ABR and VBR - onstant it ate, verage it ate and ariable it ate. Constant is pretty self explanatory, Average makes sure that the bitrate fluctuates around a certain value and Variable allows the bitrate to be set as low or as high as the encoder dictates. (More)
A method of encoding the music from the CD at a fixed number of bits throughout the song. It pays no attention to the music levels it is encoding.
an ATM traffic contract characterised by constant speed of data transmission and constant delays; such contracts are applied for emulation of leased lines (known also as digital channels, see CES) and, in particular cases, some of voice and video transmission
One of the five ATM classes of service. CBR supports the transmission of a continuous bit-stream of information, such as voice and video traffic, which require a constant amount of bandwidth allocated to a connection for the duration of the transmission.
A method of encoding video content that's independent of the visual images.
Constant Bit Rate. A type of RealVideo encoding in which all parts of the video play back at the same bit rate. Contrast to VBR.
constant bit rate. A characteristic of a data stream in which the bit rate remains nearly uniform for the duration of the stream.
Committed Bit Rate. Its an ATM Qos (quality of service) that guarantees delivery of the speed being contracted for on communication services. For example, if purchase a 256k service, under CBR you are guaranteed 256k based on the Qos being provisioned in the ATM cell cloud.
Constant Bit Rate. A traffic type that generates a continuous flow of information, e.g., 64 Kbps voice or fixed rate video.
Constant Bit Rate. A service class in ATM that guarantees bandwidth for real time services, such as voice call and video conferencing. Also see ATM.
Constant Bit Rate. CBR refers to processes such as voice and video that require a constant, repetitive or uniform transfer of information.
Constant Bit Rate - ATM Bearer Service Class that emulates leased digital circuits
Acronym for Constant Bit Rate. A compression scheme in which each unit of input material is always compressed to the same output size. For MPEG-2 video, for example, this means that the compressed data always has the same data rate (that is, bytes per second), even when the input material is very easy to encode. See also VBR.
Constant Bit Rate and Variable Bit Rate encoding explained. Read On
Constant Bit Rate. Data compressed into a stream with a fixed data rate. The amount of compression (such as quantization) is varied to match the allocated data rate, but as a result quality may suffer during high compression periods. In other words, data rate is held constant while quality is allowed to vary.
CONSTANT BIT RATE. An ATM service category that is used for time-sensitive traffic suchas audio and video. CBR guarantees that audio and video cells arrive ontime, with a minimal variation in the spacing between cells, by reservingbandwidth for a virtual circuit.
Constant bit rate. Constant Bit Rate is an encoding method that maintains the same bit rate across the entire audio file.
Constant Bit Rate. CBR network traffic is a fixed amount of bandwidth. CBR is consistent, both upstream and downstream. It is a dedicated 2-way connection.
Constant Bit Rate. A uniform transmission rate (the bit rate remains the same throughout the audio file). To be compared with variable bit rate (VBR).
onstant it ate. When referring to codecs, constant bit rate encoding means that the rate at which a codec's output data should be consumed is constant. CBR is useful for streaming multimedia content on limited capacity channels since it is the maximum bit rate that matters, not the average, so CBR would be used to take advantage of all of the capacity. CBR would not be the optimal choice for storage as it would not allocate enough data for complex sections (resulting in degraded quality) while wasting data on simple sections. [more...
constant bit rate. ATM connection type for constant bit rate traffic such as voice or synchronized data requiring a low variation in delay. See also VBR and ABR.
Constant Bit Rate for MPEG-2 video encoding.
Constant Bit Rate. MPEG video compression where the amount of compression does not change.
Crude birth rate. The number of live births in a given period per 1000 people in the same period. Usually expressed per year.
Stands for onstant it ate, this encoding scheme is used when you wish to attain the most economical file size, it is used with the MPEG-2 format.
Constant Bit Rate. An ATM traffic type that reserves a specific bandwidth for ATM traffic on a VC. This bandwidth is defined when the PVC is configured. CBR is defined by its Peak Rate.
Constant bit rate is a service class for asynchronous transfer mode networks (ATM networks) in which the cell rate takes a constant, fixed value specified in the connection contract.
Constant Bit Rate. In a video material, each recorded frame (picture) is allocated the same amount of data. This means the image quality will vary, according to the complexity of the recording (motion, color spectrum, misty backgrounds etc).
Constant Bit Rate. A data transmission that can be represented by a non-varying, or continuous, stream of bits or cell payloads. Applications such as voice circuits generate CBR traffic patterns. CBR is an ATM service type in which the ATM network guarantees to meet the transmitter's bandwidth and Quality of Service requirements. See ABR, UBR, VBR.
Constant Bit Rate (CBR): A Quality of Service (QoS) class defined by the ATM Forum for ATM networks. CBR is used for connections that depend on precise clocking to ensure data delivery with constant timing.
constant bit rate. QOS class defined by the ATM Forum for ATM networks. CBR is used for connections that depend on precise clocking to ensure undistorted delivery. Compare with ABR (available bit rate), UBR, and VBR.
Constant Bit Rate. Delay intensive applications such as video and voice, that must be digitized and represented by a continuous bit stream. CBR traffic requires guaranteed levels of service and throughput.
Constant Bit Rate. A type of encoding that maintains a fixed bit rate throughout a file, so that data is sent in a steady stream. But because more complex passages may be encoded with fewer than necessary bits, and relatively simple passages may be encoded with more bits than are necessary, CBR can potentially result in lower-quality sound. See also: Variable Bit Rate (VBR).
Constant Bit Rate. An ATM service class defined by the ATM Forum for ATM networks. CBR fixed bandwidth is used for time-dependent, delay-intolerant connections that depend on stringent end-to-end traffic qualities (loss, delay, and jitter) to ensure undistorted delivery. CBR is also used as a term in cable networks for constant bit rate-based telephone networks that operate using TDM technologies.
Constant Bit Rate. In video coding, the bitrate of the compressed video is fixed at a certain rate. This usually results in variable perceived quality of the video.
Constant Bit rate. Constant bit rate. QoS class defined by the ATM Forum for ATM networks. CBR is used for connections that depend on precise clocking to ensure undistorted delivery.
constant bit rate. An ATM service type that supports constant bandwidth allocation. This service type is used for voice and video transmissions that require little or no cell loss and rigorous timing controls during transmission. See also: Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
Constant Bit Rate Compression. A CBR audio or video stream has the same bit rate throughout the length of the program, no matter how complex or simple it becomes. See Variable Bit Rate.
The highest ATM service class. CBR provides a constant, guaranteed rate to real-time applications such as streaming video, providing continuous bandwidth. It emulates a circuit-switched approach and it is associated with minimum latencies and losses.
Crude Birth rate. the number of births per 1,000 population in a given year
Constant Bit Rate - the bitrate is the same at any part of a single video or audio stream. VCD standard MPEG video and audio are constant bit rate as are most MP3 standalone audio files. Also see VBR (variable bit rate).
Constant bit rate. For ATM1 and ATM2 IQ interfaces, data that is serviced at a constant, repetitive rate. CBR is used for traffic that does not need to periodically burst to a higher rate, such as nonpacketized voice and audio.
Constant bit rate. A service class intended for real-time applications, or those requiring tightly constrained delay and delay variation, as would be appropriate for voice and video applications. The constant availability of a fixed quantity of bandwidth is considered appropriate for CBR service.