basic rate interface. An ISDN line providing 2 B = D (two "bearer" channels and one "data" signaling channel) service.
See basic rate interface.
Basic Rate ISDN. 2-wire line-side local switching system port that uses the 2B1Q line code at a 160 kilobit per second rate to transport overhead and up to two B channels and one D channel.
Basic Rate Interface. A consumer grade ISDN line consisting of 2 64K bearer channels and one 16K delta (controller) channel.
Basic Rate Interface - User interface to the public ISDN network. Contains two B channels at 64 Kbps and a D channel that operates at 16 Kbps. The BRI line is the transmission path between the user's phone and the Central Office, where it is then switched by the Central Office to its eventual destination. Used for both data and signaling purposes.
Basic Rate Interface. ISDN offering that allows 2 64kbps and 1 16kbps channels to be carried over 1 typical single pair of copper wires. This is the type of service that would be used to connect a small branch or home office to a remote network. Through the use of BONDING (Bandwidth on Demand) the two 64kbps channels can be combined to create more bandwidth as it becomes necessary.
Basic Rate Interface (ISDN) 3 digital signals over a single pair of copper wires: 2 voice (B) channels and 1 signalling (D) channel. (e.g. voice and fax on a single pair of wires)
An Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) channel configuration. BRI - known as Basic Rate Access (BRA) in Canada and Europe - consists of two 64 kilobit per second (Kbps) data or voice channels, which are designated as B (bearer) channels, and one 16-Kbps signaling or packet data channel, designated as the D (delta) channel. BRI is, therefore, often referred to as 2B+D.
asic ate nterface -- standard ISDN line, consisting of 2 B-channels and 1 D-channel. BRI channels: B-Channel -- 64k bps earer channel. Data is transmitted/received on the B-channel. D-Channel -- 16k bps channel that carries singaling information as well as low-speed packet data. See also: PRI and ISDN
one of the levels of service in ISDN having up to 128 Kbps service
stands for "basic rate ISDN."
Basic Rate Interface- for ISDN lines, consisting of two 64 Kbps lines and a 16 Kbps data channel.
The most common kind of ISDN interface available in the US. BRI contains two B channels, each with 64 kbps capacity, and a single D channel (16 kbps) which is used for signaling and call progress messages.
Basic Rate Interface. An access interface that most small businesses and individuals use for ISDN. For this service, the telephone company divides the connection between you and the central office into three separate channels, two 64 Kbps B (bearer) data channels and one 16 Kbps D control channel. This service is called 2B+D.
(ISDN Basic Rate Interface) is the standard ISDN line that is configured to carry data. One ISDN line is comprised of 2B + 1D Channels. For voice use, only 1B channel is used, which allows one physical line to carry actually two different phone numbers, one on each channel. When an ISDN line is configured as a data circuit line, it carries data at 128 Kbps.
(Basic Rate Interface) The basic rate interface (BRI) is the affordable access service that most ISDN subscribers use. Think of the BRI as the retail version of ISDN service. For BRI service, the telephone company divides the POTS wiring between your premises and the CO into three separate logical channels. The term logical refers to the fact that these three channels are not physical in terms of three separate wires but are defined by the logic of how the ISDN system operates. The three channels of a BRI connection include two 64-Kbps B (bearer) channels and one 16-Kbps D (data) channel. This standard BRI configuration is referred to as 2B+D.[See Also: CO, ISDN, POTS, PRI
Basic Rate Interface. One of two subscriber "interfaces" in ISDN. BRI has two bearer B-channels at 64 kbps and a data D- channel at 16 kbps. The B-channels are for voice, video, and data. The D- channel is for signalling between telephone company switches and for carrying ISDN user-network messages.
An ISDN access or subscriber line, consisting of two 64Kbps B ("bearer") channels and one 16Kbps D channel used for both data and signaling purposes. The ISDN Basic Rate Interface, or BRI, provides two B channels and one 16 Kbps D channel (2B+D) for a total of 144 Kbps. (128K for Video)
Basic Rate Interface provides two 64 kbps B ("bearer") channels to carry information. A separate 16 kbps D ("data") channel is used for call setup and signaling. [Source: York Telecom
In the Integrated Services Digital Network (Integrated Services Digital Network), there are two levels of service: the Basic Rate Interface (BRI), intended for the home and small enterprise, and the Primary Rate Interface (Primary Rate Interface in ISDN), for larger users. Both rates include a number of B channel and a D channel. The B channels carry data, voice, and other services. The D channel carries control and signaling information.
