Definitions for "STM"
Keywords:  sdh, synchronous, sonet, mbps, ccitt
Synchronous Transport Module. STM-1 is the basic building block in European synchronous networks. It corresponds to a data rate of 155.52Mbit or STS-3
synchronous transfer module. an element of the SDH transmission hierarchy; STM–1 is SDH's base-level transmission rate equal to 155 Mbps; higher rates of STM–4, STM–16, and STM–48 are also defined
A basic building block used for a synchronous multiplexing hierarchy defined by the CCITT/ITU-T. STM-1 operates at a rate of 155.52 Mbps (the same as STS-3).
Scanning Tunneling Microscopes
Scanning tunnelling microscopy. a method used to investigate surfaces of electrically conducting materials to determine the surface structure (atom type and arrangement). A fine metal tip is scanned across a sample (very close to the surface) in order to construct an image of the surface by sensing corrugations in the electron density of the surface that arise from the positions of surface atoms. The contours of the features of the atomic surface are mapped out. The corrugations are sensed by detecting the electrons which "tunnel" through the gap, the region of vacuum, between the tip and the sample.
Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Keywords:  steamfitters
Science Technical Medical - usually used to refer to journals in those fields. "The average cost of STM journals has risen a gazillion dollars since 1999."
Science, Technology and Medicine
abbreviation for the scientific, technical and medical publishing sectors; also the name of an international organisation based in the Netherlands which represents the interests of publishers in these sectors.
Keywords:  tracker, scream, shtml, model, diagram
Sound File or State Transition Diagram Model Scream Tracker v2 Module or SHTML File
Structural Model
Simulated Test Market. Technique that uses data and mathematical models to simulate test market results.
Keywords:  unneling, icroscopy, top, page, canning
canning unneling icroscopy Go to Top of Page
Keywords:  theology, sacred, master
Master of Sacred Theology
Simple Tree Manipulation language. A language for performing XPath based tree processing.
Support Tool Manager - an HP-UX diagnostic tool subsystem.
Keywords:  multiplexer, statistical, see
see « Statistical Multiplexer».
what you can repeat immediately after perceiving it
Keywords:  fails, column, medium, pressure
Medium:Column fails with medium pressure
Keywords:  acronym, touch, matching, screen
Acronym for "Screen Touch Matching".
Keywords:  modification, short, term
Short-Term Modification
Keywords:  ship, manufacturing, see
See Ship to Manufacturing.
Keywords:  memory, short, term, see
See short-term memory.