One thousand bps. Example: a 28.8 Kbps modem.
Used as a means for indicating the speed of computer modems, as in 29.8kbps or 56kbps.
Measurement of data transmission speed in a communication system. The number of kilobits transmitted or received each second.
ilo ytes er econd (often referred to as "kps"), a unit of data rate measurement. Specified in this manual as "KBps" to avoid confusion with a different usage of "kps" or "kbps" by the telecommunications industry. KBps is typically used when measuring CD-ROM or broadcast video data rates.
ilo its er econd, a unit of data rate measurement. A kilobit is 1/8th the size of a KiloByte. The term kbps is typically used when measuring web and network based video.
See kilo bits-per-second.
A measure of data transmission speed — 1,024 bits of information per second.
A unit of measure. 1 Kbps equal to 1024 bits per second. 28.8 Kbps = 28,800 bits per sec (approx.)
ilo it er econd When talking about MP3´s the kbps in which it was encoded are of great interest. The scale of kpbs in which MP3 files are compressed rage from 8kbps to 256kbps. The standard encoding depth for music in the Internet today is 128kbps - one minute of music is just about one Mb big. 8kbps are used for cellular phone speech (thus the poor quality :), 24kbps are enough to understand radio plays (eg. shoutcast) and 256kbps is said to be Minidisc quality. Some people say the quality of 128kbps MP3´s is still too poor for music - they use 160 kbps or even 192kbps for encoding.
Kbps equals one thousand bits per second, and is a measure of bandwidth. Modem speeds are measured by the amount of bits it can transfer in one second, and kbps is now the standard.
Kilo-bits per second, more information ...
A thousand data bits per second
Acronym: ilo its er econd Computer, Data Transfer: A measurement of data transfer speed equal to 1,000 bits per second, used to describe the speed of data flow in a digital signal.
a unit for measuring the speed of transmission in a digital connection; one thousand bits of data per second.
Thousands of bits per second. The maximum speed of a dial-up connection is 56 Kbps. The average speed of a DSL connection is 3000 Kbps (3 Mbps).
Thousands of bits per second; the most common way of measuring modem access speed. Five years ago, 9.6 Kbps modems were considered fast for personal use; three years ago, 28.8 Kbps modems were standard, and 56 Kbps is the current standard. However, the upward trend in bandwidth needs is evolving away from modems and services measured in Kbps to broadband services measured in Mbps.
The speed of data transmission measured as the number of thousands of data bits per second.
A kilobyte is a thousand bytes (actually 1024 [2 to the 10th power] bytes). KBPS is used as a means for indicating the speed of computer modems, as in 28.8 KBPS or 56 KBPS.
Refers to the rate at which data is transferred. A Kilobit, or Kb, is 1024 bits. For example, using a 56k modem, 56k = 56000 bits of data transferred through your modem every second. Note: Kb refers to Kilobit, KB refers to Kilobyte. See also kilobyte.
Thousand bytes per second of data transferred
One thousand bits per second. This is a relatively slow rating of transmission speed when compared to Mbps or Gbps. 56kbps would be equal to 56,000 bits per second.
1,000 bits per second, a measure of speed of the transmission rate for data across wired or wireless networks.
a measure of the speed of transfer of digital information.
or Kbs See Kilobits per second.
(Kilobits per second) Measure of data transfer speed. LAN (local area network) Linked computers that are geographically close together, for example, in the same building. See also WANs.
Thousands of bits per second, or kilobits per second; a measure of bandwidth.
Kilo-bits per second: about one thousand bits a second.
Kbps stands for kilobits per second (thousands of bits per second) and is a measure of the speed data travels on a data transmission medium such as twisted-pair copper lines, coaxial cable, or optical fiber.
Kbps stands for kilobits per second and refers to the speed of a signal transmission.
A measure of bandwidth or transmission speed. It stands for a thousand bits per second.
Kbps is a measurement of the transmission speed of data.
Stands for kilobytes-per-second, and is used for measuring the speed at which data is transmitted.
Kilo Bytes Per Second. One thousand bytes (of data transferred) per second.
Kbps is a common term used to describe the speed of a modem - 56 Kbps Modem
Kilobytes per second. A kbps may mean 1000 bytes per second or 1024 bytes per second. Used as a measure of speed of transfer of information. Unfortunately, the abbreviation is also used to mean kilobits per second - watch out for this ambiguity. A byte is 8 bits.
Also kb/s. See Kilobits per second (below).
Kilo bits per second (10^3 bps)
kilobit per second. 1 kbps = 1,000 bits per second. Also see bps.
(Kilobits per second) Kilobits per second (Kbps) is a measure of throughput, and is most often used in association with measuring modem speed. Kilobits per second should not be confused with Kilobytes (or just "K") per second, however. Since there are 8 bits in a byte, a modem that goes 28.8Kbps is only capable of transmitting about 3.5K per second.[See Also: baud, bps
Kilobits per second. The transfer rate of information from point to point.
