A ratio of the number of errors to data bits received on a digital circuit.
Bit Error Rate. In digital data transmission, this indicates the percentage of bits that does not reach it's receiver correctly. BER indicated the quality of a connection.
Bit Error Rate. Used as the performance metric for the digitized form of voice.
A measure of transmission quality. It is generally shown as a negative exponent, (e.g., 10-7 which means 1 out of 107 bits are in error or 1 out of 10,000,000 bits are in error).
Bit Error Rate. A measure of the quality of a digital transmission facility.
Bit Error Rate. The probability of error per bit in a digital communications system.
Abbreviation for it rror ate. The number of erroneous bits divided by the total number of bits transmitted, received, or processed over some stipulated period. Note 1: Examples of bit error ratio are (a) transmission BER, i.e., the number of erroneous bits received divided by the total number of bits transmitted; and (b) information BER, i.e., the number of erroneous decoded (corrected) bits divided by the total number of decoded (corrected) bits. Note 2: The BER is usually expressed as a coefficient and a power of 10; for example, 2.5 erroneous bits out of 100,000 bits transmitted would be 2.5 out of 105 or 2.5 10-5.
Bit error rate. The ratio of received bits that are in error relative to the total number of bits received, used as a measure of noise induced distortion in a digital bit stream. BER is expressed as a power of 10. For example, a 1 bit error in 1 million bits is a BER of 106.
Bit Error Rate. Bit Error Rate, the absolute number of errors which may be present, often experssed as xxE-y, where x is a floating point value and y is an exponent. A measure of quality of digital transmission systems. Expresses the ratio of correct bits to erroneous bits. To overcome transmission errors, many codecs include forward error correction , important for transmission of highly compressed data.
( Bit Error Rate) The number of errors divided by number of correct bits. The usual rate for a CD-ROM is 1 per 1012 bits.
Bit Error Rate. Probability of a data word being transmitted being in error.
Bit Error Rate. Probability that a read bit does not match the written bit.
In telecommunication transmission, the bit error rate (BER) is the percentage of bits that have errors relative to the total number of bits received in a transmission, usually expressed as ten to a negative power.
Short for Bit Error Rate, used for measuring the quality of a connection and as a reference for performance specifications such as the receive sensitivity where the receiver sensitivity is quoted as dBm @BER 10E-5 ie 1 bit wrong out of 100,000. This is considered to be the highest error rate than can be recovered from by higher level protocols.
Acronym meaning: Bit Error Rate. The number of errors in a data stream vs. the data rate.
Bit Error Rate. Accuracy of digital demodulation or decoding. Analogous to SNR, but in digital transmission.
Bit Error Rate; the percentage of received bits in error compared to the total number of bits received BERT
Bit Error Rate. Fraction of a sequence of message bits that are in error. A bit error rate of 10-6 means there is an average of one error per million bits.
Bit Error Rate, the absolute number of errors that may be present, often expressed as FFx10-y, where FF is a floating point value and y is an exponent. For example, 3.456x10-8 See also Bit Error Rate.
Bit Error Rate. Ratio of received bits that contain errors.
The ratio of received bits that are in error. Diagnostic cable-checking tools sense BER by transmitting a stream of data on one end of a cable and reading the output from the other end.
Bit Error Rate. Numerically equal to the number of erroneous bits divided by the total number of bits received through an RF communication channel. The bit error rate always increases with lower channel signal-to-noise ratio.
Bit error ratio. A measure of transmission quality, expressed as a ratio. The BER indicates how many bits are errored (incorrectly received) in a given bit stream. Generally notated as a negative exponent. For example, 1 x 10E -7 indicates one out of ten million bits (1 of 10, 000,000) are in error. Although a ratio, it is commonly referred to as “bit error rate."
Bit Error Rate. A way to measure data transmission integrity. The bit error rate (BER) is a ratio of bad bits to total bits.
Bit Error Rate - In a digital transmission, BER is the percentage of bits with errors divided by the total number of bits that have been transmitted, received or processed over a given time period. The rate is typically expressed as 10 to the negative power. For example, four erroneous bits out of 100,000 bits transmitted would be expressed as 4 x 10 -5, or the expression 3 x 10 -6 would indicate that three bits were in error out of 1,000,000 transmitted. BER is the digital equivalent to signal-to-noise ratio in an analog system.
