An enhancement to V.34 that enables transfer rates as high as 33,600 bps. Also see Bps ITU V.34
An international standard for synchronous and asynchronous transfer of data of up to 28,800 bps over dial-up telephone lines.
Currently the fastest standard modem protocol, although others are due to appear soon. Although not required, almost all v.34 modems support all sorts of other protocols, including v.42 error correction and v.42bis data compression. Don't worry about the specifics; just try to match protocols with the modems you call.
The most recent modulation protocol, which permits two similarly equipped modems to exchange data at a rate of 28800 bps.
An ITU-T Recommendation for modem communication over standard commercially available voice-grade channels at 28.8 kb/s and below.
the CCITT data modulation protocol for 28,800 bps.
12 data rates from 2400 to 28800 bps
CCITT standard for modem communications at 28,800bps
The standard for modems sending and receiving data at faster speeds across phone lines (up to 28,800 bps). V.34 modems automatically adjust their transmission speeds based on the quality of the phone lines.
Modem error checking standards set by the CCITT/ITU. See also ITU.
a term used to generally classify 33.6K bps modems
International standard for modem data communications at speeds of up to 28,800 bits per second.
ITU standard protocol for doing 33.6kbps communication. Now also usually referred to for doing anything below 33.6kbps.
This is the ITU-T recommendation describing an advanced modulation method which can be used to transmit data at rates of up to 33.6 kilobits per seconds over analog telephone lines (the PSTN).
ITU-T standard for data transmission at 28,000 and 33,600 bps.
Data transmission standard that provides for up to 33,600 bits per second (bps) communications over telephone lines. It defines a full-duplex (two-way) modulation technique and includes error-correcting and negotiation.
An ITU-T standard that currently allows data rates as high as 28,800 bps and 33,600bps.
ITU-T standard that specifies a serial line protocol. V.34 offers improvements to the V.32 standard, including higher transmission rates (28.8 Kbps) and enhanced data compression. Compare with V.32.
The proposed ITU standard for 28.8 kbs modem communications.
The standard for modems operating at 28,800 bits per second.
An ITU-TSS (international) standard (1994) for 28,800 b/s dial-up modems. Also known as "V.Fast."