(Kilo-bit per second) [Measurement]. A speed of 1,024 bits per second (bps). see also bps, MBPS
( ilo ytes er econd) is used as a rating of relatively slow transmission speed. KBps or KB/s would be used for earlier disk and tape transfer ratings as data are transferred in parallel, not serial.
( ilo its er econd) the standard measurement for the transfer of data via a modem.
Kilobits/second. Thousands (103) of bits per second.
kilobits per second. A measurement for data communications, 1Kbps equals 1,000 bits.
Kilobits per second Thousands of bit s per second.
Kilobits per second (see below)
Kilobits (thousand bits) per second, a unit of measurement for network bandwidth, or data-carrying capacity.
one thousand bits per second (See bps).
The rate of speed at which data is transferred (e.g. 1Kbps equals 1,000 bits per second).
Kilobits (one thousand bits) per second, measures the speed of file transfer by your modem or Internet connection.
Shorthand for kilobits per second.
Kilobits per second. Refers to transmission speed of 1000 bits per second. (See byte)
Kilobits per second. Kilobits-per-second means thousands of bits per second. It is a common way of specifying the speed of an Internet connection; that is, the number of bits that can be transmitted over a wire in a single second. Most dial-up connections operate at speeds between 28.8 Kbps (28,000 bits per second) and 56.0 Kbps (56,000 bits per second).
(Kilobits per second) Bits per second is the most commonly used manner of measuring bandwidth.
(Kilobits per second 1 kilobit = 1,000 bits) is a measurement of digital transmission speeds.
Kilobits per second - the standard measurement of modem speed.
Short for kilobytes per second. This unit is typically used to measure bandwidth, or the amount of data that can be transferred in a given amount of time.
Kilobits per second - This is what most modem speeds are referring to. Why? Probably to make them look faster. Divide by 8 to get KBps.
Abbreviation for kilobits(s) per second.
Kilobits/second. Thousands (10) of bits per second.
(kilobytes per second) Remember, one byte is eight bits.
A data transfer rate of Kilo (thousand) bits per second. (Also Kb/s)
(kilobits per second) the rate at which digital data is transferred; one kilobit = 1,000 bits.
Kbps stands for kilobit per second (thousands of bits per second, or bps) and is a common measure of bandwidth.
One thousand (Kilo) bits per second. Example: a 28.8 Kbps modem.
Kilobits per second. Usually used to express modem speeds. A 28.8Kbps modem theoretically transfers around 3 Kilobytes per second, as there are 8 bits per byte. For comparison, so-called cable modems or ADSL "asynchronous digital subscriber line" technologies can transfer files at maximum speeds about 100 times faster.
Kilobits per second. A measurement of digital bandwidth where one Kbps equals one thousand (actually 1,024) bits per second.
Abbreviation for "Kilobits per second", which is 1000 bits per second. It is a measure of bandwidth.
Kilobits per second. Used as a measure of data transmission rates.
Kilobits (thousands of bits) per second. One kilobit contains 1,024 bits ( 2 10 bits)
KiloBytes (thousands of bytes or octets) per second. One kilobyte contains 1,024 bytes ( 2 10 bytes)
It is an abbreviation for " ilo ytes er econd" which is one thousand bits per second.
Kilobits per second. One bit is a single digital zero or one. One thousand bits transmitted in one second is 1 kbps.
Kilobytes per second. One byte represents a single character, usually 8 bits. One thousand bytes transmitted in one second is 1 kBps.
When you are talking about file size on your PC or a download from a server, you refer to it in kilobytes or megabytes. But when you are talking about connection speeds, it is in bits per second, where 8 bits equals 1 byte. Therefore, if you are downloading at 1 megabit per second, it will take you 8 seconds to download a 1-megabyte file.
Kilobytes per second 8,000 bits per second
Kilobits per second or one thousand bits per second.
Kbps stands for thousands of bits or kilobits per second is a measure of bandwidth (the total information flow over a given time) on a telecommunications medium. Depending on the medium and the transmission method, bandwidth is sometimes measured in the Mbps (millions of bits per second or megabits per second) range or the Gbps (billions of bits or gigabits per second) range.
Kilo Bits Per Second. A measure of time relating to telecommunications speeds. One kilobit is 1,000 bits of information, the higher the number the faster the transmission speed.
Kilobits, or one thousand bits, per second. This is the measurement of the transfer rate for nearly all Speakeasy services.
Kbps stands for kilobits per second (thousands of bits per second) and is a measure of the amount of data that can flow in a given time from one place to another. Higher bandwidths are more conveniently expressed in megabits per second (Mbps, or millions of bits per second) and in gigabits per second (Gbps, or billions of bits per second).
