An analog device found in older CCTV systems that allows multiple cameras to be displayed simultaneously on a single monitor. Multiplexers can also be used to transmit multiple camera images at once over a single cable.
A device primarily developed as a means to record multiple cameras simultaneously to a single video tape. They also allow viewing of multiple cameras on a single monitor in various arrangements.
an I/O device that routes data from several sources to a common destination.
An electronic system that can accept a number of camera inputs and record them virtually simultaneously. They can also provide multi screen displays with four, nine, sixteen etc. cameras on the screen at once. Multiplexers can be used to transmit multiple pictures down a single video line whether it is a coaxial cable, microwave, infrared link etc. This requires a multiplexer at each end of the line.
An electronic device which permits the transmission of multiple messages simultaneously on one communication channel.
A component that compresses a number of CCTV camera picture inputs into one output signal that can be recorded on a single tape or disc. The recorded multiplexed signal needs to be decoded before the pictures can be seen again.
A device that accepts video signals from more than one camera and encodes them onto one signal that is sent to a digital recorder or VCR. The multiplexer also decodes the recording so it can play back video from one camera or several cameras at once on a monitor.
Transmission equipment which is used to combine multiple signals for transmission over one communications channel by varying frequency, amplitude or timing of the signals.
device or circuit used for mixing television signals to a single video recorder.
A logic function that uses a binary value, or address, to select between a number of inputs and conveys the data from the selected input to the output.
A device or circuit that combines several signals onto a single line.
This is an electronic hardware device enabling multiple devices to share the same channel. It combines two or more signals into a single signal, where they can be sent over the same circuit. At the receiving end, a demultiplexer divides the signals back up into individual signals. A multiplexer usually includes demultiplexing abilities. Multiplexing saves costs by allowing multiple streams of data to travel across one physical link.
A hardware device that divides a digital transmission stream into two or more subchannels. This can be done by frequency division (splitting the single band into multiple narrower bands) or by time division (allotting a common channel to several different transmitting devices one at a time). Compare IMUX.
Device that enables more than one signal to be sent simultaneously over one physical channel.
A device used for multiplexing. It may or may not be a program stored in the computer. Also a device for connecting a number of communications lines to a computer.
Electronic device that divides the bandwidth of a channel by frequency or time to enable multiple devices to share the channel.
A device that can combine and transmit several signals over a single line. The signals are then separated at the receiving end of the link. Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) and Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) both use multiplexing.
A multiplexer transmits multiple separate signals over a single communications line or computer channel by interleaving the signals. A demultiplexer converts a transmission that contains multiple intermixed signals back into the original separate signals.
used for combining (and separating) T1s/DS1s into DS3s, or DSOs into DS1/T1. Either a high capacity unit or a smart unit (as compared to a channel bank) that can dynamically change as user demand warrants.
Peripherals that increase the number of sensors that can be measured by the datalogger. Multiplexers essentially allow multiple sensors to share the same datalogger channel. Several multiplexers can be controlled by a single datalogger. The CR510, CR500, and CR200-series dataloggers do not support multiplexers.
A device that takes several input signals and combines them into a single output signal in such a manner that each of the input signals can be recovered.
A device that combines several communication channels into a single circuit.
A multiplexer is a high-speed switch that provides full-screen images from up to 16 analog cameras. Multiplexers can playback everything that happened on any one camera with no interference from the other cameras on the system.
a device which aggregates transmission channels on a single medium, such as a telephone line or radio spectrum, and enables the sharing of these resources for more efficient bandwidth allocation.
A network device that can connect multiple inputs to multiple outputs.