Basic Rate Interface. See Basic Rate Access (above)
ISDN Basic Rate Interface consisting of two 64 Kb/s B-channels and one 16 Kbps D-channel. The two " B" channels are used to carry user data and the " D" channel used to carry the control and management functionality end to end, Thus, a Basic Rate Interface user can have up to 128 Kbps service.
Basic Rate Interface. A common ISDN bandwidth.
(Basic Rate Interface): A BRI contains 2 B channels, each with 64 kbps capacity, and a single D channel (16 kbps) which is used for signaling and call progress messages.
ISDN Basic Rate Interface, 2B+D. In the US, B may equal 56- or 64-Kbps. The D or signaling channel is 16 Kbps.
Basic Rate Interface. Basic ISDN service level that consists of two 64 Kbps B (bearer) channels that carry voice, data, and video along with one 16 Kbps D (delta) channel for signaling between telephone company switches and for carrying user-network messages. Also see ISDN.
The ISDN interface often comprised of two B-channels and one D-channel for circuit-switched communications of voice, data, and video. Depending on connection requirements and the local telephone company, it is possible to purchase just one B-channel.
A type of ISDN line consisting of two 64 kbps B channels and one 16 kbps D channel. The two B channels may be bonded together to get a 128 kbps Internet connection.
Basic Rate Interface One of two ISDN subscriber "interfaces" in ISDN. 2 voice (B) channels at 64 kbps channels and 1 data signal (D) channel at 16 kbps. The B-channels are for voice, video, and data. The D-channel is for signaling between telephone company switches and for carrying ISDN user-network messages.
Basic Rate Interface This is an Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) interface typically used by smaller sites and customers. This interface consists of a single 16 Kbps Data (or "D") channel plus 2 Bearer (or "B") channels for voice and/or data. Also known as Basic Rate Access, or BRA
Basic Rate ISDN – 128 Kbit/s
Basic Rate Interface. Standard ISDN line comprised of 2 B-channels and 1 D-channel.
ISDN Basic Rate Interface. Consists of two 'B' (data) channels and one 'D' (signalling) channel of 64 kbits/s and 16 kbits/s respectively, giving usable transmission bandwidth of 128kbits/s (also called ISDN2 as using 2 channels). In the USA the B channels may be restricted to 56 kbits/s. ISDN sites commonly have either ISDN2 or ISDN6 (3 pairs of channels) installed.
basic interface of ISDN, based on 2 channels of B class by 64 kbit/sec and 1 signal channel (D class) for 16 kbit/sec.
asic ate nterface. ISDN service providing two 64Kbps channels plus one 16Kbps control channel. Also referred to as 2B+D.
Basic Rate Interface. On an ISDN line, the smaller line which consists of two "B" channels (64 kbps each). With the appropriate phone company service package and correct terminal adapter, it is possible to talk on one B channel while transmitting data on the second B channel.
A Basic Rate Interface consists of two 64 Kbps B ("bearer") channels to carry voice, video, and data and one 16 Kbps D-channel for control and signaling. Broadband Is a term used to refer to circuits that have a high capacity and can carry large amounts of data. The term is usually used for T-1 and cable but can also refer to several ISDN's.
Basic Rate Interface. A BRI line is one of two access methods for ISDN (the other one is Primary Rate Interface - PRI). A BRI has two 64 Kbps B channels and one 16 Kbps D channel.
(Basic Rate Interface). A BRI line is one of two access methods for ISDN; PRI (Primary Rate Interface), which is high speed, is the other. Each BRI consists of two 64 Kbps B channels and one 16 Kbps D channel per ISDN line. See also B Channel D Channel ISDN PRI
basic rate interface. In ISDN, an interface that provides two 64 000 bps data channels (B-channels) and one 16 000 bps signaling channel (D-channel). Also known as 2B + D. Contrast with primary rate interface (PRI).
Basic Rate Interface. An ISDN connection utilizing 2 64Kbps B channels (bearer) and a single 16Kbps D Channel (Delta).
