The horny substance or case that covers or terminates the feet of certain animals, as horses, oxen, etc.
To be on a tramp; to foot.
The digital keratinization in unguligrade mammals, a horny sheath completely encasing the tip of the phalanx and usually providing the animal's only point of contact wiht the substrate.
The hard horny covering of the horse's foot.
Anglo-Saxon hof]: The equine foot, includes the coronary band and all parts distal. Sometimes refers to only the horny parts of the foot. (NOTE: the prefix horny may or may not be used when speaking of the external hoof structures).
the foot of an ungulate mammal
The hard, keratinized (horny) sheath covering the toes or lower part of the foot of certain mammals (the ungulates), homologous to human fingernails.
Keratinized projection at the tips of digits that completely encase the tip of the phalanx.
The foot of the horse. Consists of several parts that play an integral role in supporting the weight of the horse. See "Hoof" subsection of "Musculoskeletal System" in veterinary supplement for a more detailed explanation. For hoof injuries, see cracked hoof; heel crack; quarter crack; toe crack.
A hoof is the horny covering of the end of the foot in ungulate mammals.