Marked preference for obtaining sexual gratification by exposing one's genitals to an unwilling observer.
Turn on from being watched in a sex act. It happens usually at public place. Or sexual fantasies, urges, or behaviours involving surprise exposure of the individual's privet body parts, genitals to a stranger. Follow the above link for more.
Excitement elicited by showing genitals, or other hidden parts of the body. Exhibitionism is produced without the consent of those who will witness the exhibitionism. As well, exhibitionists do not always necessarily intend to consummate the sexual act. Also called "podeiktophilia".
A paraphilia characterized by getting sexual gratification from exposing the genitals to an (often unwilling) observer.
Exposure of one's genitals to a stranger.
the perverse act of exposing and attracting attention to your own genitals
The compulsive act of exposing the genitals, often in public, or to a specific person, for the purpose of sexual arousal and gratification.
To expose oneself sexually, remember the dress Jennifer Lopez wore to the Grammyâ€(tm)s, thatâ€(tm)s exhibitionism
the enjoyment of being watched by others while performing sexual acts
Arousal from being watched in a sex act with or without consent.
Sexual gratification from exposing ones self.
A paraphilia in which sexual gratification is derived from exposure of one's genitals to a person in socially unacceptable situations. More common in males than in females.
Getting sexual pleasure from exposing oneself to others or being watched while having sex. Opposite of VOYEURISM.
getting sexual pleasure from exposing or displaying the body to others or being watched while having sex.
Exhibitionist – Meaning an individual’s sexual desire to show off their private parts to others.
Sexual arousal achieved by undressing, performing sex acts, or masturbating in front of others; exposing one's genitalia to strangers as a means of obtaining sexual arousal.