A measurement of transmission in asynchronous communication.
The speed at which data can be moved.
The number of data bits sent per second between two modems. Used as a measure of the rate at which digital information is handled, manipulated, or transmitted. Similar, but not identical, to baud rate.
(BPS or b/s) - A measure of how many digital bits ("1" or "0") that may be sent in the space of one second. These will be seen most commonly in measurements Kbps (kilobits, or thousands of bits, per second), Mbps (megabits, or millions) or Gbps (gigabits, or billions).
Another, more common, measure of bandwidth. Since it takes eight bits to describe a single character, a transmission medium with a bandwidth of , say, 8 bps would send data at the pathetically slow rate of one character per second. Bandwidth is more normally measured in Kilobits per seconds (Kbps-thousands of bits per second).
Measure of data transmission for a modem or network. As the name implies, bits per second is the number of bits that pass a certain point in one second.
The speed at which a modem can send a file.
The measure expressing the transmission speed of a modem; usually, but not always, synonymous with its baud rate.
The number of bits that can be transmitted per second over a communications channel.
The data transfer rate that specifies the number of bits that a computer system can transmit per second. The latest computer modems are designed to allow transfer rates up to 56 thousand bits per second although the quality of telephone lines can reduce the transfer speed. Cable modems and network connections provide much higher transfer speeds than computer modems.
Measurement unit for transferring data. A 33.6 modem can move 33.600 bits per second. See also bandwidth, bit.
Bits per second, or bps, is a measure of the speed of a data transmission.
Digital information rate expressed in the number of binary information units transmitted per second. Typically, a data channel is described as having a stated bit rate and a stated expected error rate.
Basic unit of measurement for serial data transmission capacity; abbreviated as kbps, or kilobits, for thousands of bits per second; Mbps, or megabits, for millions of bits per second; and Gbps, or gigabits, for billions of bits per second.
Measure of the speed of electronic data transmission.
A measure of the transfer rate that data travels over networks. It is usually expressed in Megabits per second, or Mbps. See bit.
The number of bit's which are being transfered each second.
bps -- The speed at which bits are transmitted over a communications medium, such as a phone line.
A measurement of data transmission speed used for measuring the amount of data that is transferred in a second between two telecommunication points or within network devices. Kbps (kilobits per second) is thousands of bits per second; Mbps (megabits per second) is millions; Gbps (gigabits per second) is billions; and Tbps (terabits per second) is trillions.
A measure of the speed at which data is transmitted between computers. A 28.8 modem transmits data at speeds of up to 28,800 bit s per second.
(computer science) the rate at which data is transferred (as by a modem)
(BPS) - The rate data is transmitted through a modem connection. Increases with the baud rate.
The measure of a modems speed. A 28.8 modem can move 28,800 bits per second.
Measurement of the speed at which data can be transmitted over a telephone or network line.
A measure of data transmission speeds over communication lines based on the number of bits that can be sent or received per second.
Average net number of transmitted bits over a communications line, over a time period of one second, including encoding, compression, and retransmission of corrupted data.
A 'bit' is a unit of electronic data. The speed of a communications link is the speed at which electronic data can be transferred and is often represented as bits per second. A 512Kbps broadband connection means up to 512 thousand bits of information per second can be transmitted.
(bps)- Another tool to measure speed at which a modem processes data.
The transmission rate for digital information expressed as the number of bits (zeroes or ones) sent or received per second. A 28.8 modem can move 28,800 bits per second. See also Bandwidth, Bit.
Measurement of the data transmission for a modem or network.
measurements of speed at which a modem transmits information over a network. Most modems transfer information at 14,400 to 56,000 bits per second.
(bps) Some multiple in thousands of bits per second is the usual measure of data transfer speed in streaming.
Bits per second (bps) is the number of binary digits sent in one second. It refers to the rate at which the bits within a single frame are sent ('frame' is another term for 'packet'). The gaps between frames can be of variable length. Accordingly, bps does not refer to the rate at which information is actually being transferred. We usually estimate the number of characters transferred per second (cps) by dividing the number of bps by 10. Example: 2400 bps transfers around 240 characters per second.
The maximum number of binary information units that a data channel can transmit per second. Often referred to as "bps".
A measure of how quickly data can be sent.
A full page of English text is about 16,000 bits. A 56K modem can move about 56,000 bits (3.5 pages of text) in one second.
The speed at which bits are transmitted over a communication medium, such as a modem.
A data transmission speed measurement over a serial link.
The rate information is transferred from the Internet to your computer. The number of bits (measurement of information) that it will transfer in one second. Means the same as Baud Rate. e.g. 28k, 56K.
A measure of the speed of data transmission; the number of bits of data that can be transmitted each second.
Rate at which bits are transmitted.
The number of binary digits transmitted per second in a data communication system.
Measure of data transmission for a modem or network. See buad rate.
The measure of speed at which data is transferred over a network.
unit of measurement of data transfer speed. For example, the bit rate of widely used modems is in the range 300 to 56000 bps (or 56 kbit/s: higher rates are given in kbit/s).
