when applied to computer-mediated communication, this relates to software that supports discussion between users of the same system at the same time. Chat rooms, MUDs and MOOs are all examples.
communications: A kind of information exchange controlled by timing, usually possible only with computers connected directly to each other. Synchronous transmissions are more controlled and more efficient.
A piece of rotating equipment whose electrical output is at the same frequency and time relationship as the power grid.
A communication method in which the data flows continuously, without start and stop bits and the receiver must synchronize to the timing of the transmitter.
Transmission in which the data characters and bits are trasmitted at a fixed rate with the transmitter and receiver synchronized by timing circuits. Synchronous transmissions eliminate the need for start and stop bits, allowing for a significant increase in the amount of information that can be transmitted during a given time interval.
In educational use this is where the two parties communicating are required to be simultaneously present. This would be a requirement of audio or videoconferencing.
Meaning that things happen at the same time. More commonly, used in electronics to signify something occurring at the set pace of a clock, much like a metronome.
Fixed-rate transmission of bits of data, synchronized by a common clock signal, for both the sender and the receiver.
A process in a computer that is linked to the main clock of the computer. For example, if music and sound are to be precisely synchronized in a multimedia program, the software controlling both must use synchronous processes.
1. adj. Pertaining to two or more processes that depend upon the occurrence of specific events such as common timing signals. 2. adj. Occurring with a regular or predictable time relationship.
A type of serial transmission that maintains a constant time interval between successive events.
A process that occurs in " real time." An example from distance education would be a lecture given "live" over the Internet with microphones in both the host and remote sites so questions from a remote site can be asked and answered immediately. In contras, a question sent via email would be asynchronous since there is typically a time delay between when the message is sent and when a reply is received.
Pertaining to two or more processes that depend upon the occurrence of a specific event such as a common timing signal.
Having a specific relationship to a time base or clock. In synchronous communications, data characters are sent according to a timing signal which synchronizes the two communicating devices.
A form of communications where characters or bits are sent in a continuous stream, with the beginning of one signal continuous with the end of the preceding one; separation of one from the other requires the receiver to maintain a synchronization to a master timing signal.
1) Communications method that transmits a group of characters as a block of data rather than as individual characters. 2) A reference to the fact that two different data streams are tied, or synchronized, to a single "reference clock." 3) Data transmitted in a time division multiplexer (circuit multiplexed) format. The synchronous transfer mode (STM) of Broadband ISDN refers to the transmission of dedicated bandwidth data. Compare with asynchronous.
Occurring at regular, timed intervals, i.e. timing dependent.
Having a constant time interval between successive bits, characters or events. [Synchronous transmission uses no redundant information (such as the start and stop bits in asynchronous transmission) to identify the beginning and end of characters; thus it is faster and more efficient than asynchronous transmission.
A technique in which data bits are sent at precisely timed intervals. Synchronous channels are capable of higher data rates than asynchronous ones, often running at 56,000 bits per second. Compare with: asynchronous.
an operation or operations that are cotnrolled or synchronized by a clocking signal. [SILC99
Timed by a clocking signal. Incoming data is synchronized with a clocking signal to eliminate the need for start and stop bits.
Occurring at the sane time and in a regular pattern.
communication: The participants, the senders and receivers, are online at the same time, although they may be separated by distance.
The transmission of data between a transmitting and receiving device occurs as a series of zeros and ones. For the data to be "read" correctly, the receiving device must begin reading at the proper point in the series. In synchronous communication, this coordination is accomplished by synchronizing the transmitting and receiving devices to a common clock signal (see Asynchronous).
in online learning, an event in which all of the participants are online at the same time and communicating with one another. For example, an instructor might schedule a guest lecturer to take question at a particular time; all interested people would connect with the lecture when the guest is online. Contrast with .
A type of computer operation in which the execution of each instruction or each event is controlled by a clock signal: evenly spaced pulses that enable the logic gates for the execution of each logic step. A synchronous operation can cause time delays by causing waiting for clock signals although all other signals at a particular logic gate were available. See asynchronous.
(adj.) Coinciding in time. (Also called "real-time”. Synchronous communication technologies require the simultaneous participation of the communicating parties. Internet Chat and the bullhorn are two examples of synchronous communication technologies. Neither is very effective if no listeners are present at the moment that the speaker holds forth.