MUX A device that combines 2 or more signals into a single composite data stream for transmission on a single channel. For example, an M1-3 MUX combines 28 DS-1 s into a DS-3.
a device that can interleave two or more activities
a combinational circuit that selects binary information from one of many input lines and directs its to a single output line
a device for recording Multiple Cameras at once, on to a single video cassette
a device that allows a single channel Real Time Analyzer to average information from up to four microphone positions in a single test
a device that allows multiple satellite LNB signals to be combined into single/multiple outputs
a device that brings the concept of a rotary switch in analog electronics to the digital side
a device that combines several signals of Voice, Data and Video, for transmission over a single medium
a device that connects multiple gages into a single PC input port
a device that converts the data signals fragmented into various streams, into a single original stream
a device which enables several communications links or signals to share a single communications channel
a larger and more complex apparatus, in which the projector and camera are mounted on a table
a media processing unit takes input data from multiple tracks, combines the data into an interleaved container format, then outputs the interleaved data through an output DataSource
a multi-input, single-output processing component
an array of solid-state switches or electromechanical relays connected to several input channels
an electronic device that allows a single communications channel to carry data transmissions simultaneously from many sources
an electronic device that enables two or more signals to pass over a single communications circuit, whether analog or digital
a physical - layer device that combines multiple data streams into one or more output channels at the source
a special type of analog switch that selects one signal from several inputs and connects it to a single output
A switching device that sequentially connects multiple inputs or outputs in order to process several signal channels with a single A/D or D/A converter.
A combination of two or more filters in a common package with one input and separate outputs for each of the individual filters.
Hardware device that allows handling of multiple variable speed signals over a single, higher speed channel.
This is technically a logic circuit that sends one of several inputs out over a single output channel. In the network world, it is used to describe devices that send several signals over a single line at the same time. The device on the other side of the wire that receives the signal is a demultiplexer. ^ back to the top ^^ back to the top ^^ back to the top ^ Packet A collection of information. It is often used to refer to the pieces of information sent over computer networks.
A devise which enables a number of low bit-rate devices to share a high bit-rate transmission line. The device enables the combination (and separation) of multiple signals which are transmitted over one cable.
The equipment that simultaneously transmits two or more messages on a single transmission path.
A multiplexer combines multiple inputs into an aggregate signal to be transported via a single transmission channel. Multiplexing is a technique first invented for copper-wire-based telephone systems as a way of sending more messages through a limited capacity line. However its true potential was realized with its application to fiber optics, where messages could be multiplexed over individual frequencies of light.
A device that combines several input signals into a single output signal in such a manner that each of the input signals subsequently can be recovered. At Intersil, an IC consisting of multiple analog CMOS switches and digital decoding, allowing one of many inputs to be passed to the output.
A device capable of interleaving the events of two or more activities or capable of distributing the events of an interleaved sequence to the respective activities.
is multiple input digital device that can select one of a number of inputs and pass the logic level of that input to the output. Multiplexer size is normally defined by the number of bits of a single parallel input plus the ratio of the inputs to the output.
A switch that allows one of multiple inputs to be selected and connected to a single output. Multiplexers are commonly used in DAQ products to allow a single A/D converter to acquire data from multiple analog input channels.
The unit which takes the audio and data services and combines then into a single serial data stream.
A piece of equipment that provides the capability for voice traffic to be routed over a Point-to-Point data circuit. Used in conjunction with Point-to-Point Services (sometimes also called a private line). Click here for more information about 56k Point-to-Point Services or T1 Point-to-Point Services. [Back to Glossary Table of Contents
A communications device that multiplexes several signals for transmission over a single medium. In the world of networks, it is used to describe devices that send several signals over a single line at the same time. A demultiplexer completes the process by separating multiplexed signals from a transmission line. Frequently a multiplexer and demultiplexer are combined into a single device capable of processing both outgoing and incoming signals.
A switching device that supports multiple readers or antennas by checking each in accordance with a prescribed scheduling scheme and priority. Also referred to as multichannel readers or controllers.
Multiplexers combine several input signals into a single output signal in such a manner that each of the input signals subsequently can be recovered. Multiplexing is a process of transmitting more than one signal over a single link, route or channel.
