the result of a reaction between an antigen and a specific antibody. This combination of antigen bound by antibody may or may not cause adverse effects in a person.
a cluster formed when an antigen and an antibody (or multiple antigens and antibodies) bind together. Immune complexes may circulate in the blood or lodge in tissues, where they can lead to physiological damage.
Clusters formed when antigens and antibodies bind together.
Antibody attached to (complexed with) an antigen.
A complex of antibody molecules produced in response to infection or in autoimmune disease. Such complexes can invoke powerful inflammatory responses esepcially in autoimmune diseases in blood vessels, organs and joints and can lead to the destruction of whole cells, tissues and organs.
A grouping of interlocking antibodies with an antigen.
Antigen bound to antibody.
a cluster of interlocking antigens and antibodies forming a large network of molecules.
Combination of antibodies and antigens.
An immune complex is the combination of an epitope with an antibody directed against that epitope. After an antigen-antibody reaction, the immune complexes are in turn processed by proteases or ingested by phagocytes.