When two events are synchronous, one event must be completed for another event to occur.
Synchronous communication is communication in which all parties participate at the same time. The two parties communicate in "real time," usually via interactive audio- or videoconferencing. Media used for synchronous delivery include interactive audio and video, audiographics, and some GroupWare applications, such as online "chat rooms" in which you communicate via the computer at the same time but in different places. ags: HTML labels that ell the Web browser how to display the text. Each tag consists of a left angle bracket (), followed by the name of the tag and closed by a corresponding right andle bracket (). Tags are ususlly paired and the ending tag is the same as the starting tag except a slash (/) precedes the text within the brackets. For example, to center the word title, the HTML tags would be used as follows: centertitle/center
A term used to describe a distance education study program in which instruction is given at a particular time and, usually, at specific locations. See also "Asynchronous."
Happening all at the same time. Secret agents synchronize their watches. Many species of vernal pool plants have a synchronous bloom to attract pollinators.
This term, meaning 'coinciding in time', refers to communication which is carried out with all parties present at the same time, but not necessarily in the same physical location. For example, a face-to-face or telephone conversation, a video conference, and a chat-room discussion are all forms of synchronous communication. Back
(digital communication) pertaining to a transmission technique that requires a common clock signal (a timing reference) between the communicating devices in order to coordinate their transmissions
In the context of electronic communication, communication which happens in real time, e.g. web chat rooms.
An event or action that is synchronized to a reference clock.
Transmissions of data at a fixed rate, eliminating the need for start and stop bits, because the receiver and transmitter work at the same rate.
A process that transmits at regular times or intervals; as a transmission is received, a response is returned indicating success or the need to resend the information.
Occurring simultaneously. For instance, a synchronous online discussion is one in which users can communicate immediately; examples include online chats and Internet telephone calls.
at the same time. In a synchronous on-line or satellite course, the faculty and students can interact with one another. Opposite of asynchronous.
function that does not allow further instructions in the process--code--to be executed until the function returns a value. A function that uses no redundant information to identify the beginning and end of characters, and thus is faster and more efficient than asynchronous transmission, which uses start and stop bits. The timing is achieved by transmitting sync characters in front of data characters; usually, synchronization can be achieved within the transmission time for two or three characters.
The opposite of asynchronous, communication that occurs in real-time (such as Chat).
A transmission procedure by which the bit and character stream are slaved to accurately synchronized clocks, both at the receiving and sending end.
communication (text-based or voice-based) requiring participants to be present at the same time, e.g. telephone conversation, instant messaging
In a communications sense, the ability to transmit each character as a self-contained unit of information, without additional timing information. This method of transmitting data is sometimes called start/stop. Synchronous working involves the use of timing information to allow transmission of data, which is normally done in blocks. Synchronous transmission is usually more efficient than the asynchronous method.
the opposite of asynchronous. Activities are synchronous if they require some form of synchronization. For example when a program calls another program and waits for a result before proceeding, the invocation is synchronous.
happening at the same time. In the case of virtual worlds, this is true of interactive communication.
The communications method where characters are spaced by time, not by start and stop bits. Synchronous transmission of a message requires fewer bits and less time than asynchronous transmission. Refer to asynchronous.
A timing configuration in which events occur in step with a reference clock or timer.
This is an outdated method of data transfer by which large chunks of information were sent as contiguous blocks. If transmission was interrupted, the entire block of data was lost. (See asynchronous). Synchronous now generally refers to a timed, or cyclic activity.
Use of the web site is available only at a particular time.
an event or operation that takes place in step with a master clock.
The term synchronous refers to discussions and actions that occur within the same time frame online. Online synchronous discussions occur when participants are linked in the system at the same time, and often take the form of chat sessions. They lead to shorter messages and flow like a real conversation.
Taking place at the same time. For example, chatting or Internet voice telephone takes place synchronously.
A data stream tied to a particular clock speed. An example is leased lines.
describes buffers or events that are coordinated in time, typically across multiple recording channels.
Any operation where a series of events takes place under the control of a clocking device; also refers to information that is sent or exchanged at a certain time.
In real time, at the same time. Face-to-face conversation, MUDs and MOOs, IRC, and chat rooms are all synchronous communication forms.
Set to operate at the same timing, speed, rate, frequency, or other measure.
occurring at the same time.
