In asynchronous transmission, the bit that indicates the end of a block of data.
The last element (bit) of a character in a character set designed for asynchronous communications.
the bit of a byte that is used to indicate the end of a transmitted datum.
high at the end of datum for a bit period of 1, 11/2, or 2 bits to indicate end
In asynchronous transfer, very character is terminated by one or two stop bits which show where a character ends.
The last bit in a character in asynchronous transmission to indicate the ending of the character. By conversion, the Stop Bit is a One ("Mark" condition on the line). Some equipment us4es 1.5 or 2 bits for stop.
A signal following a character or block that prepares the receiving device to receive the next character or block.
The last bit transmitted in the asynchronous transmission of a character to return the circuit to the at-rest condition.
A bit or group of bits that identifies the end of a data word and defines the space between data words.
The extra bit(s) attached to a byte to indicate the end of the byte; DMX512 has two stop bits. The stop bit is always high, i.e., value one.
In asynchronous transmission, the last bit, used to indicate the end of a character which serves to return the line to this idle state.
In asynchronous transmission, the quiescent state following the transmission of a character; usually required to be at least 1-, 1.5-, or 2-bit times long.
In asynchronous transmission, the last transmitted element in each character. This bit completes the character and alerts the receiver to get ready to accept another character. See also: Asynchronous.