Basic Rate Interface. A type of ISDN service which comes with two B- Channels at 64 Kbps each and a D-Channel at 16 Kbps.
Basic Rate Interface. An ISDN BRI is a basic ISDN telephone connection commonly used for small office, home, and ISDN voice telephone service. Each ISDN BRI has two 56 or 64Kbps B Channels and one 16Kbps D Channel.
Basic rate interface. The simplest form of network access available on (BRI) the ISDN (integrated services digital network). The BRI comprises 2B + D channels for carriage of signaling and user information.
"Basic Rate Interface" - One of two possible access methods ...
Basic Rate Interface. An ISDN subscriber line, consisting of two 64Kb/s B channels (bearer channels) and one 16Kb/s D channel (used for signaling and synchronization purposes.) - often referred to as 2 B's and a D.
ISDN Basic-Rate Interface consisting of 2B+D channels.
Basic Rate Interface. BRI provides 2B + D, which is two bearer B-channels at 64 kilobits per second and one data D-channel at 16 kilobits per second. The bearer channels are designed for voice, video conferencing, faxes etc. The D- channel is for bringing in information about incoming calls and for taking out information for outgoing calls. One BRI standard is the "U" interface that uses two wires. Another BRI standard is the "T" interface that uses four wires.
Abbreviation for Basic Rate Interface.
Basic Rate Interface. The BRI 0 interface corresponds to dsl 0, which has three channels—two bearer channels and one data channel (2B + D).
Basic Rate Interface (equipment information)
Basic Rate Interface. In ISDN there are two interfaces, the BRI and the PRI or Primary Rate Interface. The BRI offers two circuit-switched B (bearer) channels of 64 kps each and one packet-switched D (delta) channel that is used for exchanging signals with the network.
(Basic Rate Interface) - One of two ISDN service offerings, the second being PRI . BRI consists of two 64 Kbps B data channels and one 16 Kbps D signalling channel.
Basic Rate Interface. Reference ISDN.
asic ate ISDN [ ntegrated ervices igital etwork].
Basic Rate Interface. An ISDN interface composed of two bearer channels (B channels) and one data channel (D channel) for circuit-switched communication of voice, video, and data.
Basic Rate Interface. The ISDN interface standard for single-line ISDN service. This standard provides for two message-bearing 64 Kbps B channels for speech and data, plus a 16 Kbps D channel for network signaling and data.
Basic Rate Interface. An ISDN access or subscriber line, consisting of two 64Kbps B ("bearer") channels and one 16Kbps D channel used for both data and signaling purposes.
asic ate nterface; in ISDN, a configuration that consists of two B channels and one D channel at 16 kbit/s.
BRI means basic rate interface and is the most commonly used interface. In Europe, a BRI includes 2 B-channels for data communication, and 1 D-channel for administration of the data communication. The alternative is a PRI interface.
Basic Rate Interface. An ISDN line that provides up to two 64 Kbps B-channels and one 16 Kbps D-channel over an ordinary two-wire telephone line. B-channels carry circuit-oriented data or voice traffic while D-channels carry call-control signals.
Basic Rate Interface. ISDN interface intended for home and small enterprise applications. BRI consists of two 64-Kbps B-channels to carry voice or data, and one 16-Kbps D-channel for control and signaling. See also B-channel and D-channel.
A type of ISDN phone line. A BRI line allows up to 128kpbs of information to be transported (using two B-Channels). This is the type of ISDN connection that a person might have at home.
Basic Rate Interface. ISDN interface composed of two B channels and one D channel for circuit-switched communication of voice, video, and data. Compare with PRI. See also BISDN, ISDN, and N-ISDN.
Basic rate interface or basic rate ISDN. An Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) service with two B channels with 64 Kb/s bandwidth for data and one D channel of 16 Kb/s for signaling and control information. See also ISDN, PRI.
(Basic Rate Interface) An ISDN access or subscriber line, consisting of two 64Kbps B (bearer) channels and a 16 Kbps D channel. See ISDN
Also referred to as BRI-ISDN. An ISDN (see also) circuit consisting of two B-channels (data channels) and one D-CHANNEL (see also), which is used for signaling and control information.