Communication occuring between parties that are temporally sychronized. Example: Internet chat is synchronous.
a type of serial communications typically used in mainframe connectivity
Occurring concurrently and with regular time periods (frequency). The opposite of asynchronous.
With reference to video and data signals and devices, synchronous means being precisely in step, or happening together at the same time. I-TV involves synchronous communication because the teacher and student interact at the same point in time through the same medium.
Pertaining to two or more processes that depend upon the occurrences of specific events, such as a common timing signal. Contrast with asynchronous.
Data communications in which transmissions are sent at a fixed rate, with the sending and receiving devices transmitting at the same rate.
A method of transmitting data in which the data elements are sent at a specific rate so that start and stop characters are not needed. Used by older modems, AmEx PIP terminals, etc. Compare to Asynchronous.
Refers to events that are synchronized, or coordinated, in time. Communication within a computer is usually synchronous and is governed by the microprocessor clock. Signals along the bus, for example, can occur only at specific points in the clock cycle.
Signals that are sourced from the same timing reference. Causes the interval between successive bits, characters, or events to remain constant or "locked in" to a specific clock frequency.
Communication in which all packets of information are sent in a continuous bit stream over a dedicated path. A synchronous network requires a single "clock" reference to time all elements of the network. Most videoconference networks are synchronous with the clock derived from the "phone company" via the communications link.
An academic term for a live web event that a group of people attend at the same time.
Data transmission using synchronization bytes, instead of start/stop bits, to control the transmission. Communication within a computer is usually synchronous and is governed by the microprocessor clock. Signals along the bus, for example, can occur only at specific points in the clock cycle. The opposite of synchronous is asynchronous. (See also Asynchronous)
Communication method that transmits continuously with no stops and start bytes between information bytes.
data communication that requires that each end of an exchange of communication respond in turn without initiating a new communication. A typical activity that might use a synchronous protocol would be a transmission of files from one point to another. As each transmission is received, a response is returned indicating success or the need to re-send. Each successive transmission of data requires a response to the previous transmission before a new one can be initiated.
McIDAS-X commands that run synchronously will run to completion before control is returned to the original calling program. Also see asynchronous.
Operation of the computer is controlled by a central clock. A synchronous computer works like a symphony orchestra, in which the conductor coordinates all the activities of the players. All actions of the computer are done with reference to its clock cycle. By contrast, a human being does each step in solving a problem as soon as he has finished the preceding step; he does not have to wait for a specific clock cycle. The Bell Labs Model I was an asynchronous computer, but most others were (and are) synchronous.
Data transmission where characters & bits are transmitted at a fixed rate with the transmitter & receiver synchronized.
Used in SCSI data transmission. Transfers data using clock pulses for timing and ACK/REQ handshaking. Is currently capable of transferring data up to 10MB per second.
Communication in which interaction between participants is simultaneous.
A style of communication that requires all participants in a course to be interacting at the same time. An example is an instructor-led chat session.
communication Live, immediate, simultaneous; communication that happens in real time, at the moment of speaking (e.g. chat and videoconference).
Serial data is transmitted in one of two ways, synchronous (sync) or asynchronous (async). Async communications involve the use of a start bit to signal the beginning of a character and a stop bit to signal the end of the character. Sync communication uses a clock to synchronize the sending and receiving devices, along with a sync character
live or "real time" interaction. Advantage: immediate feedback available when instructor and learner are connected. Disadvantages: self-study not possible; scheduling learners and instructor to be available at the same time. Example: audio-conferencing, internet chat. See asynchronous.
occuring at the same time. Live TV broadcasts, a phone conversation, attending a concert, an interactive videoconference, and having a meeting are examples of synchronous activities.
A communications protocol where data is transmitted in blocks with periodic synchronizing characters.
When characters or bits are transmitted at a fixed rate with the transmitting and receiving devices synchronized.
Synchronous communication assumes a well-defined and regularly timed exchange of information between the two applications (RPCs, for example). An asynchronous model allows communication without the need for a coordinated communication channel. For example, with an "off-line" queuing facility, one application can pass information to another that need not be running at the time.
a learning mode in which the time of instruction must be the same as the reception of the instruction. In other words, communications that occurs between instructor and students at the same time, although not necessarily in the same place. Classroom-based instruction and interactive video are examples of synchronous learning environments.
