Definitions for "Horny"
A slang term for being sexually aroused or excited.
In need of sexual pleasure. Follow the above link for more.
Slang term for being sexually arroused or excited.
Horny the Horned Reaper is the mascot of the Dungeon Keeper games, and the strongest underling in the IBM PC strategy game Dungeon Keeper and Dungeon Keeper 2. In the first game, it was difficult to get "Horny" under your command, available only in the last few levels. When you did, it was difficult to keep him happy unless he was given a task such as training or later on, guarding (if not, he would get progressively more angry and the only way to pacify him was to give him some gold).
Keywords:  hornlike, projections
Having horns or hornlike projections.
Keywords:  callous, hard
Hard; callous.
Keywords:  hardened
Composed or made of horn, or of a substance resembling horn; of the nature of horn.