Pertaining to the adhesion of materials to teeth for such procedures used to repair and/or change the colour or shape of a tooth. The process of attaching brackets (part of braces) to teeth using a dental adhesive for orthodontic treatment.
The attachment that usually forms between an infant and its caregiver, usually its mother (similar to Attachment)
The process of parents and their newborns developing an attachment with each other through cuddling, nursing, playing, talking etc.
attachment that occurs between parent and newborn.
The technique of applying composite resin or porcelain to the teeth by etching the tooth surface and using special adhesives to attach the composite resin or porcelain to the tooth.
The combination of two r more components into a multiple-layer composite. In furniture applications, FPF is often adhered to other FPF grades or to polyester fiber.
The white dental material that is applied to a tooth to change its shape and/or color. Bonding also refers to how a filling or some fixed partial dentures are attached to teeth.
adhering a tooth colored substance to repair and/or change the color or shape of a tooth.
A method of attaching a hairpiece to the scalp using a layer of adhesive. A horseshoe-like track of existing hair about 1/4 inch wide is shaved to about 1/8 of an inch long. The bonding glue is then applied to the hairpiece, which is then attached to the hair. Bonding lasts approximately 6 weeks, as the hair grows the hairpiece slips around and must be retightened.
(dentistry) a technique for repairing a tooth; resinous material is applied to the surface of the tooth where it adheres to the tooth's enamel
a process in which an enamel-like composite material is applied to a tooth surface, sculpted to an ideal shape, hardened with a light, and then polished
The combination of two or more components into a composite. Foam is often adhered to other foam grades or to polyester fiber.
The attachment that usually forms between an infant and his caregiver, usually the mother. Attachment and bonding are used interchangeably.
a process by which a resin is applied to the teeth to reshape or recolor them
The process of chemical adhering of filling materials to tooth structure.
The process of adhering silicone rubber to a substrate.
a cosmetic technique that can correct teeth that are chipped, broken, cracked, stained, or gapped.
a cosmetic procedure in which teeth are coated with composite resin in order to cover stains or improve apperance.
A technique that involves removing a small amount of tooth structure and placing a thin covering over the top of the tooth to repair, protect, or return a discoloured tooth to its natural colour.
A process which chemically etches the tooth's enamel to better attach (bond) composite filling material, veneers, or plastic/acrylic.
A special technique that involves the removal of a small amount of the tooth's exterior structure (enamel) and placing (bonding) a very thin covering over the area that was removed to repair, protect, and/or return a tooth to its natural color, or to a more desired shape.
Crows develop a strong attachment, or bond, to their families. Crows can bond to their crow family, or in the case of being in captivity, to their human family.
This is the technique of applying composite resin ( a tooth colored plastic material) to the teeth by means of etching the tooth surface and using special adhesives to bond the composite resin to the tooth.
The process by which orthodontic attachments are affixed directly to the teeth by an adhesive. Direct Bonding An intraoral procedure in which orthodontic attachments are oriented by inspection and bonded individually. Indirect Bonding A two-step process by which orthodontic attachments are affixed temporarily to the teeth of a study model and then transferred en masse to the mouth by means of a molded matrix that preserves their predetermined orientation and permits them to be bonded simultaneously.
The covering of a tooth surface with a composite resin to correct stained or damaged teeth, sometimes changing the shape of the tooth.
A process during which the tooth surface is chemically etched in order to attach or bond tooth-colored filling material, veneers, or crowns. This is also known as tooth-colored filling.
The practice of attaching brackets to your teeth in orthodontics and of attaching resin or enamel-like compounds to your teeth in cosmetic dentistry.
a technique for attaching dental restorations to teeth. Bonding can be used to attach white composite fillings, veneers, crowns and bridges.
the covering of a tooth surface with a tooth-colored composite to repair and/or change the color or shape of a tooth, for instance, due to stain or damage.
a plastic composite painted on the teeth to correct stains or damage.
The blending of two or more components into a composite. Foam is typically attached to other foam grades or polyester fiber.
Adhering tooth-colored resin materials to tooth surface to create a bond.
Process by which enamel-like resin is bonded to a tooth's surface, sculpted to an ideal shape, hardened, and polished.
process of attaching brackets to the teeth using a special glue.
a tooth colored composite resin that adheres to enamel to repair, change the color or shape of a tooth (usually the front teeth).
The adhesion of layers of resin to the surface of a tooth to correct a cosmetic or functional deficiency.
Adhesive dental restoration technique; a tooth-colored composite resin to repair and/or change the color or shape of a tooth
The attachment between a coating film and the underling material to which it is applied.
An adhesive dental restoration technique using a tooth colored resin to change the color or shape of a tooth.
A process to chemically etch the toothâ€(tm)s enamel to better attach (bond) composite filling material, veneers, or plastic/acrylic.
Often considered the same as tooth-colored filling. Technically it is a process to chemically etch the tooth's enamel to better attach or bond tooth-colored filling material, veneers, or crowns.
a cosmetic procedure that restores damaged teeth.
The mechanism by which veneers, tooth-colored fillings and crowns are fastened to teeth.
The covering of a tooth surface to correct stained or damaged teeth, by painting a layer of plastic on the tooth.
The process by which one type of substrate is attached to the surface of another.
Bonding is a process to hold material on a tooth
process that first etches the tooth's enamel, and then uses resin to attach tooth-colored fillings or veneers to a tooth
process in which a composite resin is layered onto the teeth, cured with a harmless, high-intensity light, and then sculpted to the desired shape. Go to Bonding procedure.
Bonding is a non-surgical treatment for hair loss that is achieved by using a medical adhesive which attaches a unit of human hair, selected and died to match your color, texture, and consistency, to your head.
Chemically etching the tooth's enamel then covering it by painting a layer of plastic on the tooth to correct stained or damaged teeth.
A form of adhesive dental restoration used to change the color and shape of a tooth. The surface of the tooth is etched, then particular adhesives are employed to stick, or bond, either white porcelain veneers; or a tooth colored resin which is then shaped, hardened off and polished. Bonding is also known as `adhesive dentistry.' (See Composite Resin and Porcelain Veneers).
The covering of a tooth surface with a composite resin to correct stained or damaged teeth. Done normally if there is enough healthy natural tooth material, otherwise porcelain veneers or crowns would be used. See "Bonding."
A technique to bind a filling or filling material to a tooth. Bonding materials may be used to repair chipped, cracked, misshapen or discolored teeth or to fill in a gap between teeth.
(1) mildly etching the enamel on a tooth surface to create a rough surface to which a plastic filling material (see composite resin) can bond: (2) changing the shape of a tooth for esthetics or function with a plastic filling material: (3) the process of