Circle executed on two tracks with the radius equal to the length of the horse, with the forehand moving around the haunches and maintaining the exact rhythm and sequence of footfalls of the gait being used.
A rhythmic turning on the spot at the walk and canter where the inside hind foot is the pivot for the circle and ideally returns to the spot each time it is lifted from the ground.
A spinning turn done on one foot. Supporting leg is stretched or flexed. Turn is done in place.
A full turn on the spot, with the inside hind foot is the pivot.
dance term meaning to spin around on one foot
A maneuver described as a high yaw rate of a helicopter, when the tail spins around the canopy one or more times.
(ballet) a rapid spin of the body (especially on the toes as in ballet)
do a pirouette, usually as part of a dance
a circle that the horse makes by pivoting its forelegs and one hind leg around the other hind leg
To turn on one foot around the body's longitudinal axis, as defined by the spine, in dance elements.
Rodeo or freestyle move in which a boat executes an "ender" (puts one end in a hydraulic while staying vertical) and spins 180 degrees or more.
Action of spinning round once. Popular European style juggling club manufactured by Henry's.
A turn of the body done while standing on one leg, the other leg being held in any one of a number of traditional positions. A pirouette is done on demi-pointe by the male, on pointe by the female, dancer.
while popping vertical in a kayak during an "ender", the paddler reaches a paddle blade to the water then effects a vertical boat-and-paddler spin with it.
A turn in place, on one foot. A good dancer can execute four or five continuous revolutions; a virtuoso, as many as a dozen.
Dressage movement in which the forelegs of the horse describe a small circle, while the hind legs remain in place, one of them acting as a pivot.
A turn in standing position on one leg to a different direction.
A term used in both gymnastics and dance to refer to a turn around the body's longitudinal axis. It is used to refer to both handstand turning moves on bars and p-bars and also to refer to a dancing element, e.g. to turn on one foot. Turns for both are measured in degrees or increments of ½ turns. The dance term liiterally means “whirligig,” which is an old fashioned name for a child's top. Pirouette is now used to describe the many kinds of turns that gymnasts and dancers do on toe.
In ballet, to make one full turn of the body on the point of the toe or the ball of the foot. In skating, an alternate term for a spin used more commonly in Europe than in North America.
One of the most famous ballet movements; this is where the dancer spins around on demi-pointe or pointe on one leg. The other leg can be in various different positions; the standard one being retiré. Others include the leg in attitude, and grand battement level, second position. They can also finish in arabesque or attitude positions. A pirouette can be en dehors - turning outwards, starting with both legs in plie, or en dedans - turning inwards.
A pirouette is a two-track lateral movement asked of a horse in dressage, in which the animal makes a circle with its front end around a smaller circle made by the hind end. Specifically, the front legs and outside hind leg should travel around the inside hind leg, with the horse remaining slightly bent in the direction of travel. The horse may perform the movement at the walk or canter.