like the dot and dash of Morse code.
Binary code is the actual instructions for the computer. So if we refer to binaries we mean the executable KWord program. While computers have no difficulties reading binary files, they are not easily understood by people. Compare this distribution method to Source Code. For more information on compiling KWord, see the section entitled Installation
A representation of the base-2 number system in which the only allowable digits are 0 and 1.
Code using binary numbering; often used for absolute measuring systems.
A counting system based on just two digits (0 and 1). Binary code was developed to enable a computer to handle data, since the computer can only make a decision based on two alternatives (0 and 1).
Use of binary numbers in a transmission to represent different conditions. The key aspect of these codes is that, in serial communications, they can be unprintable. See code forms.