The number of binary units of information (1s or 0s) that can be transmitted per second. Mbps refers to a million bits per second; Kbps refers to a thousand bits per second.
A measure of how fast binary digits can be sent through a channel; the number of 0s and 1s that travel down the channel per second.
The number of bits that can be sent or received per second over a communication line.
The speed at which bits (a unit to measure the amount) of information are transmitted
The speed of transmission of a modem. Common rates are 28,800 and 56,000 bps.
A unit of measurement of the speed of data transmission and thus of bandwidth. Actually a nested acronym, meaning binary digits per second. (lower case is significant) Bps (or BPS). (8-bit) bytes per second (upper case is significant)
A measure of data transmission rate. See also: Bit.
Data transmission speed: the number of pieces of information transmitted per second.
A measure of transmission speed or the number of bits that pass a specific point per second.
The speed at which bits (digital electronic signals) are transmitted. The bps rate may be equal to or greater than the baud rate.
The speed at which a modem sends or receives information. For example, a modem that operates at 2400 bits per second can transfer 2400 binary digits each second. A character normally consists of seven or eight of these binary digits, plus the start and stop bits that separate the character from other transmitted characters.
The rate of data transmission by a modem, for example: 300, 1200, 4800, 9600, 14400, and 28800 bits per second (bps). Bits per second is sometimes referred to as "baud," but bits per second is the more accurate term to describe modem speed.
This is generally a measure of how fast some device communicates, usually in thousands of bits per second (Kbps) or millions of bits per second (Mbps). See also Bytes per second. FA Antenna Connector: Miniature coaxial antenna connector manufactured by MuRata Manufacturing Corporation.
is a common measurement of the data speed when transmitting the data.
A measurement of how fast data moves over a communication line. A bit is the basic measure of data.
(bps). The number of bits transferred in one second. A measure of data transmission rate.
A unit for measuring the speed of data transmission. Remember that it takes 8 bits to make a byte (the equivalent of a single character). Modems have common bps ratings of 14,400 and 28,800.
In a serial transmission, the instantaneous bit speed within one character, as transmitted by a machine or a channel. See "baud. "
The bits (binary digits) per second rate. A 14,400 Sportster, for example, is capable of transmitting 14,400 bits per second to another modem capable of at least 14,400 bps.
The number of binary bits that can be transmitted per second (bps) - i.e. Mbps (Mega = million), Gbps (Giga = billion).
Measure of the communications capacity of a transmission line represented by the total number of bits sent in a second of time. A kilobit represents transmission of 1,000 bits in a second. A megabit represents the transmission of one million bits in a second, or MBPS.
A measure of the number of bits (each bit is either a 1 or a 0) transmitted per second. Bits-per-second, abbreviated bps, is often confused with bytes per second, abbreviated ps. Each byte is comprised of 8 bits. Modern networks operate at speeds which would make bps notation inconvenient, therefore Mbps are often used instead. 10 Mbps equals 10 million bps, and is pronounced "ten mega-bits per second." Dial-up modem speeds are often described in Kbps ("kilo-bits per second"). A 56K modem has a theoretical download speed of about 56 thousand bits per second. Back
Bps is a measure of the speed at which a device, such as a modem, can transfer bits of data.
A measurement of the number of bits of data that can be sent over the a network connection. When referring to modem speed bps indicates the measurement of the amount of data that a modem can transfer each second.
A measurement of data transmission speed, such as 11 Mbps (megabits per second).
Bits per second or bps for short is the speed by which a modem can transfer a file to PsPrint via the Internet. For example, a 28.8K modem transfers files to PsPrint at 28,800 bps.
The actual speed at which your data is cruising on the "Information Super Highway". The term is interchangeable with the term baud. A 28.8 modem moves 28,800 bits per second.
This is the bits (binary digits) per second rate. Thousands of bits per second are expressed as kilobits per second or kbps.
A measure of data transmission speed.
Measurement of the speed of transmission of digital communications on a network. Most computer networks function at some multiple of a Million Bits Per Second (Mega Bits Per Second or Mb/s). Network communications are also grouped into bursts, or strings of bits, called Packets .
measure of how fast the data is transmitted.
Abbreviated bps. The number of binary digits, or bits, transmitted every second during a data transfer. A measurement of the speed of operation of equipment such as a computer's data bus, or a modem ... more
The number of bits transmitted every second, used as a measure of the speed at which a device, such as a modem, can transfer data. See also: modem (modulator/demodulator)
A unit used to express the number of bits passing a designated point per second. Note 1: For example, for two-condition serial transmission in a single channel in which each significant condition represents a bit, i.e., a 0 or a 1, the bit rate in bits per second and the baud have the same numerical value only if each bit occurs in a unit interval. In this case, the data signaling rate in bits per second is 1/T, where T is the unit interval. Note 2: The abbreviation “bps” is not in accordance with international standards, and is deprecated.