Complex, highly specific globular proteins synthesized by B cells; include both circulating antibodies and antibodies displayed on the surface of B cells prior to activation.
Proteins in the blood plasma which function as antibodies and play an important part in controlling infections.
proteins of importance to the mounting of an immune response.
A class of proteins, with a characteristic structure, active as receptors and effectors in the immune system.
a class of proteins endowed with antibody activity; antibodies
Proteins associated with the immune system. Antibodies are examples of immunoglobulins.
Proteins also known as antibodies, produced by certain cells of the immune system called B-lymphocytes. Immunoglobulins bind to foreign antigens to help destroy them.
The serum antibodies, including IgG, IgM, IgA, IgE and IgD.
Proteins having known antibody activity that are important components in the body's immune system.
Glycoproteins which function as antibodies. These include different classes based on structural and antigenic differences such as IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG and IgM. All antibodies are immunoglobulins but it is not certain that all immunoglobulins have antibody function.
a class of blood proteins which are responsible for immunity to specific infections.
a group of globulins capable of reacting specifically as antibodies (for example, IgA, IgG, IgM).
These are proteins that fight infection.
The Þve classes of protein to which antibodies belong (IgD, IgM, IgG, IgA, IgE). PICTURE
proteins found in blood and in tissue fluids that are produced by B-lymphocyte cells in the immune system and which bind to foreign substances in the body in order to destroy them; antibodies
Specialized proteins produced by plasma cells (end-stage B lymphocytes) in response to the presence of foreign material (bacteria, viruses, toxins, etc.) Antibodies are capable of binding to the foreign material and thus alerting other immune cells to its presence. Often abbreviated Ig, there are five major classes. IgG, IgM, IgA, IgE, and IgD. In horses a subset of IgG known as IgG(T) is involved in the immune response to parasites and tetanus toxoid.
Antibodies produced in the lymphatic cells to combat infections or other invading substances.
A specific protein substance that is produced by plasma cells to aid in fighting infection. Some immunoglobulins (gamma globulin) take part in various immune responses of the body to bacteria or foreign substances (allergens, tumor or transplanted tissue). Examples include IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD and IgE.
A specific protein substance, produced by plasma cells to help fight infection.
A family of large protein molecules, also known as antibodies.
Immunoglobulins are a class of globulin proteins that function as antibodies and help to neutralize bacteria, viruses and toxins.
One of a family of closely related though not identical proteins capable of acting as antibodies. Although all antibodies are immunoglobulins, it is not known whether all immunoglobulins have antibody functions.
Antibodies that are part of the body’s natural defense against infection. Antibodies found in breast milk can help babies fight infections.
are classified according to their mode of action and are labeled: IgG - The most abundant; protects against bacteria, viruses and toxins in the blood; IgM - The first circulating antibody to appear; IgA - Found in many body secretions such as nasal secretions, saliva and milk (helps calves).; IgE - Causes certain cells to release histamines (as happens with allergies).
A large family of proteins that function as antibodies.
proteins with antibody activity that play an essential role in defending the organism against foreign proteins.
Any of the structurally related glycoproteins that function as antibodies.
antibodies or proteins found in blood and tissue fluids produced by cells of the immune system to bind to substances in the body that are recognized as foreign antigens. Immunoglobulins sometimes bind to antigens that are not necessarily a threat to health and provoke an allergic reaction.
A family of similar but distinctly different proteins which act as antibodies of five major types (IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM). They are produced in lymphoid tissue by B lymphocytes and plasma cells, in response to the presence of antigenic substances.