A circuit that permits simultaneous transmission in both directions.
Allows a packet to be transmitted and received at the same time.
Full-duplex refers to the two-way, simultaneous transmission of data. A full-duplex device can send and receive data simultaneously. Most PC soundcards are now full-duplex.
Signal can go in both directions at once, ie. a device can both send and receive at the same time. RS-232 and RS-422 are full duplex protocols. Most others are not.
Full-duplex describes a communication channel on which simultaneous two-way communication is available. Compare with: half-duplex and simplex.
Edit / Describes a data communication line in which data may flow in both directions simultaneously. A data communications line that permits data to flow in only one direction at a time is called half-duplex.
Transmission of data in two directions simultaneously. In an audio system this would describe e.g. a telephone systems. Half-duplex also provides bi-directional communication, but only in one direction at a time, as in a walkie-talkie system. See also Simplex.
The radio term applied to transmissions such as telephone calls or wireless data that allow talking and listening at the same time by using two frequencies to create one channel. Each frequency is used solely for either transmitting or receiving.
Referring to a type of sound card, a full-duplex card allows two users to speak simultaneously while using an Internet phone application.
A communication protocol that permits simultaneous transmission in both directions.
A physical medium in which data can .........travel in both directions at the same time.
a term applied to data transmission in which data can be sent and received simultaneously
Two-way simultaneous communication. The ability to send and receive electronic signals at the same time. (See half-duplex.)
Capability of simultaneously transmitting and receiving.
(1) A communication channel over which both transmission and reception are possible in two directions at the same time (e.g., a four-wire circuit). (2) A communication system or equipment capable of simultaneous transmission in two directions.
This is a term describing the transmission of data in two directions at once.
Simultaneous two-way independent transmission in both directions.
communications method where data can be sent in two directions simultaneously
A send-and-receive mode protocol that specifies LUs are able to send and receive requests simultaneously.
The communication mode in which a device simultaneously sends and receives over the same link, doubling the bandwidth. A full-duplex 100Mbps connection has 200Mbps of bandwidth. A full-duplex 1000Mbps connection has 2000Mbps of bandwidth.
Data can travel in both directions at the same time, using 100% of available bandwidth.
Also known as "FDX" and "Duplex." See Half-Duplex, Simplex, and Echo. 1) The ability of a transmission facility to transport data in both directions simultaneously. Modems (or DSUs) at both ends of point-to-point full-duplex facilities and at the master location in multipoint full-duplex facilities use "constant carrier." Modems at remote locations in multipoint full-duplex facilities use "controlled carrier" (carrier controlled by RTS with data transmission controlled by CTS). Also see Point-to-Point and Multipoint. 2) The ability of a data processing device or protocol to simultaneously transmit and receive data. Note that some devices and protocols (e.g., BiSync) require full-duplex facilities but actually operate half-duplex.
The capability of having two-way data transmission in both directions (send and receive) simultaneously. Contrast to half-duplex.
Communications between a terminal and a computer where data flows in both directions at the same time. Half-duplex communications, where data flows in only one direction at a time, are unusual these days. See also article 41.2.
A communication protocol in which the communications channel can send and receive data at the same time. Compare to half-duplex, where information can only be sent or received in one direction at a time.
Transmission in two directions simultaneously, or more technically, bi-directional, simultaneous two-way communications.
A communications method in which a transmission path is provided in each direction, so that each end can simultaneously transmit and receive. Back to Menu
Transmission in two directions; bi-directional. Most telephones are full-duplex.
Independent, simultaneous two-way transmission in both directions, as opposed to half-duplex transmission.
The ability to send and receive data simultaneously which, in digital audio terms, translates to being able to play and record audio at the same time. Many sequencing and multi-track recording programs use a sound card's full-duplex capabilities to allow recording to a new track while playing back previously recorded tracks for reference. Most modern sound cards are full-duplex, but many of the older ones are only able to record or play audio at different times. They are said to be " Half-Duplex".
Communication that happens in both directions at the same time.
A communication channel over which both transmissions and receptions are possible in two directions at the same time.
A full-duplex device can send and receive data simultaneously, where a half-duplex cannot.
Transmission: Simultaneous bidirectional transfer of data.
A system capable of simultaneously transmitting information in both directions over a communications channel. See also: half-duplex; duplex
A communication system or equipment that is capable of transmission simultaneously in both directions.