A device which combines individual signals into a composite signal
A video surveillance device with multiple video inputs and one video output is called a multiplexer. Multiple security cameras are connected to it and their images can be presented on one monitor. A front panel displays the buttons that toggle each camera, and the signal from one camera or a combination thereof can be displayed. Multiplexers are simpler to use as compared with similar procedures on a DVR which normally requires a system login, operating a keyboard and controlling a mouse.
(1) (n.) (not “multiplexâ€) A device that is used for merging information from multiple signals to a single channel.(2) (n.) A STREAMS mechanism that allows messages to be routed among multiple Streams in the kernel. A multiplexing configuration includes at least one multiplexing pseudo-device driver connected to one or more upper Streams and one or more lower Streams.
Aka. or Multiplexor or Mux,. A device using several communications channels at the same time, transmits and receives messages and controls communications lines, may be a microprocessor.
equipment which transmits two or more lines of voice, data, or video information over a single channel. For example, a multiplexer enables a single T1 telephone line to be split into a number of different "channels" to allow for multiple applications to be carried along the same T1 line.
An electronic device that allows a reader to have more than one antenna. Each antenna scans the field in a preset order.
A device which allows the recording/playback of multiple cameras on a single time-lapse recorder with little loss of information.
A device that permits subdivision of a given bandwidth. For example, a T1 Multiplexer may divide a T1 line (1,544Kbps) into two capacities of 768Kbps each.
A device that allows multiple logical signals to be transmitted simultaneously across a single physical channel.
A device that allows two or more signals to be transmitted simultaneously on a single channel.
A device which supports multiple scanners or antennas by checking each in accordance with some scheduling scheme which may be either round robin or priority based. This reduces the total amount of electronics in the system at the expense of having all scanners being "blind" part of the time. These devices are called multiplexers or multichannel readers or just controllers.
A switching device that supports multiple readers, reader/writers or antennas by checking each in turn or according to proximity.
A JMF plug-in that combines multiple tracks of input data into a single interleaved output stream and delivers the resulting stream as an output DataSource.
An electronic device that allows one source to be split into multiple channels. The opposite of a concentrator.
A device used to combine data transmitted from many low-to-medium speed devices onto one or more high-speed paths for retransmission. There are various techniques for achieving this, such as time division, frequency division, statistical time division, and wavelength division multiplexing. A multiplexer is sometimes called a concen- trator.
A device which combines (multiplexes) several data channels by interweaving that data for transmission over one high-speed channel.
Combines two or more video/audio signals into one channel. Usually accepts 10 or 16 video inputs and displays them in various formats.
A device that can send several signals over a single line. They are then separated by a similar device at the other end of the link. This can be done in a variety of ways: time division multiplexing, frequency division multiplexing and statistical multiplexing. Multiplexers are also becoming increasingly efficient in terms of data compression, error correction, transmission speed and multi-drop capabilities.
Electronic equipment that allows multiple signal to share a single communications circuit.
A device that sequences access to a communcation port. Several different devices can share a single COM port on a computer if they are multiplexed.
Being able to connect a single sources to any multiple destinations (one at a time), or the opposite. Also referred to as a Scanner.
A Multi Screen CCTV device that allows input of 4, 9, 16 etc cameras and provides a 'Mutli-Plexed' (or split screen) display of those cameras
A device that combines several separate communications signals into one and outputs them on a single line.
A device used for division of a transmission facility into two or more subchannels, either by splitting the frequency band into narrower bands or by allotting a common channel to several different transmitting devices one at a time. Also known as a mux.
Equipment that combines individual signals into a single composite signal. T1 multiplexers combine 24 voice lines at 64Kbps each into a single signal of 1.544Mbps.
A term used for a device that can combine multiple video signals onto a single monitor transmission medium or recorder.
This is a device that takes inputs from 2 or more video channels and combines them into one signal. This is often done by using time division multiplexing, which interleaves frames from each channel in such a way that they can be split out again. Frequency division multiplexing uses different frequencies to achieve separation of signals.