Kilobits per second. A unit of data transmission speed measured in thousands of bits per second.
Kilobytes per second, a measurement of transmission speed.
Acronym for kilobits per second, i.e., thousands of bits per second, used to describe the speed of a network connection. Today's fastest modem operates at 56 kbps over an analog telephone line.
kilobits per second. KBps is kilo bytes per second.
Kilobits per second, a measure of speed of transmission of data. To top
kiloBytes per second A measurement equal to 1,000 BPS, used to judge the size of an audio file. For example, an uncompressed audio file format such as WAV is measured at 1411 kbps, and MP3 encoding reduces this size to about 1/10 (actual amount of compression varies depending on the user settings when the file is encoded).
(KiloBits Per Second) A measure of speed of information flow, usually over a modem. A Kilobit is a thousand bits. See also bps, Mbps.
A data rate. Kilobits, or thousands of bits, per second.
Kilo bits per second. A measurement of the rate of speed that data is being transferred. 1Kbps equals 1,000 bits per second.
One Thousand bps, actual number is 1024 bps.
Kilo-bytes per second - one thousand bits per second.
Kilobits-per-second (thousands of bits-per-second). A measure of data transmission, such as that handled by a modem.
Kilobytes per second - This is what most transfer speed are referring to. One Byte is comprised of 8 Bits.
Abbreviation for kilobits per second, is a measure of bandwidth. LAN Abbreviation for Local Area Network. A network consisting computers, printers and other office equipment usually located within one building.
Kilobits per second. The rate of speed at which data is transferred, such as with a modem. Eight bits make up a byte.
An abbreviation for kilobits per second. A measurement of the transmission speed of data measured in 1,024 bits per second.
Kilobits per second. See ?BIT?. Refers to a speed in thousands of bits per second.
A speed measurement for the transmitting of data (see BPS).
Kilobits per second; how many thousands of bits of data can be transferred in one second.
Kilobits per second, the number of bits transmitted every second as measured in multiples of about one thousand (1024) bits per second.
KBps is an acronym for kilobytes per second.
Abbreviation for kilobits per second. A measure of the data transfer rate for a network connection.
Kilobits per second (thousands of bits per second)-a measurement of bandwidth
KiloBits Per Second. The unit used to measure how fast data is transferred on a network. One kilobit is 1024 bits.
(Kilobits per second) A measure of bandwidth capacity or transmission speed. represents a thousand bits per second.
Kilobits - 1,000 bits per second
Kilobits Per Second. A unit of measurement for the speed of data transmission; lKbps is 1,024bps. !-- google_ad_client = "pub-4721079058689894"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; google_ad_format = "468x60_as"; google_ad_type = "text"; google_ad_channel ="5074493896"; google_color_border = "F5F5F5"; google_color_bg = "F5F5F5"; google_color_link = "0000FF"; google_color_text = "000000"; google_color_url = "0000FF";
This stands for kilobytes per second and is used to indicate data speed.
Kilobits per second. A measurement of the transfer of data over a phone line, typically by a modem.
Kilobits per second. A speed rating for computer modems that measures (in units of 1,024 bits) the maximum number of bits the device can transfer in one second under ideal conditions.
Kilobits per second. The usual unit in the measurement of the speed, or capacity, of an Internet connection. Return to
A measurement of the amount of data/information which is transferred over an Internet connection or on a network. 1 kilobit per second equals 1,000 bits per second.# | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | Y | Z
Kilo bits per second. A measure of the rate of data transfer 1 Kilobyte = 1,024 bytes.
Kilobits per second A unit of measurement for the speed of data transmission; 1 Kbps is 1,024bps.
Kilobits per second. Speed of transmission of thousand bps L-l
Kilobit per second. Measure unit for data transfer speed. Nominal speed for an ISDN connection is 64Kbps. Often written as Kb/s. Multiples of this unit include Mbps and Gbps.
kilobits per second. The data transfer speed on a network, measured in multiples of 1,024 bps.
Kilobits or thousand bits per second, a measure of data transsmission speed
Kilobits per second. 1 Kbps equals 1,000 bps.
Kilo Bits Per Second, a measure of data transmission speed indicating 1024 bits transmitted in one second.
Kilobits per second - another measure of modem speed. A kilobit is 1,000 bits.
Kilobits per second (Kbps) is a measure of bandwidth in the form of thousands of bits per second.
Kilobits per second (Kbps) represents one thousand bits per second. Kbps is used as a rating of relatively slow transmission speed compared to the common megabits per second (Mbps) or gigabits per second (Gbps) ratings.
Kilobits per second (Kbps) are used to measure the speed at which data is transferred between devices on a network. One kilobit is 1,024 bits.
Stands for 'Kilobits Per Second'. Don't confuse this with Kilobytes per second (which is 8 times more data per second). This term is commonly used in describing data transfer rates.
