(extended definition) Material that is initially fluid or semi-fluid, placed between two opposing solid materials, becomes solid itself (by solvent evaporation or chemical reaction), bonds to the surfaces it is applied to and accommodates joint movement. Prevents excessive absorption of adhesive or penetration of liquid or gaseous substances.
A flexible material for sealing.
Adhesive or other material intended to create a leak-proof seal between the pack and the frame
A composite material used to seal the decay-prone pits, fissures, and grooves of children's teeth to prevent decay.
Soft, tacky, pliable material that seals where mechanical strength is not required.
a kind of sealing material that is used to form a hard coating on a porous surface (as a coat of paint or varnish used to size a surface)
a clear, acrylic-like material that bonds with the tooth to shield out decay-causing bacteria from the chewing surfaces of the back teeth
a clear acrylic-like material that forms a protective barrier, keeping food and decay causing bacteria out of the tiny microscopic grooves on the chewing surfaces
a clear acrylic material that is applied directly to cavity-prone chewing surfaces and grooves of the back teeth, providing protection against decay
a clear material that is applied to the chewing surfaces of the back of teeth where decay most often occurs
a clear or shaded composite material that is applied to the chewing surfaces (grooves) of the back teeth (premolars and molars), where four out of five cavities in children are found
a clear or shaded liquid material that is painted into the grooves of the teeth and hardened with a special light
a clear or shaded plastic material applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth (premolars and molars), where decay occurs most often
a clear or shaded plastic material that your pediatric dentist may apply to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth
a clear or tinted plastic covering put on the chewing surfaces of teeth, acting like a barrier to keep food from getting stuck in grooves and pits
a clear or tooth colored plastic material that is applied to the chewing surfaces of
a clear plastic material that is applied to the chewing surfaces of the permanent back teeth to keep out plaque and food
a clear plastic material that is painlessly applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth where decay occurs most often
a clear plastic material that is placed on the chewing surfaces of your child's back teeth
a clear plastic material that, when applied to the chewing surfaces of a tooth, bonds into the grooves of the tooth to act as a barrier protecting the enamel from plaque and acids
a composite derivative (liquid plastic-type material) which is painted or applied to teeth to prevent the development of dental caries
a hardened plastic material that helps protect the grooves and pits on the chewing surface of the teeth from getting decayed
a kind of plastic that is put on the chewing surface of the molars
a liquid that is brushed onto the chewing surfaces of the back teeth that hardens into an almost invisible plastic like barrier that typically lasts several years
a milky white plastic material that is applied to the back teeth where decay occurs most often
an adhesive and will cement the lid to the base
a nonorganic-based coating used to seal paint with a thin barrier
a particular plastic composite resin commonly used on the posterior teeth- premolars in addition to molars
a plastic material that is applied to the chewing surface of the molars, and is used to protect teeth from plaque
a plastic material that is applied to the teeth, hardens, and provides a barrier against plaque and other harmful substances
a plastic material that is applie
a plastic material that the dentist applies to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth (the premolars and molars)
a protective coating formed by resin bonded into the deep pit and fissure grooves on the occlusal (biting) surfaces of molar and premolar teeth
a protective coating that is placed on the top of teeth, which acts as a barrier against decay
a protective plastic coating, which
a smooth plastic coating that is painted on the surface of the tooth so that cavity causing bacteria and food is less likely to stick to the tooth surface
a thin covering over those tiny imperfections in teeth which trap food and plaque
a think plastic coating which can be placed in the grooves of the chewing surface of teeth
a thin layer or hard plastic, which is bonded to the biting surfaces of the back (molar) teeth
a thin plastic coating applied by your dentist to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth
a thin, plastic coating applied to the chewing surface of molars, premolars and any deep grooves (called pits and fissures) of teeth
a thin plastic coating that is painted over the grooves of chewing surfaces to prevent food and plaque from being trapped there
a thin white plastic film that we place onto the chewing surface of the back teeth to protect them from decay
a tooth colored or clear plastic
a tough, plastic material designed to bond (stick) to tooth enamel
a tough, plastic material designed to bond with tooth enamel
a white resin material that blankets the tooth, protecting the vulnerable pits and fissures of the tooth
A protective, tooth colored material that is applied to the chewing surfaces of primarily molars and bicuspids.
A paste or liquid applied to a joint that hardens in place to form a seal.
Commercial products which are used to seal porous materials or gaps between materials from the invasion of moisture.
An acid-etched resin that is placed primarily on the chewing surfaces of newly erupted permanent teeth to prevent caries on these surfaces.
a physical barrier to decay, placed on top of tooth to protect from bacteria
The soft, pliable material used to seal the area between individual log courses. This material can expand or contract as conditions dictate and retain its elasticity to bond.
