Roughly a thousand million bits, or 1,073,741,824 or (2^30) bits to be precise. This unit of measure is often used when discussing high speed data transmission.
1,073,741,824 bit s= 1,024 Megabit
One thousand million bits or 649 T-1s. When applied to Ethernet, GigE is 10 times faster than 100Base-T Fast Ethernet.
A billion bits. Gbps, or Gigabits per second, is a measure of transmission speed or throughput associated with ATM technology. The amount of data or traffic that passes through an ATM switch is usually measured in gigabits. At a rate of 1 Gigabit, 139 500-page novels could be transmitted in a second, and a high resolution x-ray could be sent in less than a tenth of a second.
1,000,000,000 (1 billion) bits.
Amount of computer storage equivalent to approximately 1 billion bits or 1,000 megabits. This measurement is often used when measuring the capacity of a wireless or wired network.
Approximately 1 billion bits: 1 bit x 1,024 3 (that is, 1,073,741,824 bits).
(1) when used to describe data storage, 1,024 megabits (2) When used to describe data transfer rates, it refers to 10 to the 9th power (1,000,000,000) bits
a billion bits, roughly the amount of information contained in a copy of the Encyclopedia Britannica, including the pictures
Gigabit. 10^9 bits of information (usually used to express a data transfer rate; as in, 1 Gigabit/second = 1Gbps).
1,000,000,000 bits (ones or zeros) of data (usually used to express a data transfer rate; as in, 1 Gigabit per second = 1Gbps)
This refers to approximately 1 billion bits.
A transmission speed of 1 billion bits of information. Transmission speeds are measured in bits per second, therefore a gigabit is 1 billion bits of information per second. More commonly known as Gigbit or 1000Mbps.
A communication rate of 2^30 bits per second.
1,062,500,000 bits per second.
An amount of data equal to one billion bits. See also bit.
In data communications, a gigabit is one billion bits, or 1,000,000,000 bits. It's commonly used for measuring the amount of data that is transferred in a second between two telecommunication points. For example, Gigabit Ethernet is a high-speed form of Ethernet (a local area network technology) that can provide data transfer rates of about 1 gigabit per second. Gigabits per second is usually abbreviated Gbps.
In the context of memory, this is 2 to the power of 30 bits (1073741824). However, in the context of network link s, it often refers to only one billion bits (1000000000). There are 8 bits in a byte. Note that link speeds are usually written in megabit s or kilobit s per second, while throughput is usually measured in kilobyte s per second. While the factor of 8 difference is fairly straight forward, the 7% difference between the base 10 and base 2 definitions of "gigabit" can result in some confusion. See also gigabyte.
This refers to approximately one billion bits. More exactly, it is 2^30, or 1,073,741,824 bits.
Approximately 1 billion bits, or exactly 1 bit x 1,0243 (1,073,741,824) bits.
1,073,741,824 bits. Abbreviated as Gb
One billion bits. In data communications, a gigabit is one billion bits. Commonly used for measuring the amount of data that is transferred in a second between two telecommunication points.
One billion bits, usually represented as bits per second (Gbps).
When we refer to Gigabit in the Case Technology Environment, we're talking about the speed of travelling data. Most networks in the world today are 10 megabits per second Ethernet, gigabit is 1000 megabits per second. A file it would take ten minutes to download on the 10 mbs Ethernet only takes .1 minutes on gigabit! Note this is only if you are downloading from another computer which has gigabit. If the computer you are connecting to is 10 megabit Ethernet, you are slowed down to their speed. Back to the top
The collection of one billion bits, or specifically 1,073,741,824 bits. A Gigabit Ethernet network raises transmission speed to a theoretical 1 Gbps. Networking Standards and Technologies
This refers to 1,000,000,000 bits of binary information, 1s or 0s, represented in electric circuits by a connected circuit or a disconnected circuit respectively.
1,024 megabit or 1 billion information bits.
1,000,000,000 bits (1 billion)
One billion bits. H H.263 -- A standard algorithm for video coding approved by the ITU-T.
1000 megabits [or 1024 megabits depending on who you ask
Amount of memory equal to 1024 Megabits (1,073,741,824 bits) of information. Abbreviated Gb.
Very high-speed (1 billion bits per second) data communications.
One billion bits. Gigabits per second (GPS) is used to measure bandwidth.
1,000,000,000 (10 9 ) bits