Tending to interrupt or destroy social intercourse; averse to society, or hostile to its existence; as, antisocial principles.
or asocial personality refers to individuals who are inadequately socialized and whose behaviour patterns bring them repeatedly into conflict with society.
A person with a general lack of understanding of, or compliance with, the rules or laws set out by society, and often lacking any feelings of guilt.
unwilling or unable to conform to normal standards of social behavior; "criminal behavior or conduct that violates the rights of other individuals is antisocial"; "crimes...and other asocial behavior"
This refers to actions and behaviors that are wrong, such as lying, shoplifting, vandalism, torturing animals or hurting others intentionally.
A lack of socialization along with behavior patterns that bring a person repeatedly into conflict with society; incapacity for significant loyalty to others or to social values; callousness; irresponsibility; impulsiveness; and inability to feel guilt or learn from experience or punishment. Frustration tolerance is low and such people tend to blame others or give plausible rationalizations for their behavior Characteristic behavior appears before age 15, although the diagnosis may not be apparent until adulthood.