abnormal sensitivity; an exaggerated immune response to an antigen, drug, etc.
State in which an individual reacts with allergic effects following exposure to a certain substance (allergen) after having been exposed previously to the same substance. PS allergy. RT cell-mediated hypersensitivity, sensitization.
an allergy; an exaggerated or inappropriate immune response categorized based on which part of the immune system that is involved and the onset of response (i.e. Types I, II, III, IV)
A reaction to a particular food, drug, or chemical. It may occur on the skin or throughout the body and may become life-threatening.
An exaggerated state of immunity in which the body mistakenly responds to a harmless substance as if it were a harmful substance that needs to be removed from the body; technical term for allergy.
The over-reaction of the immune system to an irritant.
Being overreactive or oversensitive to sensory (or emotional) stimuli. This is a very common feature of autistic spectrum condition and Sensory Integration Dysfunction (SID). See also: hyposensitivity.
abnormal sensitivity, exaggerated response by the body to a stimulus, such as taste, touch or smell
Oversensitivity to sensory stimuli, characterized by a tendency to be either fearful and cautious, or negative and defiant.
reaction: Refers to an exaggerated allergic-type response to a substance
A state of altered reactivity in which the body reacts with an exaggerated immune response to a foreign substance
an immune reaction (allergy) in which the body has an exaggerated response to a specific antigen (e.g., food, pet dander, wasp venom). See allergic contact dermatitis, anaphylxis, latex allergy.
Over-sensitivity to sensory input (often to the point of pain).
the tendency to be allergic.
A harmful immune reaction caused by either antigen-antibody reactions or cellular immune processes. (see allergy)
Excessive and destructive immune response.
Exaggerated response by the immune system to an allergen.
An exaggerated immune response to a foreign agent. Some hypersensitivity reactions can be fatal.
An exaggerated response to a given stimulus.
A sharp, sudden painful reaction when the teeth are exposed to hot, cold, chemical, mechanical or osmotic (sweet or salt) stimuli.
when some parts of the body or skin become acutely sensitive to touch-a side-effect of spinal cord injury in some individuals.
A condition in which the body has an exaggerated response to a substance (e.g. food or drug). Also known as an allergy.
Tooth pain that is caused very easily and with stimuli that normally would not elicit a painful reaction.
a sharp, sudden painful reaction in teeth when exposed to hot, cold, sweet, sour, salty, chemical, or mechanical stimuli.
an overreaction, especially as a reaction to a drug.
Excessive sensitivity to certain external factors (over-reaction by immune system causing allergic symptoms).
an excessive response of the body's immune system to a foreign protein
Great or excessive sensitivity
An over-reaction of the body in response to something normally harmless to other animals of the same breed or species, usually an allergen.
A greater than normal bodily response to a foreign agent.
an abnormal condition where there is excessive reaction to a particular stimulus. page top
Highly or excessively sensitive. Some individuals with ADHD report a heightened sensory awareness. This may include being highly sensitive to touch, smell, and other sensory stimuli. See also Tactile Defensiveness.
Black's medical dictionary, G Macpherson ed; 38th ed The abnormal immunological reaction produced in certain individuals when re-exposed to antigens that are innocuous to other individuals.
Typically refers to tooth pain that is caused very easily and with a stimulus that normally would elicit no feeling.
An exaggerated response by the immune system to a drug or other substance.
heightened sensitivity to a stimulus of some kind, ie touch, taste, hearing
overreaction to an allergen that causes pathological changes in the body; allergy
State of reactivity to antigen that is greater than normal for the antigenic challenge; hypersensitivity is the same as allergy and denotes a deleterious outcome rather than a protective one.
A condition in a person previously exposed to a particular antigen where tissue damage results from an immune reaction to a further dose of that antigen.
Greater than normal response to any stimulus (such as light, sound and movement)
An overreaction to an allergen that results in tissue damage and inflammation.
An abnormal sensitivity to a stimulus.
a state of altered immunological reactivity in which the body displays an exaggerated response to a foreign agent. Anaphylaxis is classified as a Type I immediate hypersensitivity reaction.
Excessive reaction of body's immune system.
An overreaction of the immune system to an antigen. It can lead to asthma, hay fever, urticaria and other skin reactions.
Abnormal sensitivity; medically, when the body responds in an exaggerated manner to a foreign agent; allergy.
An inordinately strong immune response, which causes more damage than the antigen or pathogen which induced the response.
The expression of extreme reactivity by a plant in response to a potential parasite or pathogen, the plant's response commonly serving to limit or prevent parasitization/disease. ( 16)
Hypersensitivity refers to undesirable (damaging, discomfort-producing and sometimes fatal) reactions produced by the normal immune system. Hypersensitivity reactions require a pre-sensitized (immune) state of the host. The four-group classification was expounded by P.