Usually made of rawhide leather cuffs or rope, hobbles bind two of a horse's legs together. This limits the animal's movement and keeps it from wandering off, yet the horse can still graze. Hobbles were used on the range so that a cowhand could easily find his horse in the morning.
Rope, cloth, or leather loops that fasten the forelegs together.
restraints that fasten around a horse's front legs below the ankle, to keep him from running off while the cowboy is out of the saddle.
The walking gait after you've been stepped on by your horse
Describes the walking gait of a horse owner after his/her foot has been stepped on by his/her horse.
The straps which connect the front and rear legs on the same side of a horse. Most pacers wear hobbles to help balance their stride and maintain a pacing gait. The length of hobbles is adjustable and a trainer registers the length that best suits his or her horse. There are also trotting hobbles that work through a pulley system to help trotters maintain their gait.
straps placed around a horse's legs to keep it from wandering off.