A signal in asynchronous transmission used to signify the beginning of a character or a block of data.
identifies the beginning of a new character - low state after a continuous high
A bit preceding the group of bits representing a character used to signal the arrival of the character in asynchronous transmission.
In asynchronous transfers, a new character is introduced by the start bit.
The first bit in a character in asynchronous transmission to indicate the beginning of a character. By convention, the Start bit is a Zero ("Space" condition on the line).
Because asynchronous communications use no clock to regulate data transmission, start bits and stop bits are used to signal the beginning and end of a byte.
The first bit transmitted in the asynchronous transmission of a character to synchronise the receiver.
A bit or group of bits that identifies the beginning of a data word.
The extra bit attached to the beginning of a byte to indicate to the receiver that a new byte is being transmitted. The start bit is always low, i.e., value zero.
This is an extra bit added to a character before it is transmitted so that the receiving equipment recognises the start of the character.
In asynchrounous transmission, the first bit or element in each character, normally a space, which prepares the receiving equipment for the reception and registration of the character.