Lack of capacity to endure; as, intolerance of light.
The quality of being intolerant; refusal to allow to others the enjoyment of their opinions, chosen modes of worship, and the like; lack of patience and forbearance; illiberality; bigotry; as, intolerance shown toward a religious sect.
Unwillingness to endure and/or lack of respect for the beliefs and practices of an individual or group by another individual or group. Racial intolerance refers to the unwillingness to permit equal opportunity and full societal participation to members of other racial groups; religious intolerance is the unwillingness to endure those of other religious beliefs.
The ability a habitat, community or individual (or individual colony) of a species to cope with an external factor.
lack of kindness or understanding toward people who are different back
The attitude of disregard or disdain for another person's opinions, manners, beliefs, race or religion. Lack of tolerance. Many people left England for a new life in America because of religious intolerance and persecution.
Refers to a tree species' ability to develop and grow in the shade of, and in competition with, other trees. Tolerance of species has a bearing on which silvicultural cutting system may be the most suitable for a given stand of trees depending upon which species are considered most desirable for the next generation of trees.
an attitude of not accepting or respecting different opinions, practices, or people.
unwillingness to recognize and respect differences in opinions or beliefs
An unwillingness to consider, endure and/or respect the beliefs and practices of an individual or group. Conversely, tolerance may encompass willingness to endure and/or respect the beliefs and practices of others. Racial intolerance refers to the unwillingness to permit equal opportunity and full societal participation to members of other racial groups; religious intolerance is the unwillingness to accept, endure or respect those of other religious beliefs. Racial and religious tolerance may imply reluctant acceptance of others, or may connote respect for other races and religions.
Intolerance is the unwillingness to accept the legitimacy of another person, group, or idea that differs from one's own. It may result in an effort to get rid of the "objectionable" person or idea, or it may simply result in treating them in a subservient way, as occurs when people of certain racial or ethnic groups are discriminated against by the dominant group in a society.
An abnormal reaction of the body to an "aggression" which most people would tolerate without any symptoms of illness.
a characteristic of certain tree species that does not permit them to survive in the shade of other trees.
Intolerance is the lack of ability or willingness to tolerate something.