Generic term for a multitude of materials used to seal joints or junctures against moisture or weather.
A protective covering of acid etched resin that is applied to the biting surfaces of newly erupted permanent teeth to prevent tooth decay.
Plastic coating applied to grooves of teeth to prevent decay. No age limit.
A mixture of polymers, fillers, and pigments used to fill and seal joints. Used to prevent the penetration of water or air.
A material used to fill and seal a joint or opening. See Caulking.
Material applied to the chewing surface of a tooth to prevent decay.
A composite material that is applied to the teeth to prevent decay in the fissures, pits, and grooves that are especially prone to decay.
a single- or multi-component polymeric or bituminous-based material used to weatherproof many types of construction joints where moderate movement is expected. The material comes in various grades: pourable, self-leveling, non-sag, gun grade, and cured or uncured tapes.
plastic coating applied to teeth to prevent decay. Used most commonly for children.
Clear or coloured application of resin placed over the biting surface of the tooth to help prevent decay. Most commonly placed on newly erupted first permanent molar teeth.
An elastometric material with adhesive qualities that joins components of a similar to dissimilar nature to provide an effective barrier against the passage of the elements.
Any material, which is used to seal cracks, joints or laps. May be used in liquid and semi-solid forms.
Adhesive material that creates a barrier.
A material that is bonded to a tooth to seal pits, fissures, and enamel defects to prevent caries (decay).
a thin plastic material used to cover the biting surface of a child's tooth to prevent tooth decay.
A thin layer of plastic-like material covers the grooves and pits on a tooth to prevent cavity.
A fluid material which sets but does not harden. Used to exclude wind driven rain from movement joints as well as around doors and window frames
plastic coating used to protect teeth from decay
Coating used to protect tile and grout from water and staining.
A material which adheres to two adjoining parts of an assembly and prevents the passage of gases, dust, liquids, etc. into or out of the assembly at that point.
Plastic coating applied to grooves of the teeth to prevent decay, generally performed on children who are more prone to dental caries, or cavities. See "Sealants."
a composite material, usually a plastic coating, that is bonded to the surface of teeth to seal the tooth and prevent decay
A compressible plastic material used to seal any opening or junction of two parts, such as between the glass and a metal sash, commonly made of silicone, butyl tape, or polysulfide.
An elastomeric material used to fill and seal expansion and control joints. This material prevents the passage of moisture and allows the horizontal and lateral movement at the expansion and control joints.
Protective plastic coating that covers grooves in healthy teeth to prevent decay. Sealants are usually applied to permanent back teeth.
A composite material used to seal the decay-prone pits, fissures, and grooves of teeth to prevent decay. See more about sealants.
a material that adheres to form a complete seal
a plastic coating applied to teeth to prevent decay.
An adhesive material bonded to the tooth surface to retard decay by shielding the tooth from exposure to the oral environment.
Any material used to seal joints or openings against the intrusion or passage of any foreign substance such as water, gases, air, or dirt.
A thin plastic substance that is painted over teeth as an anti-cavity measure to seal out food particles and acids produced by bacteria.
A plastic, professionally-applied material that is put on the chewing surfaces of back teeth to prevent cavities. Sealants provide a physical barrier so that cavity-causing bacteria cannot invade the pits and fissures on the chewing surfaces of teeth.
An elastomeric material that is used to fill and seal cracks and joints. At expansion joints, this material prevents the passage of moisture and allows horizontal and lateral movement.
plastic coating applied to grooves of teeth to prevent decay. Used almost exclusively on the biting surfaces of posterior, or back teeth. Go to Protective Sealant procedure
A compound used to fill and seal a joint or opening, as contrasted to a sealer, which is a liquid used to seal a porous surface. Also, the material used to seal the edges of insulated glass. Seat Board A flat board cut to fit the contour of a bow or bay window thatï¿1/2s installed between the sills and the flat wall surface. They provide a seat or shelf space.
An elastomeric material with adhesive qualities applied between components of a similar or dissimilar nature to provide an effective barrier against the passage of the elements.
Elastic material pumped or troweled into a joint to prevent water penetration.
a thin layer of plastic-like material painted on healthy molar teeth.
a mixture of polymers, fillers, and pigments used to fill and seal joints where moderate movement is expected; it cures to a resilient solid.
Clear application of acrylic placed over the biting surface of the tooth to prevent decay. Most insurance companies only allow these on permanent teeth.
A sealant is a viscous material that changes state to become solid, once applied, and is used to prevent the penetration of air, gas, noise, dust or liquid from one location through a barrier into another. Typically, sealants are used to close small openings that are difficult to shut with other materials, such as concrete, drywall, etc. Desirable properties of sealants include insolubility, corrosion resistance, and adhesion.