Transmission network at 56Kbps that allows dial-up videoconferencing. Because picture quality at 56Kbps is often not acceptable, most dial-up videoconferencing takes place on two 56Kbps lines, for a total of 112Kbps (see Dual 56).
A dial-up network-based service providing a data channel operating at a rate of 56 kbps. Also a type of network access line, used to provide access to switched 56 network services.
Switched 56 is a digital dial-up service that gives 56Kbps data connectivity on demand. Although it is similar in many ways to the basic telephone lines used with analog modems, Switched 56 uses special digital access lines and digital access equipment called Channel Service Unit/Data Service Units (CSU/DSUs). By keeping the digital service end-to-end, error performance is a near match for what you have come to expect from Digital Data System (DDS) dedicated lines. Switched 56 is available throughout the United States from an assortment of interexchange and local exchange carriers. (7/96)
Switched data service which lets you dial someone else and transmit at 56 kilobits per second. It is a circuit switched service, letting the user transmit data at full duplex, digital synchronous 56 Kbps for usually the price of a phone call. Switched 56 can be delivered on one pair or two pairs. Switched 56 is used for Videoconferencing, high speed data transfer, digital audio broadcasting, Group IV fax and remote LAN access for telecommuters. Switched 56 data service is probably the most widely used switched digital service available in North America.
Digital service at 56 Kbps provided by local telephone companies and long distance carriers. Similar to ISDN, Switched 56 traffic can travel over the same physical infrastructure that supports ISDN. Switched 56, however, is an older technology with decreasing significance.
Switched 56 services allow customers to dial up and transmit digital information up to 56 Kbps in much the same way that they dial up an analogue telephone call. The service is billed like a voice line-a monthly charge plus a cost for each minute of usage. Nearly all LECs and IXCs offer switched 56 service and any switched 56 offering can connect with any other offering, regardless of which carrier offers the service.