Centum Call Seconds. 100 call seconds, a unit of telephone traffic measurement. The first C is the Roman numeral for 100. 1 hour = 1 Erlang = 60 minutes = 36 CCS.
Channel Associated Signalling
California Children Services. California Children Services is a program which provides specialized medical care, free occupational and physical therapy, as well as case management for children with disabilities under the age of 21 who are California residents.
A form signaling in which a group of circuits share a signaling channel. Refer to SS7.
Common Communication Support.
Common Channel Signalling / Cashless Calling Services / Centum (or hundred) Call Second is the equivalent of one call for 100 seconds out of an hour. A traffic density of 1 CCS is equal to 1/36 erlang.
Common Command Set. CCS describes the core set of commands supported by SCSI. CCS is a collection of command device commands and is a part of SCSI-2. The common commands are a subset of SCSI-1. As SCSI-1 allowed too many vendor specific features, CCS was designed to improve compatibility between SCSI devices from different vendors.
Class is title Congress of California Seniors
Class t alt Congress of California Seniors
Center for Computational Sciences. A national center which supports scientific computing for the the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science (formerly Office of Energy Research). CCS is operated out of the Computer Science and Mathematics Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. See www.csm.ornl.gov for all CSM activities; see www.ccs.ornl.gov for pages targetted for users of the High Performance Computing Facility.
The CCS program provides health services to eligible children with certain physical limitations and chronic health conditions or diseases. CCS covers doctor services, hospital care and surgical care, physical and occupational therapy, laboratory tests, X-rays, orthopedic appliances, medical equipment, and medical case management. The program is funded with state, county, and federal tax monies, along with some fees paid by parents.
California Children's Services. A state-funded agency providing services to children with specific conditions, i.e.: Cerebral Palsy. They provide financial assistance for medical bills, hospitalization and durable medical equipment if certain criteria are met. CCS also provides physical and/or occupational therapy for your child, depending on his/her diagnosis, and regardless of one's financial status.
California Children Services. California's Title V program for children with special health care needs. (Title V is the federal funding source.) CCS arranges, directs and pays for medical care, equipment and rehabilitation for CCS-eligible conditions. Eligibility rules apply.
California Children Services. Open to Healthy Families Program members under the age of 19 who have a handicapping condition that is covered by CCS. L.A. Care Participating Providers refer eligible members to the local CCS program when medically necessary. Members who receive certain covered services through CCS will continue to receive the rest of their covered services through L.A. Care Participating Providers. Your Primary Care Physician will continue to provide all your primary care services and referrals for specialty care and hospitals when you need them. For information on CCS, call the Los Angeles County CCS Program at (626) 858-2100.
CCS is a state-funded program for children under the age of 21 with chronic medical conditions such as: Cystic Fibrosis, Hemophilia, Cerebral Palsy, Heart Disease, Cancer and Traumatic Injuries. CCS is a need-based program and eligibility is depends on income.
Common Channel Signaling. A method of signaling in which signaling information relating to a multiplicity of circuits, or function or for network management, is conveyed over a single channel by addressed messages. Signaling systems being used and installed in many telephone networks. CCS completely separates signaling information from user data by sending it over separate signaling network.
Common Channel Signaling. A network control method in which the signaling functions associated with establishing and terminating a telephone call are on facilities (the common signaling channels) separate from the facilities actually carrying the call. CCS provides faster call set-up and release, and increases the efficiency of call-carrying facilities, thus allowing the network to carry additional calls.
(Common Channel Signaling): Out-of-band signaling, when the signaling data is sent on a channel separate from the data. A BRI or PRI uses CCS as it has a separate D-channel for signaling information.
See Common Channel Signaling.
Common channel signaling. "A signaling method in which a single channel conveys
Common Channel Signaling. This means all signaling goes over a common channel, which is separate from the data channel. Using SS7, ISDN keeps the signalling separate from the B-channels, which gives both faster dialing, and the full 64Kbps. Parts of the country that haven't switched to SS7 can only offer 56Kbps. CCS also sometimes stands for Clear Channel Service, with the exact same meaning..
Centi-call seconds or common-channel signaling.
Common Channel Signaling. CCS is a signaling system which was developed for use between a stored program control digital switching system (in which all the signaling information for one or more of the trunk groups is transmitted over a signaling channel that is dedicated) usually, but not always the case, this is done completely separate from the user traffic bearing facilities.
1) Common Channel Signaling One Hundred (Roman Numeral C) Calling Seconds 2) A standard unit of traffic, used in communications engineering. See Erlang
common-channel interoffice signaling
Common channel signalling is an ITU signalling system that had seven standards, although only CCS No 4, No 5, No 6 and No 7 are in common use today.
common channel signaling. Signaling system used in telephone networks that separates signaling information from user data. A specified channel is exclusively designated to carry signaling information for all other channels in the system. See also SS7.
In telecommunications traffic engineering terminology, CCS represents centi call seconds and is a unit of traffic quantity equivalent to a phone call lasting 100 seconds.
Common Channel Signaling. A signaling method that sends data packets of signaling information for a group of associated transmission channels over a separate link. This separate link is usually another channel of the same digital trunk, called the D (for data) channel in ISDN service. CCS sends signaling data only when one or more channels in the designated group experiences a state change. See also B channel, CAS, D channel.