Type of transmission in which the transmission and reception of all data is synchronized by a common clock and the data is usually transmitted in blocks rather than individual characters. Can also mean that the data stream has the same capacity in both directions.
In hardware, it is an event that occurs in a fixed time relationship to another event. In software, it refers to a function that begins an operation and returns to the calling program only when the operation is complete.
Data transmission protocol which is synchronized to a defined time interval. Synchronous SCSI can transmit data faster than asynchronous SCSI because the transmitting device does not wait for acknowledgement of each byte from the receiving device. Instead, it continues to transmit data at the rate negotiated by both devices (up to 20MHz).
From a technical standpoint, synchronous refers to a communication mode that takes place simultaneously. In the context of on-line dialogue, synchronous citizen engagement refers to an on-line dialogue between participants that occurs at a preset time and does require simultaneous contribution by the group members.
A network where transmission system payloads are synchronized to a master (network) clock and traced to a reference clock.
Interacting with content and others at the same time in real time.
A form of communication transmission with a direct timing relationship between input and output signals. The transmitter and receiver are in sync and signals are sent at a fixed rate.
a learning mode in which the time of the delivery of instruction must be the same as the reception of the instruction
Communication that occurs simultaneously between individuals with instant access to information and an opportunity for feedback. Synchronous e-Learning can provide instant feedback on a student's performance and allows the training to be adjusted immediately if needed. The disadvantages of synchronous e-Learning are that the training is not self-paced and the logistics of scheduling, time zones, and student availability need to be managed.
(Synchrome) : Having a constant time interval between successive bits, characters or events. Synchronous transmission uses no redundant information to identify the beginning and the end of the characters, and thus is faster and more efficient than asynchronous transmission, which uses start and stop bits. The timing is achieved by transmitting sync characters prior to data ; usually synchronisation can be achieved in two or three character times.
Circuitry that changes state only in response to a common clock, as opposed to asynchronous circuitry that responds to a multitude of derived signals. Synchronous circuits are easier to design, debug, and modify, and tolerate parameter changes and speed upgrades better than asynchronous circuits.
Protocols that require the clocks of communicating machines or devices to be coordinated.
A process that is carried out in real time.
Instruction takes place at a scheduled time. This may occur on-site or with the teacher and students geographically separate. elecommunications course A course offered principally (more than 50%) through the use of television, audio, or computer transmission, including open broadcast and closed circuit TV, cable, microwave, satellite, audio conferencing, computer conferencing, or video cassettes and discs. The term does not include a course that is delivered using video cassettes or recordings unless the institution also delivers the instruction on the cassette or disc to students physically attending classes at the institution during the same award year. If a course does not meet the definition of a telecommunications course, it is considered a correspondence course.
Data transmissions in which the time of occurrence of each signal representing a bit is related to a fixed timing reference. No start and stop bits are appended to each character.
A data transfer at a fixed rate. The transmitter and receiver are controlled by clock pulses.
Acting in a lockstep fashion, with each event occurring in a precise order, or in such a way as to eliminate the notion of order entirely.
A type of two-way communication that occurs with virtually no time delay, allowing participants to respond in real time. [ 10
Communications between the student and teacher that take place simultaneously.
A type of pacing in which output pulses are delivered in response to a sensed event, usually after an appropriate delaying timing cycle. For example, atrial synchronous pacing provides atrial pacing in response to sensed atrial activity. Examples of synchronous modes are AAT, AATR, VVT, WTR, DDD and DDDR.
Data transmitted along a communication line in a continuous stream via serial or parallel lines according to an established timing sequence. Typically used in high-speed local area networks (LANs) and mainframe computer configurations.
A data communication scheme that transmits data in reference to a master clock signal. The clock can be a separate signal or can be part of the data.
Occurring together, simultaneous.
At the same time; Telephone conversations, Internet Talk, Internet Relay Chat, and MUDs are forms of synchronous communications, in which communications are undertaken with the assumption of unnoticeable time intervals between exchanges. Today, many phone communications are asynchronous, since we use voice mail and answering machines that allow intervals between communication exchanges.
(sin-chro-nus) : at the same time; for example, cancer in both breasts at the same time is synchronous. See also, bilateral.
An event that happens, exists or arises at the same time as another event. In contrast with asynchronous.