Your modem's speed is measured in the number of bits it can transfer in a second. Modems rated in kilobits per second are now the standard.
Data transfer speed referring to 1,000 bits per second or kilobits per second.
Kilobytes per second, a measurement of bandwidth.
See: BPS. One kilobit per second (Kbps) equals 1000 bits per second
A transmission rate of 1 Kilobits per second, where 1 Kilobit corresponds to 1,024 bits. See 'Bits per second'.
Stands for Kilo Bits Per Second, and is the rate at which 1,000 bits of data travels across your internet connection.
(Kilobytes Per Second) a measure of bandwidth (the amount of data that can flow in a given time) on a data transmission medium. One thousand bytes per second. About the size of one average e-mail message.
Abbreviation for Kilobits per second, or thousands of bits per second. For example, most analog modems transmit at 56 Kbps or 28.8 Kbps.
KiloBytes Per Second The speed at which you are downloading a thousand (kilo-) bytes of information. For example, a 28.8 kbps modem can transfer 28800 bits a second. A bit is a single 1 or 0, and a byte = 8 bits. Confusing, eh
Kilobytes per second. A kilobyte equals a thousand bytes. Back to the top
one thousand bits per second. The measure of data that can be transferred by a modem.
(or kBit/s) (Kilobits per second) - One thousand bits per second.
Kilo-bits per second. (1000 bits per second). A measure of the speed at which data travels.
Kilobits per second – thousands of bits per second. A measure of data transfer speed. back to the top
Kilobytes per second. A measure of data transmission speed.
Kilobits per second. Approximately 1000 bits per second.
"kilobytes per second", a measurement that is used to judge the size of an audio file. Uncompressed audio such as WAV format is 1411 kbps, MP3 compresses this size to about 1/10 on average (varies depending on user settings when encoding)
Kilobits per second. A rate of data transmission over a computer network.
Kilobits per second. The rate at which data is transferred over the Internet.
Short for kilobits per second. A measurement of the speed or “bit rate” at which of kilobits are transmitted over networks. One kilobit is equivalent to 1000 bits.
Kilobits per second, e.g., 14.4 kbps.
A transmission speed. Kilobits (thousands of bits) per second.
1024 (or kilo) Bits Per Second: A measure of the speed of transmission of computer data. See also Baud.
Kilobits per second. A measure of data transmission speed.
One Kbps equals 1,000 bps. See bits per second.
A unit of measurement for the speed of data transmission; 1Kbps is equivalent to 1,024bps (bits per second). Modem speeds are measured in kilobits per second. The fastest modems typically found in today's computers are capable of transmitting information at speeds slightly above 56Kbps. But in reality, they're limited to a top speed of 53Kbps by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) restrictions on phone line voltage.
Kilobits per second. The measurement (thousands of bits per second) at which data is sent over a communication line. The typical household modem runs at 56.6 kpbs (5660 bits/sec). This should not be confused with Kilobytes per second (1 byte=8 bits).
Kilobits per second. The unit of measurement in thousands of bits per second for data transmission.
An indicator of transmission speed over a digital system or medium.
A data transfer rate representing one thousand bits per second. (A modem running at 14.4 Kbps would require about 5 minutes to transfer a 50 page essay.)
(Kilobits Per Second) A standard measurement of data rate and transmission capacity, equal to 1000 bits per second.
Kilobits per second. This abbreviation is used to describe data transmission speeds, such as the rate at which information travels over the Internet.
Abbreviation for kilobits per second, which is a data transfer rate.
(kilobits per second) A measurement of bandwidth in the United States.
Kilobytes per second, a way of measuring a data transfer speed. The number of Kilobytes (1024 bytes) sent or received per second. Back to the Top
(Kilobits per second) - A measurement of digital bandwidth where one Kbps equals one thousand (actually 1024) bits per second.
Kilobits per second. One kilobit is usually taken to be 1,024 bits.
Stands for Kilobits per second. It is a measurement of data transmission speed.
(Kilobits Per Second) - A measure of data transfer. A 56Kbps dial-up modem transfers data at about 7.2 kilobytes (KB) per second, or about 432 KB per minute.
n. See kilobits per second.
Kilobits per second. Thousands of bits per second. For example: 14.4 Kbps means 14,000 bits per second.
Kilobits per second. A digital data rate measurement system which is often used with highly compressed formats such as AAC, DAB, MP3 etc. The higher the amount, the better the quality generally is.
Kbps is abbreviation for kilobits per second.
Kilobits (thousands of bits) per second. A measurement of data transmission speed for modems.
Thousands of BITS, or kilobits, per second (see MBPS).
One thousand bits per second. Rate at which data is transmitted. Kilobit is a unit of information equal to 1,024 bits. "Bit" is a combination of b(inary) and (dig)it.