a substance, or antigen, capable of eliciting an immune response.
A substance that is capable of causing antibody formation.
an antigen that is recognized by the body as nonself and stimulates an adaptive immune response
a substance that produces an immune response.
A compound that can elicit a specific immune response.
An alternative term often applied to an antigen.
A substance that induces or elicits an immune response — that is, the body recognizes it as a foreign agent that must be expelled.
Any substance that can elicit an immune response.
an antigenic agent that stimulates an immune response.
A molecule capable of triggering an immune response.
A substance capable of provoking an immune response.
a agent capable of provoking an immune response. Also called an antigen.
suitable for antibody purification
A substance that is capable of eliciting an immune response. A variety of macromolecules such as proteins, lipoproteins, polysaccharides, and some nucleic acids can act as immunogens.
A substance capable of inducing an immune response (as well as reacting with the products of an immune response). Compare with antigen.
that induces a strong immune reaction.