Business reply mail. A service that allows a permit holder to receive First - Class Mail and Priority Mail back from customers and pay postage only for the returned pieces. These pieces must have a specific address and format. Postage and per piece charges are collected when the mail is delivered back to the permit holder.
Business Reference Model; FEA model showing business functions in a hierarchical model. Interior FEA models are posted on the Documents page
BUSINESS REPLY MAIL. Specially printed cards, envelopes and cartons that may be mailed without paying postage.
Business Reply Mail. Return postcards or envelopes in which the postage has been pre-paid by the original sender.
A service enabling Advertisers to receive First-Class Mail back from customers on their mailing lists.
BUSINESS REPLY MAIL. Specially printed cards, envelopes, cartons and labels that may be mailed back without postage. Postage is collected when mail is delivered back to original mailer.
A service that enables mailers to receive First-Class Mail back from customers by paying postage only on the mail actually returned to them by their customers.
(2K8C) Business Reference Model of the Federal Enterprise Architecture (2IXZ)
Business Reply Mail. Enables business to receive First Class mail back from customers, prospects, etc. The businesses pay postage and a surcharge only on the mail which is returned to them from the original distribution of BRM pieces. A permit is required; an annual fee is required to maintain the permit, and a deposit must be maintained for payment of postage on receipt by the USPS.
Business Relationship Management
OMB's Business Reference Model - Business functions, activities, and processes. Includes Business Area, Line of Business, Sub Function, and Work Activity.
Business Reply Mail. A domestic service that allows specially printed cards, envelopes, or labels to be mailed without prepayment of postage. Postage fees are collected when the mail is delivered to the BRM permit holder.
usiness eply ail - A domestic service that allows specially printed cards, envelopes, cartons, and labels to be mailed without prepayment of postage. Postage and fees are collected when the mail is delivered to the addressee who originally distributed the BRM.
You can get a PDF of your business reply art with barcode from Robbin Crouch, US Postal Service: Phone 541-988-5132 or fax 541-988-5236.