A special type of Time Division Multiplexer designed to accept 24 analog voice channels, to convert each voice channel to 64 kbps PCM digital voice, and to format the resulting information into a 1.544 Mbps "T1" data stream.
Equipment in the central office that performs various necessary functions so that the ISDN circuit can operate properly. Multiplexes lower speed digital channels into a higher speed composite channel, among other things. Also may be used as CPE on T1 or other high-speed data circuits.
(1) A part of the carrier system that performs the first step of modulation. (2) A multiplexer that modulates a group of channels into a higher frequency band and, conversely, demultiplexes the higher frequency band into individual channels. It can break a signal into the equivalent of 24 analog voice grade and/or 56 Kbps digital channels.
Signal transmission equipment used to combine channels using either time division or frequency division multiplexing
A multiplexer. Takes the T1 digital lines and makes them analog. A channel bank is a device that puts many slow speed voice and data conversations onto one high-speed link and controls the flow of those conversations. Typically, the device sits between a digital circuit - say a T1 - several voice grade lines coming out of a PBX. One side is connected to the T1 carrier cables and the other side connected to single analog phone lines.
A device that multiplexes many slow speed voice or data conversations onto high speed link and controls the flow.
An interface device that multiplexes multiple channels onto an analog or digital carrier.
A type of time division multiplexer used in T-1 and E-1 multiplexing applications. (source)
multiplexor that merges 24 voice and/or data circuits into a single T1 ( DS-1) digital communication format.
A piece of equipment that converts analog voice grade telephone lines into a digital format (usually 56Kbps or 64Kbps per voice grade line or channel) and multiplexes these digitized voice and/or data lines or channels for use on a 1.544 Mbps ( T1 or DS1) digital circuit. A Channel Bank typically sits between a T1 digital circuit and a telephone system (analog PBX or switch) controlling several (up to 24 per channel bank) voice grade telephone lines. If a company utilizing a T-1 has a digital PBX, then a channel bank is not needed, but a CSU is required. Used in conjunction with Dedicated (T1) Services. Click here for more information about Dedicated Services or Dedicated Toll Free Services. [Back to Glossary Table of Contents
An interface between analog telephone lines and digital telephone lines.
Used to divide a T1 access facility into 24 digital or analog circuits.
Apparatus that converts analog voice signals to digital and back.
A multiplexer that merges several low-speed voice or data lines into one high speed line, such as T1.
Equipment used to combine, or multiplex, multiple channels either on a frequency-division or time-division basis.
Equipment that connects multiple voice channels to high speed links by performing voice digitization and Time Division Multiplexing. Voice is converted to a 64 kbps signal (24 channels into 1.544 Mbps in countries offering T1 services, such as the U.S.A.; 30 channels into 2.048 Mbps in countries offering E1 or CEPT services, such as in Europe).
Equipment typically used in a telephone exchange that performs multiplexing of lower speed, digital channels into a higher speed composite channel. The channel bank also detects and transmits signaling information for each channel and transmits framing information so that time slots allocated to each channel can be identified by the receiver.
Equipment that performs TDM-type multiplexing of lower speed (generally voice converted to 64 Kbps digital) channels into a higher speed composite (generally in 24 channel digroups of 1.544 Mbps each.)