A device that allows several users to share a single circuit. It funnels different data streams into a single stream. At the other end of the communications link, another multiplexer reverses the process by splitting the data stream back into the original streams.
A multiple way analog switch q.v., where a single path through the switch is selected by the value of a digital control word.
For the purpose of transmitting simultaneous conversations over the same circuit, this devise connects several lines or facilities into a single pattern.
A hardware device that performs multiplexing.
A set of electro-mechanical or semiconductor switches with a common output that can select one of a number of input signals. With the addition of multiplexing panels, 64, 256, or more inputs can be fed to a single input channel. This usually results in a slower sample rate (throughput), but allows very large data acquisition systems to be constructed affordably. The WIN MUX16 offers both high-speed throughput and a high number of inputs.
(MUX) An electronic device that accepts several signals and combines them into one high-speed, composite data stream.
A unit that can accept a number of camera inputs and almost simultaneously display them on a single monitor and/or record them to a single video tape. Multixplexers can also be used to transmit multiple cameras over the same transmission medium.
(1) Device that combines several slower speed circuits onto a higher speed circuit to improve transmission efficiency and provide value-added capabilities. (2) A device that can send several signals over a single line, separated by a similar device at the other end of the link. Several examples of how multiplexing: time division multiplexing, frequency division multiplexing and statistical multiplexing.
Mux. A device that combines inputs from two or more terminals, computer ports, or other multiplexers, and transmits the combined data stream data over a single high-speed channel. At the receiving end, the high-speed channel is demultiplexed, either by another multiplexer or by software.
This equipment allows multiple signals to be transmitted over the same physical media. There are Time Division Multiplexers and Frequency Division Multiplexers.
A device that allows one channel to communicate with multiple sources simultaneously. Often shortened to "mux."
a device for combining several channels to be carried by one line or fiber
A device that combines two or more data streams into a single stream, which streamlines the transmission process.
A device allowing two or more signals to pass over and share a common transmission path simultaneously.
Any one of a number of common devices used to combine multiple telecommunications circuits into channels.
An analog device that can accept a number of camera inputs and display them on a single monitor and/or recording device. Multixplexers are used to transmit multiple cameras over the same transmission medium.
Hardware that brings several low-speed communication lines together and transforms them into a high-speed channel and then reverses the operation at the other end.
A device that takes input from several sources and delivers them in one high-speed stream of information.
At one end of a communications link, a device that combines several lower speed transmission channels into a single high speed channel. A multiplexer at the other end reverses the process. Sometimes called a mux. See Bit Interleaving/Multiplexer.
Logic circuit that, depending on the staus of its select inputs, will channel one of several data inputs to its output.
A device that combines two or more signals into one output.
n. 1. A hardware circuit for selecting a single output from multiple inputs. 2. A device for funneling several different streams of data over a common communications line. Multiplexers are used to attach many communications lines to a smaller number of communications ports or to attach a large number of communications ports to a smaller number of communications lines. Acronym: MUX.
A hardware component for communications, especially used in local-area networks (LANs), which permits a common physical channel to split into two or more logical channels for simultaneous transmission of multiple signals.
The traditional device for dividing a long-distance, high-speed telecommunications line so it can be shared by many users. Used extensively in wide area networks, it provides for the concurrent transmission of multiple information signals on a single data channel by apportioning the time available on the composite channel for individual signals or by assigning specific frequencies for each information signal. High-end routers can interface directly with wide area communication services, reducing the need for multiplexers.
A device that permits subdivision of a given bandwidth transmission media. For example, a T! Multiplexer may be set to divide a T1 line (1,544Kbps) into tow channels of 768Kbps each.
A device which takes information from any of several sources and places it on a single line or sends it to a single destination.
A circuit that handles two or more signals at the same time
A multiplexer or mux (occasionally the term muldex is also found, for a combination multiplexer-demultiplexer) is a device that selects one of many data-sources and outputs that source into a single channel.