Bit Error Rate. Bit Error Rate is the ratio representing the number of bits with errors in relation to the total number of bits that have been transmitted. The cheif impairment measurement for channels that are digital are composed of the Bit Error rate and the average numebr of seconds that are error-free.
bit error rate BPSK - binary phase shift keying
Bit Error Rate. The ratio of bad bits to good bits - a way to measure data integrity.
Bit Error Rate. Numerically equal to the number of errored bits divided by the total number of bits. Care should be taken when reporting or interpreting "bit error rate" in systems that use encapsulated data or otherwise add overhead to the payload bits. It is normally not meaningful in the CDMA context because whole frames are erased, or not, according to the result of the frame quality check. See Frame Error Rate and Message Error Rate.
Bit Error Rate. The ratio of received bits that are in error, relative to a specific amount of bits received; usually expressed as a number referenced to a power of 10.
The percentage of received bits that are in error during transmission; expressed as a number referenced to a power of ten.
"Bit error rate." Bit errors are caused by interference, or loss of signal, so the stream of bits composing the DTV picture is disrupted. A measure of the errors in a transmitted signal.
Bit Error Rate. The number of errors in a data stream usually expressed a ratio to the total number of bits in which an error occurs. For example 1 in 10.
Bit Error Rate – the number of bit errors in the data stream. An example is 1 in 104. This means 1 errored bit in 10,000.
Bit error rate. The average probability of a digital recording system reproducing a bit in error. It is the ratio of the number of characters of a message incorrectly received to the number of characters of the message received
The ratio of incorrectly transmitted bits to correctly transmitted bits.
Bit Error Rate: expressed as the number of correctly processed bits before a erroneous bit is detected. For CD-ROM the figure is 10 to the power 12.
Bit Error Rate. BER is the ratio of the number of bits received with errors to the total number of bits transmitted. BER and the average number of error-free seconds are the principal impairment measurements for digital channels.
Bit Error Rate (BER) defined as ratio of number of bits in error by the number of bits transmitted.
The number of bits received in error over a selected period of time. The bit error rate is normally expressed as a fraction.
Bit Error Rate. An overall measure of the quality of a received digital bit stream. It is the ratio of the number of information bits that are received in error to the total number of bits received, averaged over a period of time.
bit error rate. In a digital system, corruption of the digital information is known as bit error. When the BER reaches a certain level, reception of the digital transmission will fail completely.
Bit Error Rate. The quality of a digital signal measured by the proportion of errors.
The percentage of bits in a transmitted signal that are in error, relative to the total number of bits received. BER is generally expressed as ten to the power of a negative number. For example, a BER of 10 to the -9, means that one bit was in error, out of 1,000,000,000 bits transmitted.
(Bit Error Rate) Performance is a fractional statistical measurement in bit errors per bit relative to Eb/No. Graphically presented with BER on the Y-axis with a log scale and Eb/No on the X-axis in dB. Random errors from gausian white noise can create a maximum BER of 0.5.
Bit Error Ratio. The ratio of the number of bits received in error to the total number of bits transmitted in a given time interval.
Bit Error Rate - a measure of transmission errors that is calculated or measured on a per bit basis; A bit error rate of 1x10-6 means that there is an average of one error per one million bits.
Bit Error Rate. A measure of transmission accuracy expressed as the ratio of bit errors received to bits sent. A common voice and data BER benchmark is 10-9 or one error in a billion.
bit error rate. The fraction of bits that are in error. BER = e/N where e is the number of errors and N is the total number of bits (corect bits plus erroneous bits).
bit error ratio greater than 10.
Bit Error Rate. used as a measure of the quality of reception by the MES of the Bulletin Board of a TDM Channel.
Bit Error Rate. In digital applications it is the ratio of bits received in error to bits sent. BERs of 10 (one error bit to a billion sent) are common.
Bit Error Rate. Denotes the quality of a received demodulated digital signal. The lower the rate, the better the signal. Example: a BER of 10 -4 means one error in every 10,000 bits.
(Bit Error Rate): The fraction of bits transmitted that are received incorrectly. The bit error rate of a system can be estimated as follows: Where N0 = Noise power spectral density (A2/Hz). IMIN = Minimum effective signal amplitude (Amps). B = Bandwidth (Hz). Q(x) = Cumulative distribution function
Bit error rate. A measurement of the average number of errors which occur (or can occur) while writing or transmitting data.
Bit error rate. The number of erroneous bits in a data transmission.