The process (and the result) of dividing a parcel of raw land into smaller buildable sites, streets, open spaces, and public areas, and the designation of utilities and other improvements. Critical Area regulations govern the density and design of new subdivisions.
Land divided into lots suitable for residential purposes.
Division of land into lots, blocks and streets by a survey upon a duly approved and recorded plat.
The legal process of dividing land into separate lots.
The process of dividing a given area of land into plats, sites, blocks, or lots with streets or roads and open spaces.
Land division in accordance with state subdivision laws.
A tract composed of subdivided lots. In Rockbridge County residentially zoned subdivisions are required to have 25 percent green space and at least one-quarter-acre lots. Agriculturally zoned "subdivisions" can have one home on every two acres. The county Planning Commission is considering recommending changes to the current requirements.
This is the opposite of a 'Consolidation'. For example if you hold 1000 Barclays shares with a nominal value of 100p per share and the Subdivision is into 50p per share, then your holding will 2 x 50p shares for every 1 x 100p shares previously held - ie 2000 new Barclays shares. Subdividing increases the number of shares in issue and reduces conversely the market price by the subdividing factor, but the value of a share holding will be unchanged as the number of shares you hold has increased also.
A tract of land divided by the owner into blocks, building lots and streets by a re- corded subdivision plat. Compliance with local regulations is required.
Subdivision’, ‘subdivide’; and similar expressions refer to dividing land into parts.
The process of dividing parcels of land into smaller building units, roads, open spaces, and utilities.
a property or land which is to be divided or is already split up in order to create multiple units, lots, interests, or land lots.
A division of a single parcel of land into smaller parcels (lots) by filing a map describing the division and obtaining approval by a city or county government.
According to Oregon law, the division of a unit of land into four or more lots within a calendar year. See also Partition.
The division of land into individual parcels.
A tract of land that has been divided into marketable building lots.
An area of real estate composed of subdivided lots (plat).
1. The word commonly used to denote the process of dividing a scheme of classification into its parts. 2. The result of such subdivision.
the act of subdividing; division of something previously divided
an administrative division of some larger or more complex organization; "a branch of Congress"
a section of a section; a part of a part; i.e., a part of something already divided
a division or redivision of land into five or more lots, tracts, parcels, sites or divisions for the purpose of sale, lease or transfer of ownership
a parcel of land divided into lots and blocks with proposed streets, alleys, public utility easements, and other information included by the subdivider
a process of raping the land of what is there naturally, trucking away the top soil to be used somewhere else, building and bringing back other kinds of topsoil in order to lay down the cultivated grass again
The division of a tract or parcel of land into two or more lots, either by platting or meets and bounds description for sale or development.
Land divided into a number of parcels for the purpose of sale; land may be improved or unimproved.
Parcel of land developed with building lots, streets, homes, parks, etc...
A tract of land divided into smaller parcels or lots, usually for homebuilding purposes.
Subdivision is the dividing of property into two or more portions.
Tract of land divided into lots suitable for home construction.
A tract of land surveyed and divided into lots and obtaining governmental approval for the division.
A legal definition of those divisions of real property for the purpose of sale, lease or financing which are regulated by law. Fro examples see - California Business and Professions Code Sections 11000, 11000.1, 11004.5; California Government Code Section 66424; United States Code, Title 15, Section 1402(3).
A subdivision occurs as the result of dividing land into lots for sale or development.
Any division of a tract or parcel of land in two or more lots, building sites, or other divisions to sell or as a development's includes any land division that involves a new public or private street or changing an existing public or private street, includes re-subdivisions.
the process of dividing an existing parcel of land into smaller parcels.
A tract of land that has been subdivided by the owner, according to local regulations, into blocks, lots, and streets.
Subdivision means the division of a lot, tract or parcel of land into two or more contiguous lots or parcels for transfer, sale or development (see Orange County Code Sec. 30-78 for alternate definition). The division of a parcel of land into no more than 3 lots does not require formal review by the Development Review Committee or the Board of County Commissioners.
When land is subdivided, it is divided into two or more portions. A specific legal and technical procedure must be followed.
The process whereby a parcel of land or a building is divided into two or more parcels or units, or alternatively multiple parcels are consolidated into one or more parcels.
A tract of land divided by means of a map, into lots or lots and blocks, for the purpose of sale or lease, generally for residential or commercial purposes.
the process of dividing a land parcel into smaller parcels.
A tract of land surveyed and divided into lots of purposes of sale.
Dividing land into lots and streets. The owner signs a PLAT and Deed of Resubdivision which is recorded among the land records. The state and county have strict requirements for subdivision of land.
The division of a tract of land into two or more lots or other divisions for the purpose of sale or development (whether immediate or future) and including all divisions of land involving the dedication of a new street or a change in existing streets.
the process of dividing a parcel of raw land into multiple lots, blocks, streets, and public areas. Its purpose is the transformation of raw land into building sites. In most states, a subdivision is defined as the division of a tract of land into five or more lots.
Act of converting land into buildable lots. Ordinances generally set forth standards for layout of streets, utility systems, stormwater management, and so forth.
When a croft is divided into more than one unit.
One large piece of land under one ownership being subdivided into several lots to be sold to many purchasers.
The division of a large piece of property into smaller parcels. Also, the divided property itself.
1. The creation of a number of smaller lots out of one or more large lots for the purposes of developing each smaller lot and selling them. 2. A newly created urban development.
A tract of land where lots, blocks, and building sites are divided and streets, parks, easements, and public utilities are laid out.
The division of a tract of land into separate parcels. itle A document indicating ownership of a specific parcel of property. Back to the Top
A piece of land divided into two or more parcels.
A means for dividing a large parcel of land into more than one buildable lot, administered under MGL Chapter 41.
A tract of land divided into individual lots for a housing development.
The division of a large piece of property into several smaller pieces. Usually a developer or a group of developers will build single family or duplex homes of a similar design and cost within one subdivision. [] Tenant The one who pays the rent for the right to occupy land or buildings.
A residential development that is created from a piece of land which has been subdivided into individual lots.
Subdivision means the "division of land into two or more parcels ..." ( Land Title Act, s. 1).
The process in which the owner of a large piece of property divides it into smaller parcels.
A parcel of land that has been divided into several building sites.
The act of legally dividing a parcel of land into two or more smaller parcels. In most areas, subdividing land requires the approval of a governmental body.
Area of land that has been divided into smaller plats, suitable for building.
An area of land laid out and divided into lots, blocks, and building sites, and in which public facilities are laid out, such as streets, alleys, parks, and easements for public utilities.
Improved or unimproved land divided into a number of parcels for sale, lease, financing, or development.
The division of a single tract of other parcel of land into two or more lots. (Specific definition will vary in specific ordinances or regulations.)
A parcel of land that has been divided into smaller parts (lots, blocks or tracts).
housing development where a larger tract of land is subdivided into smaller lots for purchase.
A tract of land divided into lots suitable for home building purposes.
The division of a parcel of land into two or more new parcels. County staff administers the development approval process.
The division of land, lot, tract, or parcel into two or more lots, parcels, plats, or sites, or other divisions of land for the purpose of sale, lease offer, or development (immediate or future).
A parcel of land that has been divided into two or more smaller lots. An example would include a 500-acre tract that has been platted and made ready for the building of homes. The subdivision has been recorded in the land records of the county where the land is located and is available for individuals to purchase the lots and or builders to purchase the lots and in turn construct houses on the lots.
The division of a tract of land into two or more lots or parcels for the purpose of transfer of ownership or building development, or, if a new street is involved, any division of a parcel of land. The term "subdivision" includes "resubdivision", and the term "resubdivision", as used herein, shall include any further subdivision of a lot or parcel of land previously subdivided, for sale, use, or other purposes, which varies from the latest, approved plat of the same.
The division of a parcel of land into two or more new parcels. The process of subdividing is regulated by the Land Subdivision and Development Ordinance.
A division of land into smaller parts
The division of the beat in simple meter (div. by two) into four equal parts or in compound meter (div. by three) into six equal parts.
Subdivision means the division of any parcel of land shown as a unit or as contiguous units on the last preceding tax roll, into two or more parcels, sites or lots.
An area common to a State Electoral District and a Commonwealth Electoral Division.
As used within these regulations the term "subdivision" shall mean the division of a parent parcel into two (2) or more lots, blocks, parcels, tracts, or other portions, however designated. The reference point for the division of these lots shall be a parent parcel. When appropriate to the context, "subdivision" relates to the process of subdividing or to the lands or areas subdivided. However, condominium projects may be developed in accordance with Chapter 718, Florida Statutes, as amended.
A tract of land divided by the owner, known as the subdivider, into blocks, building lots and streets according to a recorded subdivision plat, which must comply with local ordinances and regulations.
Division of a tract of land into separate parcels, usually for residential purposes.
Any number of lots or plots broken down out of a larger piece that has an organized map plan or plat to define it.
An area of land the is divided for the possibility of a housing development.
Any land which is divided or is proposed to be divided for the purpose of disposition into two or more lots, parcels, units, or interests.
Land divided into a number of parcels for the purpose of its sale, leasing or financing.
a block of land divided into individual lots for housing redevelopment
An area of land that is platted and sub-divided into individual lots. simple interest loan A loan on which interest is computed and charged on the actual balance each day instead of on a monthly accrual where interest is charged from one scheduled payment due date to the next, without regard to the date on which the borrower actually pays. The interest paid on simple interest loans will be higher if the borrower's payments are made later than scheduled and lower if the borrower's payments are made earlier than scheduled.
A tract of property that is divided into streets and individual lots
Property that is divided, from a large parcel, into smaller pieces.
An area of land surveyed and divided into individual lots or tracts for purposes of sale, lease, building and development, etc.
The division of a tract of land into smaller defined lots.
A portion of a division/service lane/business unit designated by timetable.
A housing development that is created by dividing a tract of land into individual lots for sale or lease.
Subdivision is the act of dividing land into pieces that are easier to sell or otherwise develop, usually via a plat. The former single piece as a whole is then known as a subdivision; if it is used for housing it is typically known as a housing subdivision or housing development, although some developers tend to call these areas communities. Subdivisions may also be for the purpose of commercial or industrial development, and the results vary from retail malls with independently owned out parcels to industrial parks.